View Full Version : good tank size for a emag

08-29-2005, 04:06 AM
i'm getting a emag :dance: and need to know what a good tank size for it is. one thats not to expensive and not a crappy one thanks :cheers:

08-29-2005, 08:19 AM
68/4500 high pressure. (800+ output)

Past that, it's gravy. Pick what you can afford.

08-29-2005, 09:32 AM
I have an old 88-3000 on mine and I get around 1000 shots. A 68-4500 has about the same capacity as my 88-3000 and should be fine.

08-31-2005, 06:17 PM
I have a 68/4500 preset on mine. I get about 1200-1400 hundred shots with the X-vavle. I would recommend Crossfire fiberwrapped (red tape) for the $200 it's the best you can get (in my opinion). Just remember to get it Hydroed (note to self as well :D )

08-31-2005, 08:20 PM
I use a crossfire 92/4500. I can only get 3000psi fills so the big tank is jutified. Most will serve you well except ACI Bulldogs and DYE Throttles. They don't have the recharge a mag needs. Hope I can stop you from repeating my mistakes.


09-05-2005, 03:34 PM
I use a crossfire 92/4500. I can only get 3000psi fills so the big tank is jutified. Most will serve you well except ACI Bulldogs and DYE Throttles. They don't have the recharge a mag needs. Hope I can stop you from repeating my mistakes.

So the new DYE throttles that are out will not keep up with a e-mag? AO, can I get anyone else to either agree or disagree with this as I am looking to buy a 45/45 DYE throttle however, if it going to screw things up on my e-mag I'd rather not :D

09-05-2005, 03:38 PM
68/45 is almost perfect

09-06-2005, 11:56 PM
68/45 is almost perfect

For what is worth, I also sign under this opinion :clap:

09-07-2005, 01:44 AM
here's what I found somewrher on the net... don't remember where, can't guarantee that it's true, but from what people are saying i think it holds ground. As for size 68/4500 is ideal !!

A = pressure prior to shot, in PSI
B = lowest pressure during shot, in PSI
C = % pressure drop
D = recovery time 95% of pressure in MS

NAME / A / B / C / D

ACI bulldog / 710 / 487 / 31% / 122ms

Armageddon / 807 / 661 / 18% / 90ms

Centerflag / 801 / 675 / 16% / 14ms

Crossfire / 770 / 662 / 14% / 10ms

DYE throttle / 830 / 573 / 30% / 173ms

EVIL Scion / 556 / 472 / 15% / 18ms

Pro Toyz / 804 / 508 / 26% / 41ms

Pure Energy / 840 / 724 / 14% / 10(30*)ms

WDP A.I.R. / 797 / 648 / 19% / 45ms

* Pure Energy reg initially recovers within 10ms, although the pressure oscillates and full recovery is not achived for another 20 ms.