View Full Version : The Matrix and poor efficiency

08-27-2005, 03:04 PM
So.. I have always heard, adn accetped that the Matrix had poor efficiency.

I wanted to switch to a 45/45 tank - I also wanted to make sure I could get through my pack.

I was using a stock Proto Matrix - I filled the tank to just under 3K as I figured that was worse case scenario to get a fill to

I fired 2 Dye Locklids (160rds) and a full Empire B (160rds) all packed pretty good. I could have gotten about 50 more shots in the end.

Thats roughly 500 shots out of a 45/3K fill - somehow I don't see that as being bad efficiency, not good, but thats reasonable.

Duck Hunt
08-27-2005, 03:07 PM
Its all about your setup. I personally get 1000 shots from a 68/45 filled up to 4000.


08-27-2005, 03:40 PM
That sounds about right. Thats about the same I get from a mag.

Most want better efficiency than that though, whether they use it or not.

effeciency is over-rated. i believe more in the concept of All Day Air.

(xball being the only time when airfills are critical, and ide have 2 tanks then)

08-27-2005, 04:31 PM
Unless your really into Xball(2 tanks are a good idea^^) air effeceincy is overrated. All-day-Air is extrememly common, and if not, its usually $1 per 1000psi, so you might spend 4.5 per fill. Unless your getting like 500+ shots less than average, more than likly you'll only have to fill more than 1 time more than usual.

08-27-2005, 04:48 PM
mmm. playing X ball here, we have push button fill stations in the pitts, so, you can fill while walking on the field if needed, so, thats not a big deal for X ball IMO, which seems to be the concerns here (although, i doubt everyone local field is setup that way ;) ). But for tourneaments, if you have back to babk games, or long fill lines, can cut it close and efficency does matter, have definately been times when teammates needed fills and couldnt do it before the next game. So, i would say effeciency is important.

08-27-2005, 05:01 PM
Its all about your setup. I personally get 1000 shots from a 68/45 filled up to 4000.

Specifically what? I run a LED with Dye regs, a Evolve bolt all lubed with Slick Honey. Would it be a matter of having the lpr turned out as far as possible? The other way? Too much lube? Too little?

08-27-2005, 06:24 PM
Lube, dwell, pressure (op and LPR), volume, and flow through your bolt kit are all going to play a part in the efficiency of your Matrix. The Evolve v1 bolt is a very good bolt, and some people have reported a case per 68/45 on it.

08-29-2005, 04:09 PM
efficiency definately isnt overrated. at practice saturday i would have been able to bunker someone easily, but i was out of air... and that was the second game since i got a fill. if i wasnt out of air i would have bunkered him, but instead i have a nasty welt on my arm and my team lost the game. i hate having to fill after every game, if i forget, im screwed over.

08-29-2005, 04:24 PM
efficiency definately isnt overrated. at practice saturday i would have been able to bunker someone easily, but i was out of air... and that was the second game since i got a fill. if i wasnt out of air i would have bunkered him, but instead i have a nasty welt on my arm and my team lost the game. i hate having to fill after every game, if i forget, im screwed over.

That is not an equipment failure - that is 100% your fault. I only carry enough to get through my pack and my hopper on a 3K fill - granted there 45 but many places only go to 3. I fill every time I come off field

08-29-2005, 04:36 PM
Lohman, polish your bolt.. I'm getting mine done right now. I'm pretty sure you can do the tophat mod as well to it, similar to the DM4 -- it's basically the poor man's evolve kit.

08-29-2005, 04:36 PM
efficiency definately isnt overrated. at practice saturday i would have been able to bunker someone easily, but i was out of air... and that was the second game since i got a fill. if i wasnt out of air i would have bunkered him, but instead i have a nasty welt on my arm and my team lost the game. i hate having to fill after every game, if i forget, im screwed over.

colin, that is your fault. you should fill every time you walk off a field.

