View Full Version : paint for the price

09-05-2005, 11:52 PM
i have a question that has to do with paint more so than my mag i guess. i would like to know what is the best paint for the money anyone has found so far shooting thru a mag. my mag is a micromag with a retro valve. any help will be great thanks

09-06-2005, 08:22 AM

Whatever paint you buy is the paint the gun will shoot. No more, no less.

09-06-2005, 10:38 PM

Whatever paint you buy is the paint the gun will shoot. No more, no less.

I don't want to cut your post so hard as Dayspring did. I do have a starting opinion:

First off, paint isn't related to the gun directly, its more to the barrel itself. This is the most important factor, I will get onto this later in this post.

Firing speed and technology of the gun: Different firing speeds make balls react in different manner. Different gun technology also make them behave differently. For example, a MAG uses more of air pressure to push the ball with the bolt and then there is some air also. Autocockers use directly more air to push the ball, DM's use about he same proportion.

These diferences are mostly discarble(how different techonlogies fire the ball), so the real matter here is your paint/barrel combination. In this case what you need to find is the best combination of the two, and the most obvious way is to keep the barrel and keep trying different paint. Paint *DOES* make a huge difference, I have a dye .688" titanium barrel, and all of the low cost paint I use for recreational games performed lously, more than 50% of the balls would make a steep turn after 20 or so meters of the barrel, with quality(usually more expensive) paint this simply doesn't happen. I can give you some hints for the top quality to try with, but once again this isn't clear as water :eek:

The best paint to my own opinion is the Marbalizer (RPS), then you have a lot of very good paints like RPS Premium, Draxxus, Tomahawk competition, etc. A simple rule of thumb, unfortunately :wow: is to judge by the price, in this case, the price shows the quality, IMHO.

09-07-2005, 08:25 AM
WTF are you talking about?

You realize that the actual "on ball" pressure of a mag is ~65psi, lower than most of the guns you actually mentioned.

Know what you're talking about before saying it.

Firing speed and technology of the gun: Different firing speeds make balls react in different manner. Different gun technology also make them behave differently. For example, a MAG uses more of air pressure to push the ball with the bolt and then there is some air also. Autocockers use directly more air to push the ball, DM's use about he same proportion.

09-07-2005, 02:30 PM
WTF are you talking about?

You realize that the actual "on ball" pressure of a mag is ~65psi, lower than most of the guns you actually mentioned.

Know what you're talking about before saying it.

spsantos was wrong, but the fact that you got pissed and corrected him didn't help either of them...
every gun pushes the ball using mostly just air... the acceleration gained by the bolt hitting ball is negligable when compared to acceleration gained by the air pressure....

to get back on topic and to correct your first reply... Now WTF were you talking about?

quality paintballs are essential for good accuracy... paint to bore matcing is important but not as crucial as getting quality paintballs... usually the better they are more expensive they are... good paint: rps marbalizer, blackops premium, nelson nelspot etc etc

09-07-2005, 07:26 PM
I am sorry, I guess, i didn't explain my idea correctly and my intention to get back on topic got further away twisted. So to make it clear:

Dayspring: There WAS an intended criticism from me when I quoted your reply ;) , I did it because I feel that any of us (less-regular or most regular) members of this forum should answer to a topic when they feel they have something to add, not only to say its wrong. That's moderators job :clap: .
Regardless of all this, it wasn't my intention in any way to directly affect you. You answered to my post quite off-topic again, I understand why that you had to :D .

- When i mentioned firing speed I meant actual fps speed of the ball out of the barrel.

- I did switch the order when trying to explain the bolt to ball action, the force is mainly from the air pressure.

Now, after "making" me post another off-topic answer :cool: , please let's have some :cheers:

09-07-2005, 09:56 PM
Personally, I like Xball Gold for $47/case. Though, I used some Origin Classic ($40/case) tonight and it was pretty good. They're both ProCaps paint so it's basically the same thing. But the thing is, I use a barrel kit to match the bore sizes, so it doesn't really matter what paint you use.

09-07-2005, 11:21 PM
the best for the money i have found was BE afterburner at Target a while back. it was ~4 bucks for 500. if you check to make sure there is no broken paint in the bags, the balls are actually quite decent. slick, round, consistent, goopy fill. everything people want.
i shot about 2000 of them in a day with my classic valve, around 6-8 bps, 280 fps, and they shot with the best of them. non one on top of the other, but darn close. only had maybe 2 barrel breaks throughout the day, and one chop because i shot too many times with my gun sideways with the warp on it.

if you find a bag of the stuff with a leaker, or broken paint in it, avoid it. they either have alot of egg shaped balls or just alot of mess to clean.

people just cant get over the fact that BE makes a decent ball. its all because of the name matched to reputation.