View Full Version : The life without paintball aka what do you do?

08-26-2005, 06:02 PM
This about the life outside of paintball. Some would argue paintball is part of their lives. True enough.

What do you do for a living?

This is not a how much money you make question, as there is no shame in an honest living. I just would like to know how different your weekday lives are compared to your paintball lives. Some of us are students, some of are graduates but almost all of us are player of the game.

Official title: PCD (page composition/designer) AKA glorified typesetter/layout guy
I work for a publishing company and do layouts for testbooks and textsbooks for school districts.

I pull a 9 to 5.
i wear buttondown shirt, slacks and dark shoes. My cubicle is littered with paintball stickers, mags and other paraphenalia. I have a co worker that plays paintball as well. Its quite around here, a stark comaparison to what life is like on the field. I suppose its is like that with everybody.

I like my job.

08-26-2005, 06:11 PM
im a high school student. most likely i will have a job next year at the Vermont Tent Company, as my bro workds theer and can get me a job next year. thats all i have to say.

08-26-2005, 06:12 PM
I'm an account manager for Nextel/Sprint. I manage a portfolio of corporate accounts based out of the New England market -- roughly about 8000 units total. I'm salary and work 8-5, I have a good size desk and I really enjoy my job. It gets me on the road more often than I'm in the office - which is nice. I've been working at the company for 5 years but I've been in wireless for almost 9.

08-26-2005, 06:13 PM
Well, im a high school student most the time.

My job is drilling PDS for bkos and bushmasters.... still paintball!

08-26-2005, 06:16 PM
Im in 10th grade, and all i do is, play hockey and go to school. Except for in the summers when im online all the time :nono:

08-26-2005, 06:17 PM
High School Student/Warehouse Technician (aka load/unload trucks)

A world without paintball wouldn't be too horrific, we still got beer, woman, and sports.

08-26-2005, 06:33 PM
I am a high school student, with college just around the corner *eek*, so, looking at schools/getting applications. My job besides school is teaching young kids how to play soccer at the local YMCA, dosent make tons of cash, but, supports my paintball (just barely, cut grass on the side as well) but, its enjoyable and i can get exercise chasing those little buggers. Also lead a fairly active social life, if im not balling can be found out and about (espicially since the lady friend left for college in kansas, back on the prowl per-say).

08-26-2005, 06:38 PM
IM a apprentice Truck/Bus mehcanic.

Currently (for one more week LOL) i repair school buses. I like it as its constantly challening me and is always intresting. My current place i have my own bay with a drive on hoist. It seems i have more invested in tools than i have made in the last few years LOL but i still enjoy the work for the most part. My tool box is RIDLED with CAT, Detroit Diesel, Ford, GMC, Powerstroke, and veariouse other Diesel automotive badges (maybe i outa toss on some paintball ones :rolleyes: ).

ON september 6th Start my new job at Ryder truck rentals repairing their fleet of trucks from gas job f150's to the big gun frightliners and Internationals. I look forward to working on the big stuff AGAIN but at the same time going to miss my old work.

Paint ball is an EXTREAMLY minute part of my life as i rarly play anymore ( been over a year). My main hobbies are Diesel Truck performance (still working on getting my OLD 7.3 Turbo Diesel ford to smoke my buddies 03 dodge cummins) But more recently iv fallen for the motorcycle bug and am currently looking for a nice used bike of my own (tired of rideing my mothers bike LOL).

08-26-2005, 06:58 PM
I work for a wholesale jewelry manufacturer. I am the diamond and gemstone buyer as well as being the designer of our lines of jewelry. I do all of my design work with the computer so i pretty much sit at a desk all day long. Sounds Like more fun than it is.

08-26-2005, 07:00 PM
Well, I am in highschool, but I work on exhaust for vehicles of all shapes and sizes.

If I didn't have paintball, I'd probably just keep on working. I have tried most things, trains(the sets...) model cars, trading cards, soccer, basketball, etc etc and then the only thing that I ever got interested in enough to keep on doing it, was making money in some shape way or form. So, if I didn't have paintball, I'd probably have a job that had alot more hours to offer, and maybe another hobby,.

08-26-2005, 07:10 PM
im a civilian contractor for the Army. and i have a rather wierd work schedule. a month or two of doing absolutely nothing but surfing the net. followed by a month or two of testing, which involves 12-15 hour workdays, 7 days a week. i did a 100 hour work week not to long ago. man, it was hard, but the paycheck made up for it.

08-26-2005, 07:18 PM
I'm still in College, I'm going for education, now I just have to pick a subject.

