View Full Version : Derek Rhodes Is a Scammer!

Drew Perkins
09-06-2005, 09:10 PM
Ok maby a month ago someone posted on AO for a trade for an Electric Tippmann. I offered him my Bko and he accepted the trade . I never recieved the tippmann but he got the BKO. As soon as I asked him about why the gun never showed up he blocked me. I have all of his information including his name, address, phone number (which is the right one) and aim name(XenoContraKnight), As well as this onedude36 of AO who last spoke to him refuses to help and was the one who first showed me the thread. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks

50 cal
09-06-2005, 09:11 PM
Where are you located? I had a guy in Michigan scam me and a few AO'ers helped me out.

09-06-2005, 09:13 PM
get his ip address (if your looking to really take legal action)

use a whois (http://www.whois.net/)
contact isp
have police contact isp & get his address

or try reverse phone lookup (http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/)
and try to get the police to contact his phone service provider

09-06-2005, 09:26 PM
why does all that have to be done... he already has his address and phone number...

09-06-2005, 09:27 PM
why does all that have to be done... he already has his address and phone number...

this is incase it really isnt his address. he could have easily had it sent to a grandmothers house or something.

either way, get the police involved.

09-06-2005, 09:33 PM
Ut-o's someones in trouble.

Teh noob is spamming hate threads about an old school member with perfect feedback, I wonders who we shad baleive?!!!111?!!1??!!?111!!!?

:cuss: :cheers: :bounce: :shooting:

09-06-2005, 09:34 PM
3rd party. Always use a 3rd party with internet sales.

Carpe' diem.

09-06-2005, 09:37 PM
Derek is NOT a scammer. I'm talking to him right now. He says that a) he has not blocked you on AIM and b) that he did send the gun.

He's banned right now and can't talk for himself, so I figured I'd add this.

tropical fishy: did you send the gun, derek?
XenoContraKnight: Yes, Chelsea, I did.

This guy would not scam you. Contact him before you take any more action, please.

09-06-2005, 09:37 PM
where's he at?

09-06-2005, 09:48 PM
What? Okay sir, you're pretty wrong.

I've talked to Derek for awhile now, and we've done about 5+ deals. I've sent first on 2 of them, and received my stuff/money in time, and in great condition.

Derek bought those *ever so popular* AO Army t-shirt from me, and they got lost in the mail and didnt arrive until about 8 weeks later. He said they would come and THEY DID. He didnt complain once and I even offered to make them again for him. He is so good, that in fact he is sending me "said" BKO before I even pay him, we trust each other that much.

Im sorry but either your package got lost in the mail(not his fault), or maybe your parents got it first and dont want you trading online. I dont know but I've seen it happen before. I highly doubt Derek would ruin his AO Reputation over a freaking BKO/Tippmann.

oh yeah, and..

quikzilva: did you really block him?
XenoContraKnight: he's online right now
XenoContraKnight: been idle for like
XenoContraKnight: 25minutes

Blocked you eh?

09-06-2005, 10:00 PM
lets step in for a moment...

I havent been surfing AO very much in the past few months for lack of time and a few other reasons, but when I was made aware of this thread I thought I'd say something...

I have done alot of business over the internet, especially over AO... I've started my own small business (somewhat) if any of you remember the metal warp adapters that float around here and there.. So i guess you could say that I have some expierience with dealing with both sellers and customers in a fair manner.

Have you contacted the seller via telephone?
-sometimes a verbal discussion can settle small disputes quickly and make everybody happy.

Have you investigated the sellers feedback?
-to see if it could be a misunderstanding or to see if the guy has been ripping off others also.

Have you alotted a fair amount of time for a package to be delivered?
-weather being considered, packages can be delayed for weeks without notice to either the shipper or reciever.

Have you kept your composure throughout the whole ordeal?
-losing your temper and patience can complicate things, people never want to discuss business when someone is upset, no matter what the situation.

Sometimes simple things like telling it as it is, providing all the facts to a forum will help you get a more posative outcome. If you are to request help from the others here at AO, a complete list of your communication, shipping reciepts, dates, exact items in trade are all good things to have...

I have indeed done business with this particular acusee. I have had perfect communication with him at all times (which makes me wonder why he would block you).. he has a very good feedback which puzzles me when it comes to this situation, and if I remember correctly the only incident i had with him, he contacted me immediatly to make me aware that there was a delay in the shipment of my item...

The scenario you have described to us really seems uncharicteristic of XenoContraKnight...

meh, I have a feeling this is just a misunderstanding...

09-06-2005, 10:26 PM
I refuse to spam somone who is vouched for by so many people. I am obviously an aweful person. :cry:

EDIT: 10 bucks says this is just a mix up by usps.

