View Full Version : MI AO Halloween Weekend

09-01-2005, 09:05 PM

I'm planning on going to Hell Survivors in Pinkney on October 29th. They are having a special event that day for Halloween...you can in stuff. I need to use up some field paint from there so I wanna hit the field one more time before it gets too cold. Hopefully the gas prices will have leveled off by then. :eek:

The only dilemma is...they have a rule that HPA, electric guns, and/or electric hoppers have to play advanced class. Because they have this rule...alot of advanced class players don't play there...because half of them prefer X-ball/indoor and the other half like to use their firepower to destroy noobs...not play against each other. :shooting: :headbang: :shooting: So, usually what happens if you show up with an advanced gun and there's no one to play against...they loan you a model98...so either find a way to get your CO2 to work with your mag...or bring a blowback or some non-electric gun that uses CO2.

Let me know if there's any interest!!!

09-01-2005, 09:46 PM
I may be there... dunno. I will be at tippmann challenge though.


09-05-2005, 04:10 PM
I may be there... dunno. I will be at tippmann challenge though.


I was strongly considering doing the Tippmann challenge....I LOVE to shoot up Tippmann players! But alas...it's just too pricey. It was either play in August and October...or play in the Tippmann World Challenge...maybe next year I'll make one of the 3 big events (even though I say that every year and never either have the cash or time or both to follow through). :cry: :cry:

09-05-2005, 11:28 PM
Dude, its $30 for one day. You don't have spare "blood red fill" paint from hell left at all?
Well hopefully you'll be a Global next year. Be a Canuck... no waiting in lines :P


09-07-2005, 12:23 AM
I figured that 2 days would run me $239. Now, given I have an extra case of paint...deduct $60...that means about $180. However, with gas prices up .25 cents a gallon since I figured it out...maybe around $190. I live about 60 miles from there...so if I were to go, I'd go both days...probably throw up a tent somewhere or crash at afriend's house. But when you calculate in food, gas, another case of paint, and $70 in registration (I think it's $35/day?...or is it $55 for two days...I can't remember)...it's just too much.

I wanna try the Big Game...but the one that most interests me is Global Conquest. I like how they add the diplomacy, currency, all the different aspects to it. And like I said, I love the idea of Tippmann Challenge because I love to shoot players using Tippmanns :shooting: they are my FAVORITE targets. Well, unless some punk 15 year old shows up with an impulse and Dye outfit and starts talking about how they're so good the teams need to be rearranged to take into account their "skills"...I like shooting them more. :rofl: :shooting: :rofl: The first weekend in November also sounds cool...advanced versus general class...deer hunting or something like that. I wish they hadn't went field paint only...I'd go there exclusively...they have a good field and a pretty good staff.

09-26-2005, 01:51 AM
Good news, Hellz no longer has classes 9was announced at tippmann World challenge) mainly because the line blurs so much (ex: Classic LX mag using CO2 and a Q loader wasn't "advanced" yet 98 custom with VL quantum is)


P.S. I may be there...

09-27-2005, 12:03 AM
Good news, Hellz no longer has classes 9was announced at tippmann World challenge) mainly because the line blurs so much (ex: Classic LX mag using CO2 and a Q loader wasn't "advanced" yet 98 custom with VL quantum is)


P.S. I may be there...

WHAT! Are you serious!? :eek:

You were there at Tippmann World Challenge and you heard them say that? HOLY CR*P!

I have mixed feelings about this...on the one hand, this makes me VERY HAPPY!! :clap: :clap: . It means that I won't need to try to get my Mag to work with CO2. I was JUST going to post a thread about how I was all distressed because I have my mag setup how I want it but might need to add an expansion chamber to it and a remote line and wasn't sure if it would affect performance given that I just added a Level 10...thinking I might starve it.

On the other hand...WHOA! Do I sell my Spyder now...the gun I was keeping around solely to play general class at Hell Survuivors? Whoa.

And with the classes gone...that means the tourney players will start showing up with DM5s and shockers...more money for the field...which I GUARANTEE is why they made the change...no matter what they say about a "blurred line"...but will it "ruin" the play? The best thing about Hell Survivors is that you can go there and just play with a bunch of other mechs...no gun "overpowering" everyone else except an occasional suped up A5. I guess this change spells the end of that. :shooting:

Wow...things may be very different come Halloween weekend...that's for sure! See ya there!