I work for Pepsi part time, I am basically a glorified shelf stocker, I go to 5 different stores and take the Pepsi from the back room and put it on the shelves and build displays (so when all you people see those big Pepsi displays in your local supermarket appreciate them a bit more because they are a pain), it sucks but hey its money to pay the bills.

Evil Bob
08-26-2005, 07:28 PM
Used to be in middle management doing IT/Customer Support/Anything computer/Internet related in Silicon Valley until my job potential were pretty much all outsourced to India. Add to that 3 layoffs in 2 years, I called it quits on high tech 2 years ago this coming October. Now days I work early AM's at UPS and teach martial arts in the evenings, decidedly low tech carreer path at this point.

-Evil Bob

08-26-2005, 07:30 PM
I manage an auto repair shop. I sell cars on the side and rent U-hauls as well. Basically I sit at my desk and hope everything goes right and panic when it doesn't :)

Creative Mayhem
08-26-2005, 07:40 PM
My life other than paintball is relatively uneventful. I work the nightshift at a local supermarket stocking the shelves for all you people to come and mess up ;) Aside from work I try to sleep during the day(usually unsuccessfully:(), SCUBA/help teach SCUBA, and spend time with my little brother and lil sister. Other than that, there is of course,.. beer. HOORAY BEER!

08-26-2005, 07:51 PM
I'm a software engineer/consultant working with the IBM iSeries (AS/400). When not at work the kids take up most of my time, especially since the arrival of the baby (14 months old). :D


<img src="http://www.synreal.net/sig/hitech.gif">

Hey Hitech your starting to sound like me! - AGD
Hitech is the man.... :eek: - Blennidae
The only Hitech Lubricant (http://www.kercon.com)

08-26-2005, 07:54 PM
Congrats hitech.

thnx for sharing yall!

08-26-2005, 07:56 PM
Well my first job is working at the paintball factory, in garland TX. :p

The other is I am a small time sports photographer. I work for this couple that have a Trailer, computers, and some nice camera's setup (I havemy own film amd 4mp digi cam but they aren't that great compared to these). We take pictures of little league games, softball, and I think we're getting into football now. It's pretty fun to see how well certain pictures of yours turned out and you sit there and think, DAMN i took that picture! I get compliments from parents about my pictures. I don't personally think they are the best in the world. But deffinately better than what some parents can pull off as far as photography. :D

And of course im getting into college starting... monday. Good times.

08-26-2005, 08:46 PM
right now as in this week what do i do?? make cookies, iron clothes with tons of starch, sew whatever i feel like sewing, swim, ride bikes with the kids, go for walks, shopping for a new car, house hunting, drs appointments, painting the place, and clipping cupons.ect.. it is boring as crap, i can't keep busy enough

I am actually on "medical leave" for a few months (gotta love drs that don't realize staying at home to "rest" is more work then going to work). Normally I would be making schedules, ordering beer, ordering liquor, tasting the new wines, and flirting with customers.. so officially I am still a BEER WENTCH. I love workig in the service industry, i like the fast pace atmosphere, i love the people, and i love being able to pour a draft beer with the perfet amount of head. :cheers:

I am however working twards my hotel/restraunt degree (4 year) and taking some courses in fashion design and interior design on the side, I have a facination with both of those, just wouldn't want to do them as a way to live. Then they would not be as much fun.

08-26-2005, 09:22 PM
I'm a high school student going into senior year. I've got a job as a cashier at the local supermarket. Beign a cashier is basically about sucking people's nuts all day. So I switched to working "helping hands". Basically we push carts around and help people load their cars. We goof off most of the time though lol. Way better than cashier. I also work on register sometimes still.

I also am into military model making. I like doing dioramas of battle scenes mostly, but I also like doing planes. I did a really sweet diorama of Little Roundtop at Gettysburg. I also am really into history and law. I'll most likely major in history and go through the pre-law program in college. I want to go Navy after that so I'm applying to NROTC and the Academy. Ultimately, I want to be a JAG lawyer and then a maritime lawyer in the civilian world.

Other than that, I have a girlfriend and a car. How I can afford paintball I do not know.

08-26-2005, 09:36 PM
I am a semi-professional Hip hop DJ by the moniker "krazym/fkut", serving the san diego area. Just finishing up my summer residencies at two local clubs. ( school started up again....math major)

Currently attending community college and planning to transfer in the future. Like i said, im a math major and hope to do some engeneering as well.

