View Full Version : Possible goggle excitement?

08-31-2005, 09:51 AM
OK, back in the day (for me....1997) I had a pair of Vents goggles and FRICKIN LOVED THEM! They were better than anything I had/have worn. I liked them better than my Proteus, Flex7, or Invision. They almost never fogged up on me, which is critical because I wear glasses. And they were the lightest goggles I've ever found beside the Whipper Snapper, but they actually protected your face :D

Well, Vents went under by the end of the year I think and my Vents goggs gradually decayed on me. The strap and side foam that covered the face just saw too much action over a year since I worked at a field. So......I saw this link on the Tinkers Guild this morning:


Does anybody know anything about a second coming of Vents or anything like that? I loved those goggles so much. I'd be ecstatic even if they just started reproducing them exactly as they were. Or somehow found a bunch of the originals in the back of a warehouse somewhere.

Any info on Vents coming back AO? Did anyone else love these as much as me or am I some sort of Vents freak :confused:

08-31-2005, 09:54 AM
Yeah I just saw this on PBN too! Im excited. I loved my Vents. I still have two pairs of Vents Rage that I need lenses for. If they are anything like the old ones I am going to pick up a set as soon as they are released!!!!!!!

My brother and I were talking about how much we missed our Vents just the other day.

08-31-2005, 09:58 AM
You know, I may have a Vents Rage lens back in Florida at my parents house. I'll see if I can get Dad to dig around and find it. I had a Rage, but like I said the strap crapped out and the side foam all but disintegrated.

Evil, if I find it, it's yours man :D If for no other reason than to know there is another functional Vents Rage in the world ;)

08-31-2005, 12:54 PM
I loved my Vents too ... I still have some. The last day National Paintball had then there was a huge sale and my friend at a paintball store got some for me, so I still have a couple of lenses that haven't been used.

The problem with wearing the original ones on the field is that they never passes the safety tests, so you're not supposed to wear them. We all know they're perfectly safe and no field has ever stopped me.

You can take the mask parts from a pair of Vents, and attach them to a set of JT Specra goggles. It *almost* as good. They come out like this:

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/2903/vents6km.th.jpg (http://img19.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vents6km.jpg)

The JT's are on the left, original Vents on the right.

I hope if they make Vents again they're just as good as the originals, and not just some company that bought the name.

Creative Mayhem
08-31-2005, 01:04 PM
My first pair of goggles were Vents, I traded them for a pair of whippersnappers(dumbest mistake ever) I can't wait to see what these things will be like.

08-31-2005, 01:10 PM
Here's the thread on Doc's where Simon posted about it

Vents thread at Docs (http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=9013&messageid=1125449294)


08-31-2005, 01:31 PM
Arent the old ones like nothing but foam and goggles..if so dont face shots hurt..or is it reinforced?

I saw a pair of goggles i assumed were older vents since they looked how i have read they looked...and arent they basically like the foam on the flex-7's ear pieces but the whole mask excpet the goggles?

08-31-2005, 01:47 PM
Yeah, the sides are a neoprene type material. The lens frame and face mask are hard plastic like a Whipper Snapper. The sides were pretty dense. They attached to the side of the lens frame and the goggle strap. I took some face shots with that mask and never felt any pain, just normal impact force.

08-31-2005, 03:21 PM
ill second the awsomeness of vents :D

09-01-2005, 04:04 AM
You know, I may have a Vents Rage lens back in Florida at my parents house. I'll see if I can get Dad to dig around and find it. I had a Rage, but like I said the strap crapped out and the side foam all but disintegrated.

Evil, if I find it, it's yours man :D If for no other reason than to know there is another functional Vents Rage in the world ;)

09-01-2005, 09:14 AM
I still have a couple of pairs of Vents Predators kicking around. I love them. To this day, they still work better than any other paintball goggle I have, including my Profiler, for keeping moisture off your lenses.

09-01-2005, 02:47 PM
I hope if they make Vents again they're just as good as the originals, and not just some company that bought the name.

I remember Scotts bought Vents out. I called there once many moons ago inquiring about replacement parts... I remember the woman on the phone telling me that they had no intentions of taking Vents off of the market (LIES DAMN LIES!!!!)

The only thing that I didnt like about the Vents was that awkward throat gaurd.. which incidentally enough.. came in handy a few times :rolleyes:

Like I said before, If they are anything like, or nearly as good as the originals Im buying them ASAP.

09-02-2005, 01:06 PM
I purchased my Vents back in 1992 (or '93?) when they were first released. Actually, before full release. I saw an ad in Action Pursuit and called the number, and the guy asked me how I got the number and knew about the goggles. I said, well, I saw your ad in APG. He acted surprised and told me they weren't quite ready, but would ship them as soon as they were, and I received them a month or two later, if I recall. Very good goggles, and I still keep them in my bag.

09-03-2005, 03:06 PM
Guys, Im actually intrested to know, because i wanna buy a new pair of goggles soon, so lets agree we all love vents and start poking around for some information

09-03-2005, 03:54 PM
:cry: I'd be so happy I'd cry!!! Sad day when mine gave up & died. Scotts I believe is now owned by the same group as Tippmann (I could be wrong) maybe they realized/rememberd that the Vents brand name was respected. I hope they don't screw them up.

09-07-2005, 11:57 AM
I still have my original Vents.............

09-07-2005, 12:05 PM