10-02-2005, 11:53 PM
I'm pretty sure they're having 'open' class the rest of the year, but I think they might go back to two classes next year because I also heard them mention that A-5's would be advanced class from now on because of the loader. That would fill the advanced class anyway.
Hello, by the way. I've joined this forum because I've finally replaced the Minimag I was stupid enough to sell long ago. I play at Hell Survivors most every weekend, though I have been letting my knees recover since the Tippmann Challenge. I'll be out there again next Sat AM with my Zeus pistol(Ivory Grips), I should have my new(to me) mag in shape by the Pumpkin Hunt on the 29th.

It's good to own a Mag again!

Rob 'Agent' Smith

10-05-2005, 09:45 AM
I saw this on Hell survivors' website,

That's right all players play together in a
Every Weekend
As of September 2005

Open to ALL Players & Equipment
Walk-on's Always Welcome


10-10-2005, 04:16 PM
Hey, so there may be some other fellow Mag Owners at Hells Survivor Halloween weekend? That would be great! Myself, Fiance, and a couple friends and family memebers (most are Mag owners) are probably going to be heading out that Saturday. Get one more game in while the weather is not too cold.

Hope to see some of you there.

10-11-2005, 12:19 AM
Hey, so there may be some other fellow Mag Owners at Hells Survivor Halloween weekend? That would be great! Myself, Fiance, and a couple friends and family memebers (most are Mag owners) are probably going to be heading out that Saturday. Get one more game in while the weather is not too cold.

Hope to see some of you there.

I'm gonna try to scrape enough money up to make it...might bring my dad...and possibly a friend of mine. But I agree...last double session...las chance before the snow starts to threaten.

10-20-2005, 08:42 PM
Well for what it matters you can play cheaper. My shop (Killer paintball) as well as Battlegrounds is now officially selling Hell Survivors' field paint with their Hell's permission for $49.00 a case. This also includes a free game pass. Not a bad deal, paint and entrance for $49.00 at a great field. Anyway, figured I'd share. www.killerpaintball.com for directions if ya wanna save a little money.

Sadly I can't go on saturday, donating blood. I am possibly going on Sunday though with the Killer group.


10-24-2005, 01:26 AM
Well for what it matters you can play cheaper. My shop (Killer paintball) as well as Battlegrounds is now officially selling Hell Survivors' field paint with their Hell's permission for $49.00 a case. This also includes a free game pass. Not a bad deal, paint and entrance for $49.00 at a great field. Anyway, figured I'd share. www.killerpaintball.com for directions if ya wanna save a little money.

Sadly I can't go on saturday, donating blood. I am possibly going on Sunday though with the Killer group.


Is that game pass good for the double session or just a single session? That's cool though. If you guys are going to continue to sell their field paint, I may make a special trip to your store from time to time.

10-26-2005, 07:29 PM
Its for the first session, however for an extra $5 you can play the second session. And yes, the paint/ passes can be used any day they are normally open (aside from big games I believe).


10-27-2005, 02:20 AM
Looks like both my paintball buddies want to get one more in before the end of the season so I'll be bringing 2...weather looks good...upper 50s. That's a little chilly...but I guess it's better than 98 degrees with 99% humidity like it was a couple times this summer. :eek: Might even start out the day wearing a jacket. :headbang: :bounce:

Hopefully we'll see some AOers there. I have to chrono a couple guns that I've recently amde some mods to. And I'll probably start out the day using my Raptor because I want to test it to make sure that I fixed the double feed and velocity problems I was having with it. But if I can get through that early, hopefully I'll be breaking in my level 10 the rest of the day. I might have already broke it in...but if it isn't quite broken in yet...hopefully it will be by the end of the double session.

See ya there! :cheers:

10-30-2005, 06:21 PM
Hey, so there may be some other fellow Mag Owners at Hells Survivor Halloween weekend? That would be great! Myself, Fiance, and a couple friends and family memebers (most are Mag owners) are probably going to be heading out that Saturday. Get one more game in while the weather is not too cold.

Hope to see some of you there.

Well, I made it out...did anyone else?

I ran into two people from AO just before the final game...I was meaning to introduce myself before they left but I got busy messing around with my equipment after the game and by the time I got everything straight they had left...oh well, next time eh!?