Aside from DJing in the clubs, I am a acomplished producer/composer of hip hop music. I work and proform In the group, Lyke Mynds in and around the southern california area. You can check out our music at:


For my regular job I work at KKL, A revolutionary surfboard factory where we shape surfboards using CNC machiens and computers. My brother is the manager/ head programer, so working for family is nice. I run one of the 3 CNC machines on the 8:00 pm -2:00am shift. Garveyard...who hoo. You can check out KKL's webpage at

www.kklmachine.com Check it if your into CNC and machineing.

I am on the outs of a semi-semi- professional skateboarding career. I still skate 4-5 times a week but cant keep up with the level the sport has risen to. Im no longer interested in a career in skating, but rather a lifetime of further enjoyment of the sport. I still film a little here and there for random so-cal pros, depending on whether im at the right session at the right time. I live in encinitas, a town with a extencive history of pros either comming out of here or at least living here at some point in their career. I went to a rather skate-famous highschool, San Dieguito, which is home to the San dieguito 10 rail, the chris lambert TWS cover shot double set, the locker room 13, the 12 rail Arto Sari slammed on and went to the hospital in flip's "SORRY" video, and lastly the Muska double kinked from welcome to hell...to name a few. Skating is a large, if not the largest part of my life.

I had Quite a rollerhockey career as a youngster (California state champs)and have continued playing in at the highschool, college, and mens level. Its my skeleton in the closet so to speak. Rollerhockey isnt too cool in the skateboard scene. I still play pick up now and then, but its hard to squeeze it in now that i paintball so much.

I have been playing serious tourny paintball for about a year now, and paintball in general for about 2 years. Im still quite raw with my skills, but I am practicing alot now. My Djing expierence helps me with walking the trigger because in djing there is a scratch called a twiddle, which involves alternating your pointer and middle finger rapidly, so my walking speed is ok. I pull a solid 12-13 bps with my right and a 10 with my left shooting a non-vision impy (still waiting on a devilmag....dont even ask how i feel about it). I enjoy paintball alot, and am slowly plugging myself into the vast paintball scene here in so-cal. Just won my first 3-man even at the local field and scored me some nice new empire pants fer winnin.

Other than that, I skimboard, snowboard, surf, and play a little golf.

Lastly, on top of all that i hang with my girlfriend, Cassie. We have been going out for almost 8 years now, so its quite the relationship. Shes super cool, and beautiful, and very easy going. She even came to AO NorCal vs. SoCal with me. She played more games than me due to the fact that my devilmag wasnt done yet and i didnt have a gun. I took this great pic of her seconds after she got bunkered for the forst time. This guy from a local team stitched her up good....errr i mean bad.

monkey photo#1

monkey photo#2 standard nollie noseslide on a bench i just built recently :dance:

08-26-2005, 09:43 PM
i love being able to pour a draft beer with the perfet amount of head. :cheers:

getting perfect head is definitely an art that isn't mastered by all........bartenders? :dodgy:

08-26-2005, 10:07 PM
"Lies, damned lies and statistics"

I am a Census Liaison Officer with Statistics Canada. Mostly, I produce custom data tables on demand for other government departments.

Wanna know how many unemployed immigrant male tree surgeons with PhD's there are in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan? Fifteen*. All numbers rounded off. (*this one I just made up)

Besides paintball, I bike and play ultimate frisbee, golf and disc-golf. And I like to sit on patios and drink beer.

08-26-2005, 10:08 PM
I am going to be a sophmore. I work at a Vet Clinic, and enjoy it and that's good because I want to go to college to be a Vet(yeah right) or Vet Tech(local school, easy to get into). I get paid like $5 after taxes, but I get a raise in like a month. :cheers: It has pretty wierd hours... usually 2 hours in the morning and two at night (when I'm actually working). It feeds my paintball addicition, but if I didn't have that I'd probly spend more money on going out with my girlfriend.

08-26-2005, 10:14 PM
L.P.N./dialysis technician at the veterans hospital in Tampa Fl.

get to work early, but i get off early as well. other than paintball, my kids, sister and friends help keep me sane.

08-26-2005, 11:35 PM
University student in mechanical engineering. I have a technical formation in thid field of studies also. My actual job (until tomorrow midnight as I leave it to move to a new city for University) is a student job at the hospital. I'm telephonist-receptionist (answering to the telephone and giving directions), I also work at the kitchen (but not as a chef) and at the warehouse (where they dispense the medical supplies). I'll try to find something related to my field of study while I'll be at Montreal.

08-27-2005, 12:01 AM
I deal with the dregs of society on a daily basis.

08-27-2005, 12:18 AM
College student majoring in physics.

08-27-2005, 12:27 AM
Paintball is my living . . . . . . .