09-06-2005, 10:33 PM
I'm here to speak for derek again:

XenoContraKnight: do me a favor?
XenoContraKnight: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1987572#post1987572
XenoContraKnight: Post.
XenoContraKnight: tell one dude this
XenoContraKnight: 'This is a message From Automaggot68/Derek Rhodes. Shut up. You are involved in this. you helped instigate it, and you even talked to me yourself, even when I had no idea who you were. A mix up? you were sent by him to validate my honesty, and when I questioned you on that note, you said you didn't Care. I save all of my conversations."

And he'd like you to know that you owe him ten bucks.

He'd also like you to stand up and say this very loudly:

"I'd just like to let you know that I suck. And that I like ribbons in my hair, and I want to kiss all the boys."

09-06-2005, 10:51 PM
"I'd just like to let you know that I suck. And that I like ribbons in my hair, and I want to kiss all the boys."


09-06-2005, 10:55 PM

PSSST-- that was my addition.

Don't tell.

09-06-2005, 10:58 PM
I actually believe XenoContraKnight. I am friends with the other party too. I still think this is just a mix up by the shipping companies or somone else I think this will all be sorted out soon. Meh im not going to post in this thread any more pm me if you need me.

09-06-2005, 11:49 PM
Derek isnt a scammer. He's one of the last people on earth that i would call a scammer.

He isnt a theif, or a cheat, or anything like that.

tis al i have to say

09-07-2005, 12:21 AM
I'd have to say that Derek isn't a scammer either. But what would i know. I'm biased towards his side anyway

09-07-2005, 12:29 AM

I will vouch for Derek.

He is banned for the time being, so don't expect him to come to his own defense.

If he says it happened one way, it happened that way.

I have a feeling that its just a shipping mistake. If they lost it, just let him file the claim, and get your money back to you. If it's just not there yet, hang on. I've had stuff take over a week to go UPS ground from Cali before, and I've had USPS Priority 2-3 day take over two weeks before.

Just sit tight, I know for a fact he isn't taking off to a small tropical island with your cash and ETippy.

Target Practice
09-07-2005, 12:45 AM
Ok maby a month ago someone posted on AO for a trade for an Electric Tippmann. I offered him my Bko and he accepted the trade . I never recieved the tippmann but he got the BKO. As soon as I asked him about why the gun never showed up he blocked me. I have all of his information including his name, address, phone number (which is the right one) and aim name(XenoContraKnight), As well as this onedude36 of AO who last spoke to him refuses to help and was the one who first showed me the thread. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks

Not needed. Consider yourself smacked when you get over here...Army

Recon by Fire
09-07-2005, 12:56 AM
I don't know either party involved here but I would like to point something out for all those traders out there; YOUR responsibility does not end by simply dropping a marker in the mail. You must ensure it gets to the respective party. Simply put, use a shipping method that is trackable and ensure it!

09-07-2005, 01:34 AM
I don't know either party involved here but I would like to point something out for all those traders out there; YOUR responsibility does not end by simply dropping a marker in the mail. You must ensure it gets to the respective party. Simply put, use a shipping method that is trackable and ensure it!

That's not necessarily true.

If you state FOB at your doorstep, and offer to insure it on their nickel, it is then up to them (and therefore their responsibility) to spring for it or not. You as the seller dictate the FOB point. It is up to the buyer to understand the terms of the sale, and agree to them before hand.

That said, I always ship UPS unless I have no other choice (IE going to Canada, Europe, or an APO address), and I always insure for replacement cost plus the cost of shipping.

And really, when you get right down to it, shipping a marker with tracking and insurance via USPS ends up being the same price, or more that what UPS charges. Add to that the fact that the USPS doesn't even actually guarantee that it will get there (whereas UPS guarantees delivery in less than nine days (IIRC) via ground to anywhere in the US), and I begin to wonder why anyone ships USPS anymore.

09-07-2005, 09:34 AM

2 pages positive feedback. hes a respected member and friends with many other respected members and dealers. wheres your feedback?

09-07-2005, 09:46 AM
And really, when you get right down to it, shipping a marker with tracking and insurance via USPS ends up being the same price, or more that what UPS charges. Add to that the fact that the USPS doesn't even actually guarantee that it will get there (whereas UPS guarantees delivery in less than nine days (IIRC) via ground to anywhere in the US), and I begin to wonder why anyone ships USPS anymore.

I got a quote to send my totes (not cardboard boxes) home through UPS and they quoted $35 each. I was going to take the hit for $210 to send all of my stuff home from the military. I checked USPS and they shipped the same thing, with tracking and delivery confirmation, for $19 each. The big difference: UPS doesn't like tough containers. There is a $10.95 surcharge for sending things in your own crates.

Chris Nearchos
09-07-2005, 11:04 AM
okay quick question to fll in a blank iam getting. IF he is a great trader like everyone says (which after looking through his feedback i must agree), why is he banned for a long time??

also, do either parties have a tracking number for it (or even a reciet of postal purchase)?

