View Full Version : FreeFlow Shutting Down .....

08-31-2005, 09:17 PM
Grabbed this from Docs site ...



09-01-2005, 12:00 AM
blah, well that sucks. I always liked their cocker bodies. and the Trauma Trix was awesome.

09-01-2005, 02:11 AM
Huh.. thats how it goes in this game.. Shame to see a good one croak but I to had to watch a store I worked for slowly die. Nobody shops at local stores any more all we are there for are to fix guns bought of the web...

Sing it with me....

Obladi Oblada life goes on... na na na na na life goes on..

Beatles for you big sillys that dont know it..

09-01-2005, 08:14 AM
What??? They are closing the shop/store and the fields too? They just made the outdoor field! I just walked into the shop not a week ago! Sunnafa! Great, now I have to drive 30mins into the city to get to the proshop instead of 15mins over to Pro Paintball aka Freeflow. I'm going to stop by today after work and see wtf is going on. I don't believe this.

09-01-2005, 05:02 PM
Wow, they were closed. Holy crap. I called and the answering machine said they were in the process of selling the franchise. So now we have only one local speedball field. God I hope they don't jack up the prices.

09-02-2005, 09:05 AM
wow, man i bought my first real paintball gun from them (a f4 illistrator) and my first mag (used by one of the oldschool lockout guys). I am seriously heartbroken Eathen was a good guy... I hope he makes it out of this with some cash in his pocket... the rumors were that he got his start selling paint out of the trunk of his car, i also heard he left college to play ball. sigh.....

09-02-2005, 09:09 AM
Hardrock! Where ya been man?

09-02-2005, 10:00 AM
ethan sold the company months ago..............

09-02-2005, 11:45 AM
wow, man i bought my first real paintball gun from them (a f4 illistrator) and my first mag (used by one of the oldschool lockout guys). I am seriously heartbroken Eathen was a good guy... I hope he makes it out of this with some cash in his pocket... the rumors were that he got his start selling paint out of the trunk of his car, i also heard he left college to play ball. sigh.....

ethan wasnt such a good guy as every one makes him out to be. He did alot of shifty business. for example, the FF bolts for the matrix, guess who origionally had the idea and did all the theorizing? Doby and hawk from MO. What about trauma never getting their guns with their names on the side? and so on and so forth

09-02-2005, 12:01 PM
ethan wasnt such a good guy as every one makes him out to be. He did alot of shifty business. for example, the FF bolts for the matrix, guess who origionally had the idea and did all the theorizing? Doby and hawk from MO. What about trauma never getting their guns with their names on the side? and so on and so forth

dirt can be found on anyone if you look hard enough. oh well, i don't know the guy, doesn't matter to me much.

there will be other good companies. no worries.
with all that being said, it is sad to see them go, though.
but heres a toast to the death of yet another pball companie gone. :cheers:

09-02-2005, 04:21 PM
wonder where all the bodies and guns are ending up... would like to make a nice pump out of a rythm body :)


09-02-2005, 04:22 PM
So much for a lifetime guarantee on all those markers....

wanna watch the resale plummet?


09-02-2005, 05:08 PM
Ethan sold the company to Craig from NPS months ago. This was Craig's fault. He totally screwed u the business. Ethan was the collest guy, I'd walk in and talk to him and stuff. He loved my mag and thought the new ones weer really an improvement and AGD was on the right track. He created a warm environment and was a progressive thinkign guy. Craig was a jerk. He never came out to see the customers and he had no personality when he did rarely come out and sell something. He didn't care about Pro Paintball or Freeflow and he ran it into the ground. I hope Ethan is doing well with whatever he left Pro and FF to do. I also hope Craig sells the business to someone who actually cares.

09-03-2005, 09:55 AM
Hey muzik! I have been in Ireland for the past 3 months, i have been reading the forums when i make it to a internet cafe or somehting, but havent posted often. I sold off all my gear execpt my 1994 minimag to make it out here. But no worries, i needed a break and now im just about ready to re-purchase everything and get back in.

As i have been out of town i have totally missed the sale to NPS. So now i dont feel so bad, as long as Ethan is set for life then im happy.

I know he was a bit dirty, when i started playing he and a field in southern NY would run a bit of a scam, Propaintball would "donate" freeflow cockers as a tourny prize, then show up with 2 teams of lockout guys (back when they ruled the world of paintball) and win the guns back.... The only time i saw them lose the markers it was because Ethan cussed out the ref for a bad call that would have cost them the game (they still had the points to win the tourny)...but by the time Eathen was done with his rant the ref had deducted around 100 points from their score, dropping them from first to like 5th.

The real point is however, as a guy to do business with you could not ask for better! He always did what he could for the player.... great guy and thats what sold the markers!

09-03-2005, 10:29 AM
Exactly. I actually played in one of those tournies down at GRC Paintball lol. They had the Lockout "Leftovers" playing in the Novice league. But Ethan was the best to his customers. He ran the business well. Craig could care less about Pro and Freeflow.