But just in case it turns out that I suck at business, I am about 6hrs away from a BS in Mining Engineering with a Minor in Explosives Engineering. You always gotta have a plan B (and sometimes C, D, E . . . .).

God I hope I can stay in PB full time, I'm not sure I can handle a real job. :eek: ;)

Recon by Fire
08-27-2005, 01:00 AM
I got moved from my position, a "promotion"....now i'm stuck in a fortified building (bricked over windows, metal vault doors, covered in sandbags) and get to look at a computer screen for 12 hours every night. Some promotion, but I don't have to wear body armor now...

No paintball here either at all, you would likely get shoy by something that marks more than paint :wow:

08-27-2005, 03:00 AM
getting perfect head is definitely an art that isn't mastered by all........bartenders? :dodgy:

THANKS you just made me choke on my ice.
It is a learned trait, not many can master it.. Have to have the right pressure on the system, and keep the shaking of the barrels to a minimum...
I would not suggest ever having the bus boys hook it up either.. they seem to mess things up cause they are so young.

08-27-2005, 09:44 AM
I am a game tester. Work like 50 60 hours a week playing freaking games all day.
Before yall all go kewl , the place I work for makes slot machines for casinos
So I play slot games all day and night. My most hated game is called Luck's Pot Ol Gold :wow:


bound for glory
08-27-2005, 10:17 AM
i'm a history teacher and i play bloodbowl.

08-27-2005, 11:09 AM
Stay safe and shoot straight Recon...........................

I am a Distribution Center manager for an importing company by day, computer geek with my own side business by night... full time tinkerer and always looking for new creative outlets....

Currently I am in the proccess of remodeling a house me and my fiance just bought... used to be my grandparents, and then my uncles.... major renovations.. adding about 900sq ft.. contractors, architects, the whole mess... lots of headaches.. but when is all said and done I will be able to come home to my jaccuzi and white picket fence.

08-27-2005, 11:46 AM
I'm a Quality control inspector for C&D Zodiac Aerospace. I work with the interior parts of the plane, floor & cabin panels etc. Other than that I'm a game geek (not video) & a dad. More like all purpose punching bag & ultimate fighting championship referee!!

08-27-2005, 12:02 PM
Im an Operator for a low sulfur fuel oil burning power plant for Hawaiian Electric. Since we are a base load unit, my hours are on a weekly rotating shift, 24/7. Been averaging 68 hour work weeks with no days off since late June. :(

Side note: Im surprised at the amount of white collar types here that are into paintball. Guess it shows how much I know :p

08-27-2005, 12:21 PM
I'm a high School student looking to get a job at one of my local paintball fields starting January or February

08-27-2005, 12:28 PM
I'm a chef at a 4 Diamond restaurant, the Roycroft Inn in my home town. It takes up all my weekends and lately a good portion of the rest of the week as well, gotta love second shift! I do enjoy culinary arts, that's what I am studying in college, although I would like to get some business or hospitality management classes in there as well. Besides playing paintball, I shoot a lot of pool. I love going to the pool hall at 11-12 pm and shooting pool and relaxing for a few hours before I head home, ya can never just sleep after work so I'm always out doing something.

08-27-2005, 12:46 PM
I am a game tester. Work like 50 60 hours a week playing freaking games all day.
Before yall all go kewl , the place I work for makes slot machines for casinos
So I play slot games all day and night. My most hated game is called Luck's Pot Ol Gold :wow:

Whoa, I won't call it cool since I don't like video games that much, but its very interesting.

As for me I'm a junior in highschool, trying to get good grades/act score. I have so many interests that it is overwhelming for me. Some things I am considering doing is being an architect, some kind of engineer, perferably mechanical or electrical. Another thing I think I would enjoy is being some kind of drug conselor or something like that.

As for what I do for fun, I play paintball 1 or 2 times a week. Being a pro paintballer would be great. In 2006 I get to play the entire psp series playing div 3 or 2 xball. My newest love is tennis. I play 3 or so times a week and am getting good at it. Nothing like a good overhead smash. I also love cars and like messing with them, I hope to get into car audio once I get some more money.

My job which I just got is at Pottery Barn unloading stuff from boxes and processing it, carrying packages for customers, and stocking shelves. I get $7.00p/hour before taxes. It is a really easy job.

08-27-2005, 07:28 PM
I am an IBEW electrician specializing in industrial mechanical and motor control installations... I work all kinds of hours and all kinds of shifts depending on the location, size, etc. of the job... I put in about 2500 hours last calendar year, and I am on pace to hit 2800 this year...

