View Full Version : carbon fiber 5 year tanks?

09-02-2005, 04:40 PM
alright i got a 68 45 offa ebay and its a pure energy, i was informed its a 5 year tank, and thats why he got it, so he wouldnt have to get it tested that much. i was recently concerned about this because if it was a 3 year tank it would have to be tested today. i went to my field today and played and the guy said i cant bring it back to get it filled until i get it hydroed andd i said no its a 5 year tank and he said its a fiber tank they can only be 3 years. every1 else there agreed. whats goin on?

09-02-2005, 04:48 PM
it depends on the tank

im not sure if there is a way to tell..holdon a sec

i know my tank is 5 years..

mine has no way of checking the hydro that im aware of

it has an 05 and 03 on it..so i dont know what that means...

tell him its a 5 year tank again...maybe try the manufacturere website?

09-02-2005, 04:59 PM
Try this thread on PBN...


09-02-2005, 05:47 PM
That thread on PBN should answer all of your questions. Without reading the thread, it depends on the original born on date and the DOT-E code.

Give us the DOT-E code and the original date and we can tell ya what it is.

09-02-2005, 06:29 PM
idk what u just asked for but ill give u all the stuff thats written on my tank.

pure energy
68 cu (yes its cu idk why though)
DOT-E 10915-4500

REE: 15
9 02

luxfer part number: p11F-2 carbon fiber

thats all the stuff u need i think

09-02-2005, 07:57 PM
*Technically* they're right actually. All fiber wrapped tanks *are* 3 year tanks... there's just exemptions that make them 5 years... of course, yours fall under one of those exemptions...

You have a luxfer tank made after May 11, 2001 and has DOT-E code 10915, which means it's a 5 year tank. Your tank expires in Sept, 2007.

09-02-2005, 08:02 PM
Your tank expires on 12:00 AM September 1, 2007.
Clarified. :)

09-02-2005, 10:34 PM
all right guys thanks a lot, how do u check? enter a code at the pure energy website? i have no idea what im gonna say to them next time i go cause they were like theres no way its a 5 year tank, it was actually the first time they took off the cover to check the date, and they were bein kinda dicks about it like idk when they check it theyll be like u should have this tested and i cant let u use it and ill say its a 5 year and theyll be like no it isnt and ill have to explain and theyll think im bein a smart *** and idk but whatever.

Rock It-

09-02-2005, 11:01 PM
Try printing this page out: http://www.luxfercylinders.com/products/paintball/specifications/us_imperial.shtml

or tell them to call 1-877-HYDROLAB (it's toll free) and ask...