View Full Version : Suggestion for AGD-Europe w/X-Treme Upgrade

12-04-2001, 08:25 PM
Ok, so I found out that the Upgrade will retrofit onto Automags, but since it was designed for the Emag, it will have the large protrusion sticking out, which is the battery docking rail(any other name suggestions? :) ) and since that would be of no use on a standard automag, I would like to see AGD design a foregrip with a battery slot at the top, so if you get the upgrade kit, you can just slide this peice into the battery docking rail, and your ready to go! Actually, this was not my idea, but someone elses in the X-treme Release Date post, I am here to second that idea...so what do you guys think? Or maybe AGD could just make the ASA adapter, so you can just screw in the foregrip you already have...then, possibly a 15 degree one, and an extended one for those using the Z-grip(hehe:) ) also, what would be cool would be one with a small battery pack so you can run your warp to it, but have it fit in a reglular sized foregrip, so it looks normal...besides, 9V aren't that great, right Tom? :)

Tell me what you guys think...I would LOVE to get the Upgrade kit for my mag...but I also want to use a foregrip...John Sosta from AGD said he might consider helping out with that if enough people are interested....well, lets go!


05-25-2002, 11:55 PM
Im loving the idea, in fact ive already posted a thread on my own and tried explaining it but people dont get what im sayin. well i found someone who does(you), and its a great idea, because without it we wont have foregrips for the awesome xtreme. but yet another suggestion, since the "dock" as u called it is so long, why not put multiple holes in it so u can adjust how far forward u want your foregrip or asa/gas thru combo? oh and another thing, im loving the proto sketches you are makin for the new xtremes except the common "X" problem on the mod. feed.DAVE IS RIGHT PEOPLE,SHOW INTEREST IN IT IF U WANT IT OR NO FOREGRIP OR GAS THRUS FOR US!!!!!!!!
p.s. im sure as heck not buyin a 350 dollar(somwhere in that range) body if i cant use a foregrip of some sort

05-26-2002, 10:06 AM

Tom has already posted concepts on a forgrip battery pack attached to the rail... If you would do a search for it you would have seen that. He posted several diffrent pics, with it straight, abnd angld, and permanately attached.