I'm into too many hobbies for my own good (not to mention by wallet's)... I am into road cycling, mountain biking, musclecars, I dig heavy metal, and, of course, paintball... Got married and bought my first house in March... No plans for kids for a few years...

08-27-2005, 07:55 PM
I am a high school student. I love to snowboard in the winter. I usually go about once a week (the Poconos are way too easy).

I am also in my high school's robotics club. And I must say, it was as good if not better than playing paintball. It allows me to work with my hands, design parts and machines, etc. It allowed me to travel to Atlanta with 35 other friends and do what we love. I can say that I am 95% sure I will get a degree in mechanical engineering.

Oh, and I have made nearly $1000 this summer, and I have never held a real job.

08-27-2005, 07:59 PM
I am a college student, 2nd year, and hate every minute of it.

But boy do I love studying Japanese, so fun!

EDIT - and Skateboarding, I'm really good at that too.

08-27-2005, 09:41 PM
college student (art general studies with an emphasis in metal sculpture)
part time nude model for the college.
ALIAS trainee.

i love to forge steel, i feel it is what i was made for. i've just finished my first swept hilt rapier basket, and a set of mitten gauntlets. i've been machining parts for my mag and my semiauto pgp.

i enjoy the modeling gig, it sure is a heck of a way to meet people. it pays the bills and allows me a few hours to space out and get my head straight.

ALIAS is one of the most widely known computer design programs and the one used by General Motors to design all of their vehicles, and i am learning it. hopefully i'll be able to make a career out of it. i may eventually learn to use it's sister program MAYA, which is used by the motion picture industry (jurassic park).

08-27-2005, 10:03 PM
I work for a company that designs and builds lighting systems for the automotive industry. The latest project I'm on is the forward lighting for the new Charger, my line is the side marker which we just finished ramping up to full production.

08-27-2005, 10:16 PM
Sophomore in highschool. Paintball on weekends, tutor kids in Kumon for minimum wage, walk dogs and lawns. When I get my license I hope to get a 'real' job that pays more.

08-28-2005, 07:31 AM
I am a highschool student
I work in my parents surfshop in the summer www.surfintheeye.com
In the summer I spend all my time surfing
In the winter I snowboard
I get to play paintball about once every weekend(if I'm lucky) in november, december, march and april

Well that sums up my life. w00t :dance: are cool

08-28-2005, 10:25 AM
Life without paintball? Well, I have to admit, it's coming close to a year since I last played. There have been many factors to why I stopped playing for so long. I am a game designer and currently work at Sony's development team down here in San Diego, SCEA. Originally, I lived in the Los Angeles area but ever since my decision to move down, I've been quite busy with my new job. Since I'm fairly new at Sony, having to prove my worth all over again means working very long hours.

Another major factor in why I stopped was my re-discovery of my love of riding my bike. When I was growing up as a teen in high school, riding was my lifestyle. But when college came around, my riding ceased and I became focused on what I would be doing in my future. That was around 1992. Around the same time, paintball was becoming too expensive for me. I would dump so much money into the sport but only play once or twice a month if I'm lucky. To only play on weekends once in a while wasn't enough to justify the cost anymore. So instead of buying a ton of paintball stuff, I decided to put my money into a new bike which meant I can ride anytime during the week and anywhere. And for the most part, it was a one shot deal.

Paintball was my only source of exercise for a while...needless to say, because of the low frequency of play, I didn't do much and I started to gain a little more weight than I liked. Getting back on the bike allowed me to be more consistent with my physical activities on a daily basis.

Family life at home was also another factor. Because of the move, a lot of focus went into trying to get everyone else's life transitioned to our new location. It's only now that things are starting to fall into place and for the most part, been a positive experience for everyone.

Well, here are some parting shots of me and my new love/lifestyle:


These were taken a few months ago up in Malibu beach where someone had organized a jam session. But I haven't completely forgotten about paintball. My love of red and black came from my other favorite machine:


Maybe one of these days, I'll get back to playing a little paintball.

08-29-2005, 07:50 AM
This about the life outside of paintball. Some would argue paintball is part of their lives. True enough.

What do you do for a living?

I like my job.

Paintball is my living.

I like my Job.

Despite the amount of time I've worked in the industry and in a large variety of capacities and different companies...Paintball does NOT provide me with the living I've grown a custom too and therefore for the last several years I have been forced to suppliment that income with a variety of others. It's my specualtion that in the not to distant future....I will no longer have the time or desire to continue burning the candle at both ends and will likely move out of the paintball world entirely. The furure of Paintball is in mass market production and importing manufacturered goods, neither of which I have any interest in doing full time. ;)

So there you have it. :)

I guess , FYI , I'm also a licenced Real Estate agent in the state of Florida and plan to pursue that in greater degrees in the near future.