I think I saw one person with a Mag in the morning besides myself...but Hell Survivors has always been about 85-95% Tippmann.

Having no advanced class changed things a little bit. More people. A TON of electric hoppers. But the one thing that really annoyed me was me and my buddy noticed alot more problems with people wiping. When we used to play there general class, I didn't see it very often...lots of newbs...people just out ot have a good time. But this last time...it was rediculous. There was one kid in particular that I shot...he disappeared behind a hill for 20 seconds...popped back out...I hit him again...he popped back down...25 seconds later...he's popping back up. I know I hit his hopper...I watched it break...both times. That's just not right. It's one thing if he doesn't realize it...I've gotten hopper hits and not known it many times...but he knew it. His sweatshirt was covered in smeared paint...but there's no way he took 300 body shots...so the paint must have gotten there somehow...that's too bad that people gotta cheat like that. I finally called for a paint check and the ref went over there...but the ref took his time and by the time he got there the kid musta been wiped clean...then the kid moved somewhere else, probably to get out of the ref's direct view. :mad:

The day wasn't great from the beginning. There were long lines to register. I got there an hour early, missed the first game standing in line. They also advertised that they would have prizes including cases of paint. The website made it sound like every game there would be some "pumpkins" you could grab that you could win a prize with. But that wasn't the case...the prizes were only out during one game...in the morning session...and all I saw anyone win was a snack sized bag of potato chips. But the worst thing was...the PAINT. If a field is going to be field paint only...they should choose a paint that isn't completely garbage in cold weather. In the morning session it looked like that battle of paintball fragments. 2/3 of the balls I shot broke in the barrel or when the bolt hit them. It was INSANE. I wasn't the only guy...people were yelling for squeegees and a few people got their money back and left. Not only that, but the paint my friends and i bought...NUMEROUS flat spots and dimples! If I had to rate this paint...I'd say it was slightly better than Winchester...slightly worse tha Brass Eagle. That's not the case in the summer...that paint flies very well in the summer...but not in the winter...it's just too brittle. :shooting: :mad: :shooting:

So...Hell Survivor's...if you are listening...if you are going to advertise that you give away prizes...come on...snack size bags of potato chips!!??? And if you are going to make people buy your overpriced paint...make it a paint that's usuable in 45-55 degree weather!! And if you're going to sell off your old paint stock at the end of the year...how bout charging less for it and/or allowing people to BYOP so they don't have to use dimpled, oblong garbage. :cuss: :cuss:

Gotta go...gotta go clean my guns...they are a disaster thanks to HS!! :cuss:

10-30-2005, 06:34 PM
I finally go to use my Mag!!

I used the Raptor in the morning...I needed to test it after I did some work on it...but it was chopping paint so badly I had to switch after a few games. I got out the Mag with Level 10...worked GREAT!!

I did have a couple chrono and efficiency issues that I'll save for the Tech session and I'll save for after I clean the gun and take a look at a couple things...but other than that...WOW...Mags are awesome!! I used a different barrel every game (I have alot of barrels) and all of them shot amazingly accurate. I actually wanted to test out another barrel...but ran out of nubbins and ball detents and didn't have time between games to take the nubbbins off and switch them.

The Level 10 chopped once...even though the paint was garbage...and that was probably just a bad ball.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

10-31-2005, 12:01 PM
Hey Aslan,

It beleive it was me and my fiance that you ran into at the start of the last game. (at least I only saw one other person using a mag in the afternoon beside myself and the 2 people I came with). I had the TAC One and she ahd the Purple RT Custom.

I would have to agree with you on the paint. We had 2 cases: one left over from the monster game that had been in my basement, and one we bought there. The one from the monster game w had no problems with. Not a single break/chop anything. But once we started dipping into the case we bought this weekend, things turned ugly. I was lucky and only had one barrel break, but my buddy who was using his newly assembled Karta was having so many barrel breaks in his SP All american (I am pretty sure that was the barrel) took off the tip at one point and just used the back to make it easier to clean! Amazingly the breech was spotless afterwards so no chops. Level 10 did its job!

I also noticed a bit more wiping than usual there which is dissapointing. I would almost rather go back to playing general class with my classic and CO2 and play with a bunch of people who are there just to have fun. Oh well.

But overall the weather was Great, my TAC ONE performed flawlessly, and so in the end I can't complain too much. Not going to get too many more weekends like that before the snow hits!