View Full Version : Roller triggers?

09-05-2005, 10:01 AM
Does anyone make a roller trigger for cyborg's? I know there is a trigger switch mod for them is this useful at all and worth my time/money? The trigger is a little stiff (well not really after shooting a non-ult mag for years) i shot my friends dm4 with a roller and its just alot easier..so anybody make a roller for cyborgs and any suggestions on adjusting the trigger?

09-05-2005, 10:53 AM
Wouldn't be that hard to make your own....

09-05-2005, 03:31 PM
the trigger pull being stiff is due to your borg having a really heavy microswitch in it compared to your friends DM4. Dm4's have 25g switches stock, where as borgs have 100? g switches stock. trigger pull being heavy has to do with the switch or spring/magnet setup, has nothing to do with rollers.

09-05-2005, 04:15 PM
the trigger pull being stiff is due to your borg having a really heavy microswitch in it compared to your friends DM4. Dm4's have 25g switches stock, where as borgs have 100? g switches stock. trigger pull being heavy has to do with the switch or spring/magnet setup, has nothing to do with rollers.

I believe it has a 50g switch maybe not since i believe i have read that some people up grade to a 50 so it may be a 100...but they turn it upside down or osmething i dotn know im gonna get a new board for it so ill prolly invest in a 25g switch then.

And i dont think they use a spring..but i dont see magnets either..i was gonna take the spring out but couldnt find one...so yea maybe someone can fill me in on that as well...

I need to do some research.

09-05-2005, 07:32 PM
Ok so stock swtich is approx 125g eeeeeeekk! :wow:

so now i need to decide wether to risk bounce with a 25 g or do the 80 inverted..also there are 50g swtiches so iono...ehh

Has anyone tried different wait swtiches in a borg?

09-05-2005, 09:49 PM
Havent tried different switches in a borg, only shot the ones with stock switches (which is terrible IMO). But, i have used alot of different switches in my viking (80, 50, 40, 25), most of them normal and inverted, so, alot of different pulls. I would highly reccomend the 50 myself (although im using a 25 right now :tard: ). Also, im almost positive borgs have springs in the stock triggers, but, i couldnt help ya at all with the location of that (i would assume taking the frame off the marker would reveal it, but, i really dont know).

But, just FYI, i have used alot of 25g switches in various markers, and never really had bounce issues that couldnt be solved by bumping up the debounce a tad. So dont let that stop you if you want to go for a 25.

09-06-2005, 10:58 AM
Definitely get a 25g switch. If you get bounce problems that's what the debounce setting is for. What kind of upgrade board are you getting? Tadao? The Tadao for the borg is a great deal, it's only like $115.

09-06-2005, 02:18 PM
Definitely get a 25g switch. If you get bounce problems that's what the debounce setting is for. What kind of upgrade board are you getting? Tadao? The Tadao for the borg is a great deal, it's only like $115.

Yea ive already decided that im gonna go with the 25g and just up the debounce as much as i can..and if i still get bounce then ill go with a 50..im prolly going to get the nox board,but thats not final or i might just go with a morlock...but seeing how it isnt a drop in itll prolly end up having a nox in it.Yea i need to find out what wieght switch comes on the nox i know the tadoa (or pretty sure) has the 25g but it also has extra bounce filters or what not,,yea still more research to be had.

09-06-2005, 04:01 PM
tadao>rest, and, you really shouldnt have to crank up the debounce a ton just because of a 25 g switch. IM running a 25g with tadao M5, and, to be completely legal, debounce of 3, and m-bounce of 4 or 5 seems to be fine, db 2 is legal enough to get away with, but, adds shots.