Big'n slo
08-29-2005, 08:02 AM
Civil Engineer/CAD Manager/Survey Coordinator by day
Drunk by night

08-29-2005, 10:15 AM
I am an SNT-TC-1A Level II (MT,PT,UT and VT) Technician. My company specializes in surface and volumetric inspections of turbines and generators (and anything else the utility can come up with). I travel alot and I am typically gone for atleast 7 months a year. The pay is nice and expenses are covered :headbang:

When I am home I play vampire (yes, I am a gammer geek), video games, clean etc.....

Paintball is my only exercise while not working, so without it I will blimp out badly.


08-29-2005, 11:34 AM
I am a professional artist, and my day job is doing graphic design and illustration for a company which specializes in kids toys for fast food in Europe. I don't really get to play paintball much anymore becuase of time/money...mostly money, so for me most of my paintball time these days is spent reading about it or enjoying the memories of my ten years I did get to play a lot. I'm currently trying to get back into playing more though, so hopefully that happens soon as I love this sport a lot.


08-29-2005, 09:57 PM
I sweat...

I'm a classically trained dancer, I spend my time in a studio tossing my partner, or myself into the air. Paintball is like knitting compared to Don Quixote.

08-29-2005, 11:21 PM
Network admin for a military contracting firm that produces batteries. Lately they want me to throw on a suit and switch over to their marketing div because no seems to have a clue what the heck they are doing.

In the mean time I'm trying to look into starting a business w/ my pops.

08-30-2005, 12:39 AM
I'm an Air Force contracted C-130J Flight Simulator Technician. I worked on C-130E sims for just over a year before I moved to the nice, new J model. Before that, I spent 8 years actually in the Air Force--five of which were in beautiful Okinawa, Japan.

Anyway, I'd like to move up from the technician side to Simulator Certification for the gov't. Basically, I'd just travel around a couple of times a year and make sure the sims work the way they are supposed to.

I don't get to play paintball as often as I'd like. I play every couple of months at this point, but any extra money I can scrounge (which isn't much) goes into my Mag...thanks, Rogue and Tuna!

08-30-2005, 03:05 AM
This summer I worked up on a secluded(spelling?) mountain in alaska, in one of the richest gold areas in like the world. I made like 2g in a month and Im pretty happy about that. I am just now going to be starting my freshman year in highschool, and I am not the most popular kid you will meet. I have never had a gf(or even kissed a girl for that matter :wow: ) and I do not predict one in the near future. I have never done drugs/smoked/alcohol(don't plan to). I am a very outspoken person with a very high self esteem(dont care about what people think of me, at all). I am somewhat intelligent, and I hate to brag/braggarts. Also, I have very high morals and I hate lieing to anyone. Well, now you know more than my mom:p.

I feel so spilled out :rofl:

08-30-2005, 12:32 PM
Cube warrior. Doing account management for financial services client. Direct.

Yup, that guy.

Trying to get a screenplay together.

08-30-2005, 12:42 PM
Nice too see that we all have altenate lives outside the paintball world.
So Monday to Friday I build plastic injection molds for different industries, and my day is mostly spent on a 3 axis CNC milling machine.
And weekends are spent doing ( other than paintball ), judging car audio for the International Auto Sound Challange Association all over Canada and the US.
And being Crew Chief for my best friends dragbike. ( L / R Dan rider & Gord crew chief )
I have very little time for much else. :cry:


08-30-2005, 01:23 PM
I'm a Fisheries Specialist at the National Marine Fisheries Service. Considering that I was a Paralegal for 10 years with aquaculture and fishing as a hobby it's sweet to now be getting paid to do what I used to do/read about for fun.

Between the job, paintball, and homebrewing I bairly have time to drink the beer I make.... :cheers:

08-30-2005, 01:51 PM
I actually was thinking of posting this exact thread the other day!

I do 3d. I work at a studio in Dallas called ReelFX. I do 3d modeling, UV/texture/photoshop/shader work, environment lighting, character lighting, and some light compositing. We do commercial work, and 3d stuff for video and feature film. It pays the bills :)

Recon by Fire
08-30-2005, 04:21 PM
I got moved from my position, a "promotion"....now i'm stuck in a fortified building (bricked over windows, metal vault doors, covered in sandbags) and get to look at a computer screen for 12 hours every night. Some promotion, but I don't have to wear body armor now...

