View Full Version : Polishing Benchmark Frame?

12-04-2001, 05:27 PM
I am getting a used 2x Benchmark frame, its black, but I really want chrome. Is it possible to polish it like you would a body, or should I leave it how it is?

I might like it how it is though.. who knows

12-04-2001, 06:49 PM
I dont think polishing the aluminum would work as you want it to, youd just be scraping the black anodizing off, where as with polishing a mainbody which is stainless steel, your just grinding down to the spot where the metal gets really shiny, making a nice finish, with the aluminum, its just a silver colored metal, and wouldnt be shiney like chrome. I could be mistaken on this, but thats how I understand it at least, someone please correct me if im wrong. I think your best bet is to get it chromed or nickel plated.

12-04-2001, 07:12 PM
If you've ever heard of a product called "Lye", I think it is some sort of drain cleaner, but you can mix up some Lye w/ water and soak your frame in it for a few hours (or how ever long it takes to take off the black finish). You will then be left w/ the raw aluminum which you would have to find a way to polish up nice. This process should work w/ no danger to your gun, but don't take my word for it, I recomend you do some other research on it.

12-04-2001, 07:59 PM
Anyone else? I may just keep it as is untill I can get a Intelliframe.

12-04-2001, 08:50 PM
If you go to a site called Caswell Plating, they have an anodize stripper that works great. After you get the black off, you can polish that aluminum frame and it will shine like a babies arse. A coat of wax and you are good to go...

12-04-2001, 09:12 PM
the stripper is $38, or am I just seeing things? Ohh man do I want to get one of those fancy anodizing kits..

12-05-2001, 04:20 PM
Any ideas, I got it, and the anno isnt in the greatest shape. It wont sand off :/

12-05-2001, 06:20 PM
dont take it off. send it to Red Rider. have him make it match your gun with a powdercoat. i think polished aluminum looks bad
especially when he does coating so cheap. Or find the phone book and look up a place that will do a new anno for you... talk nice to the shop and maybe get a good deal, a solid Anno job isnt that expensive its when you want splash/fades that it gets expensive.

Why do we pay more for Color Annos? as far as i know it takes longest in the Electro-bath to do black. yet colors are more. hmmm. the things people pay for.

$38 stripper. hmmm must be good.


12-05-2001, 06:54 PM
Yeah redrider does good stuff. That's who I am sending mine too for sure! That's a great Christmas present. I also agree, polished aluminum doesn't look to great. I would just keep the funky black powder that's on it.

12-07-2001, 09:25 PM
Talked to Red already, he cant help with what I want. I am gonna probly pick up some lye this weekend.

12-08-2001, 07:58 PM

At all costs, keep it away from your eyes.

Save yourself money and a mess by sanding with 2-300 grit sandpaper, and then with a finer grade. Finish with Mother's Mag polish or any other metal polish. Materials will run you maybe $10 or less, and it's a LOT cheaper. Plus if you have nicks in the frame, the sandpaper will do a much better job of taking them out than lye.