View Full Version : Any advice?

09-01-2005, 08:47 AM
Ok, this is the first time I aired up my mag, out of the box. The marker fired imediately, after I aired up. I would get 5 shoots and then, the marker wouldn't fire. I guess this is "shootdown". I would degass the marker and air up again. The gun would fire imediately on its own, after getting charged. I would get 4 to 5 shots and then shootdown. Anyways, I guess that this was bolt stick, as I would push the bolt back and it would fire. But on every 5 shot or so it would get stuck again. Also, I was getting the leak down the barrel, this must be my o-rings breaking in. That soon, allready?
Once I figured out I had bolt stick, I moved on to learning the trigger. It's pretty tricky, as I have the ult installed. Anyways, I need to get my ROF up, once I get the marker firing reliably. I also noticed the bolt will be a little bit hard on paint. By the way, I just love putting my finger in there. I had my marker firing, for a good while, I noticed occasional chuffs, while firing fast. Maybe, it was me shortstroking that was causing this?
Any help to remedy this marker,please. Here is what I think:
- I definately need to add another shim, I think, for the bolt to be a little easier on the paint.
But then that leaves me with the bolt sticktion. (don't you have to remove a shim to remedy that?) I believe thats my main problem. Maybe some more oil in there?
-As for the trigger, I think I need some more bounce on that thing. It is definately light. I will tackle this, as well. I believe more shims in there, is definately needed.
I believe I pretty much have an idea of what need to be done, but I just wanted some assurance from you guys, to put me in the right direction. And I guess for a little security :)
I would like to make this marker walkable and if I can't do that, I guess I'm going to have to go with thealphamag mod and put 9 shims in the ult to make it rip. Let me know, what you guys think, I'd really appreciate any feedback. I haven't even got this baby jumping and I love it.

09-01-2005, 09:37 AM
You are having bolt stick issues. They could be caused by either the carrier or the ULT.

You should probably tune your level 10 first. With the bolt off the gun, remove your carrier and oring. Test fit it on your bolt stem. It should slide on easily with a bit of resistance. If when holding the bolt vetically, it slides down the bolt stem without your help, then it is too big. If you need to force it (stiff), then it is too small. When you find the correct size, reinstall it in the powertube without any powertube shims. You can add shims later after everything is working properly.

Use the small bolt spring to start. You can move up to a longer bolt spring after you find the correct size carrier for your gun. The correct bolt spring allows you to shoot reliably at your desired velocity. The gun should be able to shoot up to 20 fps below the desired velocity using your desired bolt spring. If it stops firing at less than 20 fps below your desired velocity, then you are using a bolt spring that is too long.

To tune your ULT, you will need to start with a low number of shims and add more until your gun shoots reliably. Too few and you may short stroke or the vlave won't recharge. Too many and the on-off will open too soon and prevent the bolt from properly resetting ( a form of bolt stick).