No paintball here either at all, you would likely get shoy by something that marks more than paint :wow:

Update...recently got a real promotion and am now running the place, MFIC! Got a $25K raise too :)

08-31-2005, 09:41 AM
Update...recently got a real promotion and am now running the place, MFIC! Got a $25K raise too :)

Congrats man! :wow:

09-01-2005, 07:33 PM
My current missadventures..... Wednsday Night college night. 3$ pitchers. ill type hip hop jointz provided by yours truly..(notice the extream monkey face of concentration. good thing i have a mask in pantball)

http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/2692/squidjoes2a7yb.th.jpg (http://img202.imageshack.us/my.php?image=squidjoes2a7yb.jpg)

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/9443/squidjoes3a2od.th.jpg (http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=squidjoes3a2od.jpg)

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/4723/squidhoes5a1nw.th.jpg (http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=squidhoes5a1nw.jpg)

...And a little look into the cave i have been living in with fellow hip hop afficionista J. Livingston aka LIV. Beat making. production. live instruments. many hours have been logged in there...

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/3023/krazyandliv2a6zb.th.jpg (http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=krazyandliv2a6zb.jpg)

09-02-2005, 03:03 AM
I'm in the healthcare field.

I'm a college student.

I shoot up to 6 different calibers, at least twice a week, and I'm picking up a 7th.


I'm broke.

(I have a collection cup here somewhere)

09-02-2005, 04:37 AM
Official title: Weapons Load Crew Chief.

I work until the job is done, but am unallowed to work on munitions past 12 hours. I wear dirty BDU's cause my landlord gets pissed when I do laundry during the only time of day I have off. My work environment is one of the loudest, hottest, most hazardous places of work this side of the american border. Several of the guys from the shop have played paintball and enjoy it, however we rarely get to go play as "beatings will continue until morale improve" or so the mantra goes... I find that playing paintball is highly therapudic and relaxing activity in comparision to my day to day existance. I suppose its is like that with everybody.

I convince myself that I like my job.

(note how I skillfully used the original post and altered it to reflect my own life... isnt that artistic?)

09-02-2005, 09:02 PM
IM a senior in high school. My life if pretty much based all around paintball. I manage a proshop 6 days a week, then when im not at my shop, im helping a close friend run his field. I have a little time left for the girl.

Target Practice
09-03-2005, 02:27 AM
I put holes in things.

Mostly berms.

09-03-2005, 09:28 AM
I am a site safety co-ordinator for a waste co. equipment operator, and certified pipe fuser for methane and leachate piping
play x-ball every sunday for a local team in CT.

09-03-2005, 06:56 PM
Yeah, computer junkie by day.

If there wasn't paintball, there would still be Hockey, just more of it.

09-03-2005, 07:14 PM
I'm a referee at Boston Paintball, one of the largest paintball companies in new england (actually I think it is). I just got hired last month, and havent worked that much, but I know I was made for this job. Its not too hard, aside from yelling, paying attention to people's mistakes and standing for 5+ hours.

I'm a Junior in Highschool, and am an active participant in my school's ROTC unit. I hold the rank of cadet staff segeant, and am the head armorer/weapons maintainance NCO. Basicly I take care of the Drill equipment, mainly the rifles. I teach the drill team how to not **** up my rifles, and I'm in the process of restoring 19 walnut stocks, and upper and lower handguards.

I'm enlisting in the Marine Corps in two more years (damn they're going by fast). My goal is to be a small arms technician (gunsmith), but I'll do whatever the corps wants me to do wherever they see me best fit. I want to fight for my country becuase I feel I owe it to the guys out there who for 200 years fought and died for me. Plus, I feel like my country really needs me right now, since the majority of america seems to be anti-government, anti-military, anti-everything but they don't realise that the things they oppose are things that are necessities..

I seem ot be rambling.

I'm just your average 16 year old gung ho wannabie marine.

09-03-2005, 08:08 PM
I'm an ECG Technician, and a Hardware guy.

In case you don't know ECG's are heart tracings. It's fun because I get to work in an emergency room and see lots of fun stuff. I love medicine.

I also work at Maier Hardware, a local hardware store that just happens to stock paintball :clap: . I like this job too because I basically learn how to fix everything in a house.

I pretty much get no days off, and work 20 hour shifts way too often, but at least I'm having fun, and paintball is worth not getting sleep.

Will Wood
09-03-2005, 08:42 PM
Spent one year at the University of Maine. Hate the system. Waste of time and money.
If you want to do something you should concentrate on that. Not a college full of crap.