08-29-2005, 04:40 PM
colin, that is your fault. you should fill every time you walk off a field.

perhaps, but, with the right equipment, you shouldnt HAVE to, which, he does

08-29-2005, 04:58 PM
perhaps, but, with the right equipment, you shouldnt HAVE to, which, he does

but you should also know your equipment enough to know that a freestyle is a gas hog and you may not GET 2 games out of it, even if you play front. I went from shooting a VIKING with a 92ci "Fatboy" tank to a DM4 with the same tank.. I get about 1/3 less shots but still, even if I shoot a pod a game -- I fill as soon as I walk off the tournament field. You walk RIGHT BY the fill stations.

08-29-2005, 05:36 PM
My efficiency is tied to what I do. I play front, I carry two pods. I figured worse case was a 3K fill. At full speed shooting I can get through my hopper and my pods, and have a VERY little left over. Thats enough.

Keep in mind it is with a 45 tank - thats not that bad of efficiency (its not great but its acceptable).

I know when I walk off field I better be thinking air, its part of the game. I do, and then paint. Having a smaller tank keeps me more disciplined on the air situation.

08-29-2005, 05:40 PM
That is not an equipment failure - that is 100% your fault. I only carry enough to get through my pack and my hopper on a 3K fill - granted there 45 but many places only go to 3. I fill every time I come off field
true its my fault, i never said it was "equipment failure". but sometimes i forget to get fills, or dont have time to, or even at some fields they run two games back to back without leaving the field. efficiency would be nice for times like that.

luckily i had time (and remembered) to get a fill after each game in the tourney, but if i didnt it could have cost us a game, like it did during practice. forgetting to fill during practice made me remember to fill all the time during the tourney.

08-29-2005, 06:44 PM
walk RIGHT BY the fill stations.

Not necessarily, there is at least 1 field here where you have to walk up a small hill to get air. It not like an extremely far walk, but, not convient at all.

although, yeah, walk by it at most fields.

08-30-2005, 02:27 AM
lohman i realize you arent really *****ing about efficiency, but just to let you know, there are a ton of upgrades to do to the bolt kit if you so wish.

First off, as rk mentioned, is the polishing of the bolt, much like polishing of the bolt stem on a level 10, it allows the least ammount of friction on the bolt, with the orings, but this can also be done by some trial and error in finding the least resistant, yet sealing orings.

second off is slick honey. or dow 33 use it.

3rd off is bolt mods. tophat and back plug are the 2 most common. now you can do the 530 mod to the bolt back cap as seen on pbn, or you can do the following. Buy a hybrid back cap, a dye lp back cap, or send it to be bone braked. now the tophat mod is pretty self explanitory, and go to www.matrixowner.com for info, or PM hawk with the info, he wiill get you taken care of. OR. if you purchase the hybrid mods, it comes with a back cap, and a top hat piece to get you set. .

3rd is the orange bolt, pretty self explanitory, and also comes with a tophat piece to utilize.

4th is lowering lpr, again, straight forewards

and 5th is lowering dwell. once again, straight forewards.

all in all, you know im a matrix guru, self proclaimed that is, but i still run my dmc on stock ish settings. i havnt modded the bolt at all, nor have i done much to it. i have lowered my lpr, and i have set my dwell lower, but i also run m7. so thats why,

as always, if you have any q's im me, im on alot, and if im not, leave me a message, and i wiill get back to you

08-30-2005, 08:06 AM
Not necessarily, there is at least 1 field here where you have to walk up a small hill to get air. It not like an extremely far walk, but, not convient at all.

although, yeah, walk by it at most fields.

I was talking about Slade, not Lohman.

08-30-2005, 08:30 AM
true its my fault, i never said it was "equipment failure". but sometimes i forget to get fills, or dont have time to, or even at some fields they run two games back to back without leaving the field. efficiency would be nice for times like that.

Do you carry more paint than you can get through with your air? If you do, that constitutes poor planning as well. I understand where efficiency would be nice, but its overrated.

Cow hunter
08-30-2005, 09:50 AM
i get like 300 shots with my micromag from a 47/3000 tank

Scott Hudnall
08-31-2005, 08:55 PM
with my emag, using a 68/3K, I can shoot a VL Revvy, along with 2 180 rnd tubes (the old APP Magnum tubes...love those things), and still have some air left over, but not much. With my shoe-box shocker, I can basically shoot one additional tube.

There certainly are times that I wish I could shoot another tube with the emag, using the same tank, but no worries. No more tournament ball for me, at least not this year.