View Full Version : HPA an essential ugrade for mags?

09-01-2005, 05:20 PM
Hey going to get HPA tank insted of CO2 this week end. Is getting a HPA tank rather then a having a Co2 with X-pansion chamber a good idea? will i notice a preformance difference from the two? I am mostly a bushball player but lately my gun has been flying all over the damn place in volosity from 200-340. especially when i get out on the field and i start shooting at 190-200 when i cronoed in at 290 :mad:

09-01-2005, 06:34 PM
Your Mag will thank you many times over for switching. ;)

09-03-2005, 04:44 PM
I'd personally say no. CO2 runs fairly well running it vertically, I get +- usually 7. But thats just me.


09-03-2005, 07:36 PM
Do you have an expainsion chamber all ready? If you don't, I would get like a 6-satge or 8-stage and it will work very well. I ran my micro on C02 with a big 6-stage and it was perfect. Nitro is cool though. I don't think you will notice a huge difference, C02 without an X-chamber or anti-siphon is harsh on a mags interanls though.

09-03-2005, 09:14 PM
If your velocity is fluctuating that much, and you're using at least an expansion chamber and anti syphon on CO2, you have another problem. Try hooking it up to a remote and see how the velocity is, with that set up the velocity on a nice day ... with a good paint and paint to barrel match ... should be +/- 5fps.

09-03-2005, 09:40 PM
you guys are saying +-5 and 7 like thats good. my mag used to do +- 0 or 1 and the one was cause of a crappy ball. and this was over strings of 10+ shots.

09-04-2005, 01:34 AM
Zero- for what it matters, will +- even 10 FPS make a real difference on field? I'd say no. Maybe a couple extra feet, whoopteedo. I'm curious what sorta set up you had going, along with chrono, I'd like to test a few things over strings.


trains are bad
09-04-2005, 02:45 AM
For mags


09-04-2005, 09:12 AM
you guys are saying +-5 and 7 like thats good.No ... we're saying that's great compared to +/- 100 fps which is what the original poster is getting.

The last time I played at a field there was some young kid there reffing who wasn't very bright. Besides not wanting to fill my CO2 tank because the original date was 1993 and ignoring the fact that the last hydro was 2004, he just didn't want to believe that my 'Mag was shooting as consistently as it was on CO2. The rules of the field say 3 shots in a row over the chrony at 280 fps or less but he made me shoot 25 - 30 times. I was getting kinda pissed after a while wasting all my paint.