I'm leaving for the New England Culinary Institute in 4 days. For 9 months I will have a 40 hour a week of classwork, plus studying. After that I will be doing a 6 month internship someplace in the states. Once I'm done with that I'll be getting my AOS. After that I return to NECI for 6 months of even more intense work, and another 6 month internship this time outside of the states. I'll get my bachelors out of this.

Before you can even pass you have to plan out a complete restaurant (floor plan, menu, etc). It must be aprooved by a contracter and bank/lawyer.

So basically, in 27 months I will have all the skills nessessary to open my own restaurant. I will also have all the work done to get a loan and hire a contractor to build.

I'll probably just try to find a job as a manager someplace before I open my own place for a while. But Restaurant management it will be.

So for the next two years I'll have pretty much no life working my butt off.

09-04-2005, 12:55 PM
All you can eat paintball tuesdays :cheers:

09-06-2005, 09:37 PM
im a highschool sophmore thats on a contending team for the Illinois State High School Soccer title. Last year we lost to the team who won in a shoot out. Props to ne one who guesses my school/team's name :D. That really rules my life even more than pbing. i wish it were the other way round, but soccer is free ;) paintball is expensive. Especially someone with a seasonal job.

09-06-2005, 10:19 PM
I am a 5th grade teacher in Escondido CA. I have taught 4 years now and love it. Form time to time I get to shoot some of my students at the local paintball field which is so fun. My wife is also a teacher in Escondido, so we have the exact work schedule, which makes vacations great. I also surf at least 4 times a week, play soccer on two team, coed softball with my wife and on a roller hockey team (after seeing that written I think I do too much.) Before teaching I worked at a local surf shop for 10 years and was a semi pro/ pro surfer. I have only been playing paintball for about a year and a half now. My brother (Mandatory) got me a gun for my wedding present and I was hooked.

09-07-2005, 03:52 AM
I deal with the dregs of society on a daily basis.

You work at a casino too?

I work at a tribal casino in CT, as a slot attendant. I fill hoppers with coins, pay jackpots, fill ticket printers, clear coin jams, clean up around the slot machines, take abuse from guests because of the beverage department, etc.... Pay is pretty good right now (my hourly rate last week was $23.17/hr), but I've got too many bills to play paintball often.

I am a game tester. Work like 50 60 hours a week playing freaking games all day.
Before yall all go kewl , the place I work for makes slot machines for casinos
So I play slot games all day and night. My most hated game is called Luck's Pot Ol Gold :wow:


Are you referring to that Williams game with the annoying leprechaun? If so, that's one of the ones I hate the most, too.

09-07-2005, 12:08 PM
I'm a customer support specialist with a software company in Knoxville, TN...other than that...just getting ready for my wedding and still getting used to living in the south...

09-07-2005, 12:48 PM
I'm a Software Engineer for The Boeing Company. Right now I help write the software for portable VSATs (satelite comm links like the news guys use to broadcast live from Iraq.) I get to travel all over the world installing these things and we test the bandwidth by playing with an X-Box and watching DVDs, no lie!

I've been married two years and my wife is a real life Rocket-scientist. Its pretty awesome. Only 26 and she's already got a plaque in the Smithsonian.

I spend my free time hanging out with the neighborhood kids as somehow my house was designated as the cool place to be. I also sing and play the guitar. I've been known to do a little recording from time time.

09-10-2005, 02:00 AM
I have been working at a microencapsulation plant for about 4 years now. My job position is floor supervisor/lead technician so I do the production work and watch a shift of 8 guys at the same time. Luckily, I run the smartest shift so it allow me to help the guys in production instead of sitting at a desk all day like the other shift leaders do. My company specializes in encapsulating food chemicals with different vegetable oils and fats to give them a controlled release in applications depending on what customer is buying. We also encapsulate animal feed as well. We are currently breaking into the pharmaceutical end of microencapsulation, so we are very busy at the moment. We also package and sell ethylene oxide, a very reactive and flammable gas that other food companies and medical industries use primarily for sterilization purposes. It is a very interesting job that allows me to learn cool stuff on a daily basis. Benefits and pay are both real good. I have learned a multitude of things from my company that I never would have learned. I am 23 years old am I'm making $60K a year with no education other than a GED.(Yeah, I thought quitting school was a good idea at the time, but it wasn't :nono: ) And 6 out of the 8 men on my shift play paintball so thats a plus too.

09-10-2005, 10:33 PM
I manage hazardous waste for one of the contries largest biomedical research universities and I am a grad student.

when the hell did you get shipped to Iraq. PM me your address in Iraq!!!

09-12-2005, 05:29 PM
i am the saute cook at the crossing at casey jones in maryland


i start college in oct at the culinary institute of america
(the school has its own paintball team)