View Full Version : Cure for Cancer? HIV? Look at what this is

12-05-2001, 08:33 AM
I can't believe that someone would actually go through the trouble of creating a web page like this. It's horrible to sell devices that you claim can "cure" cancer, HIV, and many other fatal diseases. See for yourself:



12-05-2001, 08:44 AM
that is pretty cheap. but the flame thrower under the space age weapons looks fun.

12-05-2001, 09:02 AM
Can you say.... a fool and their money are soon parted?

Example: $30 for a video approximately 6 minutes long about a Hover Board?

Example: Jet pack plans for something that looks like this?
<img src="http://www.futurehorizons.net/jet23.jpg">
When they have REAL Jet Packs that are the size of the average Mountain Back Pack.

Example: Stun gun plans that cost about what buying a REAL stun gun costs.

Example: Time travel machine plans? If they worked why didn't THEY build them and use them to make them rich? But they sell them on a web site instead? ;)

Example: "Discover the strange energy that is produced inside pyramids. Sharpen razor blades and preserve food just by placing them inside a specially constructed pyramid. Plans for building your own in various sizes. Discover what the Egyptians have known for ages." I guess that is why Egyptians are the most advanced society on Earth, right? ;)

Oh my...... Want a good laugh, visit the site. :D LOL

12-05-2001, 12:19 PM
Hey Shartley!!!! Don't you dare diss the time travel plans!

They were given to the person by an actual time-traveller. It says so. So it MUST be true. hahahahahaha

I love the pic. "Meet George Jetson...SWOOOOSH!! BLAM! WHAT THE.....?!?!?! :D

I also don't think that someone with a terminal illness would actually consider anything from that site....however, when death is close, some people may be desparate for anything.

12-05-2001, 07:31 PM
look at the hoverboard. Do you see the picture of the person riding it? Recognize those shoes and the building in the background? Back to the Future!

notice how the hoverboard in that picture with Michael J Foxx looks nothing like the one they are selling you.

12-05-2001, 10:47 PM
I'm gonna buy so much stuff for christmas from them.Let's see, a hoverboard, a jetpack, and a lightsabere, can't ask for too much. This is the happiest day of my life!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D Wait, I could just go back in time and use it to make money and buy all the jetpacks I would need. Man, I'm such a genius!!!!!!

12-05-2001, 10:57 PM
LOL! I think some of those dinky plans would be fun to try anyways. Plans like the ufo and magnetic hovering vehicle... lol.
I actually would like a sound blaster pistol though...

12-06-2001, 11:31 AM
Maybe thats what Bill Gates has done...Dun Dun Dun..

12-06-2001, 08:47 PM
Simple Circuit to prove free energy exists. Also Plans to show you how to build a completly solid-state Free-Energy device. Output is over 100% efficient!
FREE(when you place an order OVER $50.00)

'Nuff said.

Somebody should kill whoever is behind all this crap.

12-07-2001, 01:37 PM
I Emailed them a few months ago about their products, and luckly their reply is still in my inbox...

"The simple fact of that question is that for some people we may never be
able to prove how real and inspiring our products are. To those people,
we will always be " a hoax", but the people who try our plans and
devices out themselves, will know for sure that what we advertise is
Many people ask why the things we have advertised are not more
widely available if the technology is really there. The answer to that,
pondered through long enough is simple: Many of the technologies
have been supressed by the "Big Business" and various world
governments. They make money as long as the supression continues.
Where would the oil producing companies be if free-energy plans were
widely available. How would the government react to some of the space-
age-weapons we offer? How about the surveillance devices and the high-
tech robotics?
Another big reason these things have been supressed is due to all
the non-believers, critics, and all around lack of imagination in
today. Who wants to tell anybody something that they're not going to
believe anyway, or who has the imagination and open mind to further the
technology that was lost or supresses so many years ago, as many of
our technological devices are? Why is it so hard to just accept
something for what it is instead of always thinking there's got to be
to it, or there's something wrong with it?
Hopefully, as our company grows, and our clientelle expands, there
will be little room for doubt, and one more reason for people to be more
Thank you for your time and interest.
Future Horizons

12-07-2001, 03:37 PM
Hey im not sayin that their stuff is real which i bet most of it isnt but they do have a few things that work or are true. That book on tesela is its true. and the sound thing that hurts people is true, and the us army has alot of prototypes of it and they do work. how useful they are is question able though.

12-07-2001, 04:50 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FeelTheRT

" Another big reason these things have been supressed is due to all
the non-believers, critics, and all around lack of imagination in
today. "

I'm just going to imagine riding on a Hoverboard and I'll just imagine that I did not see a stolen picture from Back to the Future.

12-07-2001, 07:15 PM
Part of what futurehorizons says is kinda true. There was someone my friend knew that made a new effient energy mode and the companies bought the patents off him for about .75 mil.

12-07-2001, 07:19 PM
Ya i that is perdy sad that companys hold back inventions that would help or improve the world for the sake for personal gain. Like that one that supposidly invented a half gas and half water engine but the oil companies bought it

12-07-2001, 07:23 PM
the fuel cell system is used by NASA and now Mercedes Benz have created the NEcar 4 which also usues a fuel cell.

12-07-2001, 07:27 PM
cool that means alot cleanner air well i was just wonderin cus im goin a report on batteries (its 8th grade so i dont have to try to hard) and i was wondering if anybody knew anything about air zink batteries, a web site said they been around recently but for somereason they have just started being worked on. It said it would eventually replace gas for cars. Any body know??

12-08-2001, 12:27 AM
cleaner air? Bah. I love the smell of exhaust coming from 540 cubic inches of pure american muscle.

Reminds me a biscuits and gravy.

12-08-2001, 02:05 PM
Pyro Pack
Contains all 8 of our Pyrotechnics plans. A savings of $14 from buying each plan seperatly.
plans PYRO - $30.00
Quantity desired

Nitrogen Triiodide
This is a very powerful and shock sensitive explosive. Once dried, simply dropping a feather on it can set it off! If dilluted and formed into balls, it makes a great substitute ammo for paint ball guns.
plans #TRII plans - $5.00
Quantity desired

Oh, GREAT :rolleyes:

12-08-2001, 02:20 PM
did you see the paintball marker explosive, just one question what if it brakes in your barrel?? does it turn into a grenade

12-08-2001, 03:05 PM
I find it more than a little troubling to see such things for sale. One of the sickening downfalls of capitalism is that opportunistic people prey on the misfortunes and desperation of others. My mom had Stage 3 lymphatic cancer, and I can tell you it is one of the hardest things to see someone you love basically tortured to "cure" it. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are more cruel than you can imagine. In this situation attitude is everything. The support of friends and family will literally save your life, and a placebo can be very powerful. That's the only way that thing could help. It's inconceivable to think that a cure for cancer would be limited, discriminated against, or banned in any way.