View Full Version : Hey cphil! bio-diesel update?

08-28-2005, 10:03 AM
Hey bud, how's the long term BD project coming along?

I'm going to be setting up my own processor here in the next 6 months and want to know how you're making out with it?

I'm going to a demo in NC soon put on by Biodiesel Solutions, If I like what I see there I'm probably going to buy their system.

Have you had any issues with your usage? How's the mileage compared to dinodiesel? What are you doing with the waste glycerine? Are you composting it?

08-28-2005, 04:30 PM
It's not waste glycerine!

Make soap out of it, sell it and then put that money back into your bio-diesel operation.

You'd be amazed at how many people out there would like to support "bio-diesel" soap.

08-28-2005, 05:52 PM
Waste Glycerine? Give back to the community by selling homemade bombs to neighborhood children.

08-28-2005, 05:54 PM
Waste Glycerine? Give back to the community by selling homemade bombs to neighborhood children.
hahahha, that was amazing.

08-28-2005, 07:10 PM
It's not waste glycerine!

Make soap out of it, sell it and then put that money back into your bio-diesel operation.

You'd be amazed at how many people out there would like to support "bio-diesel" soap.

It is waste in the classic sense in that it's a byproduct of the process. Not waste as in garbage.

08-30-2005, 11:38 AM
What are you doing with the waste glycerine?
mix it with nitric acid, then sawdust. steal some from a highschool chem lab... or you could give it to me, im taking chem this year :D.

anyone here read fight club? :ninja:

08-30-2005, 03:34 PM
mix it with nitric acid, then sawdust. steal some from a highschool chem lab... or you could give it to me, im taking chem this year :D.

anyone here read fight club? :ninja:

sorry not interested in promoting some wannabe home grown terrorist.

09-02-2005, 02:32 PM
nitric acid is really way too easy to get ahold of.

09-02-2005, 02:45 PM
sorry not interested in promoting some wannabe home grown terrorist.
ouch that hurt :(... im just curious about chemistry, thats all...

09-02-2005, 04:21 PM
ouch that hurt :(... im just curious about chemistry, thats all...

take my leftover glycerine, make bio-soap, promote it as being 100% recycled and green and pay for your education in college.


09-05-2005, 08:55 AM
F-O-L lives!!!!!

09-05-2005, 08:00 PM
F-O-L lives!!!!!

Where's my bottle of wine you Jersey scumbag! :D

09-05-2005, 08:40 PM
you know AO is going under when Cphil won't respond to a question you ask him. :(

09-05-2005, 11:30 PM
Cphil is gone. He is now ol Unka Phil. He lurks here still, but is not a regular any more. I know it is sad :(

09-05-2005, 11:45 PM
Cphil is gone. He is now ol Unka Phil. He lurks here still, but is not a regular any more. I know it is sad :(

Is cphil not a mod anymore? What the? How the? I'm lost.

09-06-2005, 06:42 AM
Is cphil not a mod anymore? What the? How the? I'm lost.

He retired. It's been about a year now.

09-06-2005, 03:12 PM
damn, i'm out of the loop...... was never really in it.

09-06-2005, 07:32 PM
Where's my bottle of wine you Jersey scumbag! :D
Oops! :wow:

"I wanna go to Miami....." ;)

Ole Unka Phil
09-06-2005, 08:24 PM
Yep. Muz is right. I retired and moved on to some other passion. I currently restore old Scooters. And check in here about every week or two. Lets face it.... Paintball was mainly a reason to drink beer... and now I find many reasons!!!! ;) Oh... I still have my main set of Paintball equipment including the AO Vendors Karta Mag and all its fine AGD trimings. Have not played in a while though. Might do some this fall though. But I am inching into 50 years old so its a young mans game really. But ya never know!

OK well... now thats out of the way... I can tell you there is mucho progress on the BioDiesel front. With fuel prices up it got a lot of interest. I got a class working on it and a Faculty member working on it with a small grant. In fact we have purchased a small vehicle for driving around and promoting it.

Interesting things we are including:

We are developing a Catalyst using Ethanol instead of the traditional Methanol. Mainly trying to completely use Agri Products in this entire process.

We are also involving our "Oil Crops Agriculture" people in doing some fuel runs with extracted oils not just Dining hall oils.

I will try and get some pictures and details up in a few weeks. Been pretty busy lately. I have been building a Dedicated Scooter shop for my projects. Some on that soon as well.

09-06-2005, 09:53 PM
would it be safe to use the glycerine to make bubbles? just curious.

09-07-2005, 07:16 PM
OK well... now thats out of the way... I can tell you there is mucho progress on the BioDiesel front. With fuel prices up it got a lot of interest. I got a class working on it and a Faculty member working on it with a small grant. In fact we have purchased a small vehicle for driving around and promoting it.

Interesting things we are including:

We are developing a Catalyst using Ethanol instead of the traditional Methanol. Mainly trying to completely use Agri Products in this entire process.

We are also involving our "Oil Crops Agriculture" people in doing some fuel runs with extracted oils not just Dining hall oils.

I will try and get some pictures and details up in a few weeks. Been pretty busy lately. I have been building a Dedicated Scooter shop for my projects. Some on that soon as well.

Hmmm any help that a MBA student (or two or four) could provide? I know there are one or two of us down at UF who are looking at alternate fuels and possible distribution chains for universities and their host cities.

Ole Unka Phil
09-07-2005, 09:54 PM
Hmmm any help that a MBA student (or two or four) could provide? I know there are one or two of us down at UF who are looking at alternate fuels and possible distribution chains for universities and their host cities.

I suppose it's etirely possible. I can put you in touch with the Faculty member thats doing that end of it? Email me and I share his email with you...