View Full Version : intellifeed revy vs eggy for my tr pro

08-26-2005, 12:03 PM
Im not sure which to go with on this one, i have a automag ule rt pro and have an intellifeed installed on the grip and a rvvy i have. I was thinking about it and i coouuld put an intellifeed on my eggy but that would prolly mess with the paint, It seems like the intel revvy isnt guna be as good as the egg. What do you guys think.
y board eggy OR intellifed x board revvy ???

give me a shout! _JAKE

08-26-2005, 12:05 PM
Ive used both, and I prefer the egg simpl because sometimes the revvy just wont load right, and i dont like shaking it.

08-26-2005, 12:08 PM
Ive used both, and I prefer the egg simpl because sometimes the revvy just wont load right, and i dont like shaking it.

thats what i mean, the revvy doesnt have a consistant feed like an egg. the paddle works only when its at least half full.

08-26-2005, 12:57 PM
personally id say keep the revvy for now and save up for a halo or empire b. the egg has an odd shape/balance to it, slower feed rate, and cracks easily. the halo/reloader b is faster, has a better shape/balance, and could crack over time but is still much better quality than an egg. plus you can always get a rip drive if you need it, or an aftermarket drive cone, or a new board. although the stock board is easily fast enought to keep up with most markers, its rare that drive cones break and you wont need a rip often, although it can be useful.

08-26-2005, 01:40 PM
i agree with slade on this one. keep using what you have now and save for a halo. besides, the revy is the only motorized loader that will feed when the batteries die, or even without batteries. it may not be the fastest or most reliable without batteries but it will feed. save for a halo with a cheeta board and it will be the last loader you'll need to buy.


08-26-2005, 01:54 PM
good call i supose,, well before i get a halo b i need to sell my clear y board eggy....any one want it for 50 shipped anywhere? itll be in the sell forum later.

08-26-2005, 01:55 PM
I don't think you need a halo for a mech rt ule mag. I love my ricochet, the paddles spin every time a ball loads, and its alot cheaper than a halo or a reloader

08-26-2005, 02:22 PM
i agree with slade on this one. keep using what you have now and save for a halo. besides, the revy is the only motorized loader that will feed when the batteries die, or even without batteries. it may not be the fastest or most reliable without batteries but it will feed. save for a halo with a cheeta board and it will be the last loader you'll need to buy.


Wrong. No revvy I have ever used has been able to do that. Also, the Ricochet Apache can feed as a standard gravity loader if the batteries go dead. It's designed to work that way. The Halo B or Reloader B can also feed without batteries with the Rip drive.

08-26-2005, 02:31 PM
good call i supose,, well before i get a halo b i need to sell my clear y board eggy....any one want it for 50 shipped anywhere? itll be in the sell forum later.

Call me Mr. Obvious but if you already have an Egg wouldn't the smart thing to do be try each one on the field and see which works better with you gun?

I don't know seems pretty clear to me :confused:

08-27-2005, 03:23 PM
i think you should intellifeed the egg. itll probably give the best performance.

Head knight of Ni
08-27-2005, 04:04 PM
Wrong. No revvy I have ever used has been able to do that. Also, the Ricochet Apache can feed as a standard gravity loader if the batteries go dead. It's designed to work that way. The Halo B or Reloader B can also feed without batteries with the Rip drive.

They can but they're not the only loader that can. The ReloaderA/2 can as well and is built sturdier.

08-28-2005, 10:41 AM
i think you should intellifeed the egg. itll probably give the best performance.
How dose one intellifeed an egg?

08-28-2005, 08:02 PM
How dose one intellifeed an egg?
the same way the revvy is done basically but i dont kno if id do that because the way the eggy is set up to run...it might mess the propeller or paint up. I "field tested them both today, and while the intellifed revy worked it was louder and at times ran like the eye wasnt blocked and i kno i didnt have the trigger down. Too problematic so i think ill jsut go for the egg or even a better hopper cuz i plan on getting a emag or xmag soon.

08-29-2005, 03:48 PM
I'm using a z-boarded egg and it feeds fine at 16. I don't have eyes just LX and when it was almost completly out of paint I did hear the LX kick in a few times. I replaced my shells a few weeks ago and they are "slighly" better, screw holes are reinforced a little bit more but they didn't change anything on the wonderfull(sarcasm) batery retainers.

08-29-2005, 04:32 PM
the same way the revvy is done basically but i dont kno if id do that because the way the eggy is set up to run...it might mess the propeller or paint up. I "field tested them both today, and while the intellifed revy worked it was louder and at times ran like the eye wasnt blocked and i kno i didnt have the trigger down. Too problematic so i think ill jsut go for the egg or even a better hopper cuz i plan on getting a emag or xmag soon.

It keeps running because of the microswitch. Pull the trigger again, & it should stop. That being said, I don't like Revvies anyways, I only keep mine as backup/to fill my Qloader