View Full Version : Got a new Mag

09-01-2005, 05:45 PM
My mag was stolen about a year ago and I had so much invested in it that I didnt even want to think about replacing it. Well, I found one on ebay that was very similar to my old one, basically the only thing I am missing now is the x valve.

I was wondering if there is anything that you guys would recommend doing to any used mag. I am gonna get a kit with new O-rings and stuff like that, but is there anything that I should look at before hand, is there anything that typically breaks.

I know this is a Newbie post but I did not have my old mag long enough to get to anything like that, I only got to use it 4 times.

So basically any information would be great.
Thanks alot.

- Kyle

09-02-2005, 08:30 AM
Check the sear for chipping, the bolt for wear and the condidtion of the spring. Give it a very thorough cleaning and yes, replace the o-rings. The existing o-rings may work once lubed. Now see where it's leaking (if at all).

Good luck with your new toy.

09-02-2005, 03:21 PM
I am going to go to a local field and have them look at it, I dont really have enough experience taking the gun apart and putting it back together correctly.