View Full Version : Let me share with you a story about the origins of crickets' wings.

08-25-2005, 09:30 PM
In the beginning of time, there was a cricket named Chirpalt. He was not a very happy cricket. Chirpalt was always feeling down and depressed. He did not have many cricket friends. Being a cricket was really boring. All he could do was crawl around on the ground. Many of the crickets at this time felt the same way. One day, Chirpalt decided that he would not stand for all of this boredom. He decided to do something about it. Chirpalt decided to ask everyone what he could do for fun. He asked the trees but they told him that they were much too busy feeding and providing homes for animals to help Chirpalt out. Next he tried going to the wind and asking it for help, but Chirpalt could not keep up with the winds fast movement long enough to ask it a favor! Chirpalt asked everyone he came across for help; the sun, the rocks, the grass, and the ants. None of them wanted to help him. One night Chirpalt was about to go to sleep when he saw the moon, high in the sky. He begged the moon for something to keep him from being bored so much. The moon told Chirpalt that if he could cross the largest meadow in the land during the darkness of one night, he would cast a great spell that would relieve the crickets of their sorrows. Chirpalt readily accepted the challenge and began his journey across the large meadow. Chirpalt climbed blade of grass after blade of grass. He got very tired, but he pushed himself onward. He knew that he was doing something not only for himself but all of cricket-kind. After hours of tedious travel, Chirpalt finally reached the last blade of grass on the other side of the meadow just as the sun was rising. He lay down to rest and found that he had grown wings! Chirpalt could now fly from grass blade to grass blade. All of the crickets had so much fun flying around all day that when the moon came out all of the crickets began to chant: “CHIRP! CHIRP! CHIRP!” Chirpalt finally felt like he had done something right. He now had many friends and was the happiest he had ever been in his life.

08-25-2005, 09:59 PM

08-26-2005, 01:01 PM

much <3

08-26-2005, 01:06 PM

much <3


08-26-2005, 02:18 PM
or bob marley: one <3

08-26-2005, 02:27 PM
or bob marley: one <3