09-07-2005, 11:26 AM
okay quick question to fll in a blank iam getting. IF he is a great trader like everyone says (which after looking through his feedback i must agree), why is he banned for a long time?
banning has nothing to do with trading... unfortunately. as you can see now there are often mixups or false accusations, and you never know who was right, so some people have ripped off others and stayed on the forum.

he was banned cause of monstermag, they were both banned.

Chris Nearchos
09-07-2005, 12:10 PM
banning has nothing to do with trading...

i didnt think it had to do with trading or we would be having this thread sooner. but oh well, you got play nice to stay here. some just cant do it= ban.

09-07-2005, 12:18 PM
.....why is he banned for a long time??.......

He's not. I believe that he and MonsterMag got a three or six day a piece for sniping at each other.

I just checked the Mod log and it doesn't say for sure how long it is. For some reason though, I want to say six days. I could be full of crap though.

09-07-2005, 12:22 PM
he was banned cause of his actions, they were both banned.

I'm sorry, but I felt the need to correct that statement.

09-07-2005, 12:35 PM
I'm sorry, but I felt the need to correct that statement.

Technically correct. Kind of a big window there, though. :)

/doesn't think there's a scam

09-07-2005, 01:06 PM
I was banned because of my Actions regarding interactions between Monstermag and Myself.
My ban has/had NOTHING to do with nmy BST reputation, or my BST manners.

I missed 132 Calls ALst night, twenty or so were from my friends.
The other Hundred odd were from..
602 266 9017
623 186 6196
I really need to invest in a camera, because then it'd be my signature.
In fact, He has called a great number of times.
Did I know it was him?
Do I EVER answer this cell phone?
No, Its emergency only.
Did he call during themiddle of the might, early in the morning?
Yes. I turned my ringer off after a few days of this BS.
if I had known it was him, I'd have picked up and talked to him.
I DO know however who gave him my Phone number, it was another buddy of mine, on my AIM screen name. How do I know?
all of my Chatlogs are Saved as windows, not Text-editable documents.

Lets get this Straight. When something is Late, I contact the buyer, or seller of any particular Item we're dealing with.

Bad Dog is evidence of that.

Quik was also right, it took a DAMNED long time to get TWO shirts. Shirts. Took something like a Month and a half to two months. Why didn't I moan about it? Because I believed him.

On DrewPerkin's defense, he was pretty Civil when i talked to him alst night on AIM.
Wait...what was that? I didn't block him?
Oh that's right- he said I blocked him, yeah.

No, I blocked him last night after threats he gave me, after he no longer acted like a mature adult.

He then messaged me about an about later, Telling me I had changed my story several times, and that he works for Delta Airlines, and tha th'es going to come and get me, and the gun.
The kid is 15.
I dont know what he's trying to pull here.

Talking to TMAXXKING, He gave me a good ribbing for not paying the money for Delivery confirmation on the box. Well..he was right. The next time i send anyone anything, you can bet that'll be on it to avoid incidents like this.

Even perkin's Friend, Onedude seems to not side with me, but see my point, and other's.

Slade Said that I have two pages or so of nothing but positive feeback, and that the acuser has none.
Well. If he thinks he'd been done wrong, then let him post my real name, phone number, address, etc, for all to see. I dont know what anyone would use it for, but they can come on over.
Hell. Live in the SD area? PM me. Come on over. I've got nothing to hide.

I refuse to argue about this. My trading history says what kind of trader I am, not what kind of poster I am.

Take me as I am, or take me as you see me people, I could care less.

For alll of those who came to support me, Friend or BST aqquaintance, Thank you very much. I appriciate it a great deal.

09-07-2005, 02:51 PM
Not for nothing, I had a conversation with Squid a while back.

I'd recommend to you what I said then: don't intermix your professional relationships with your online "persona" or whatever.

Squiddie was getting called out on some fairly questionable stuff by a poster he had several disagreements with, and he felt it was bad for his reputation. I told him he should have a seperate account or sn to operate his business out of.

I don't know if thats a perfect solution, but it is a solution.

/Ha Ha!!
//Derek is getting upset
///And can't type!!111!@1

09-07-2005, 03:01 PM
Not for nothing, I had a conversation with Squid a while back.

I'd recommend to you what I said then: don't intermix your professional relationships with your online "persona" or whatever.

Squiddie was getting called out on some fairly questionable stuff by a poster he had several disagreements with, and he felt it was bad for his reputation. I told him he should have a seperate account or sn to operate his business out of.

I don't know if thats a perfect solution, but it is a solution.

/Ha Ha!!
//Derek is getting upset
///And can't type!!111!@1

That sounds like a pretty damned good solution.


09-07-2005, 03:55 PM
That'll be $1800 in Consulting fees
"Consulting"... see its capitalized
Insert Ha Ha guy
new slashes

09-07-2005, 04:03 PM
That'll be $1800 in Consulting fees
"Consulting"... see its capitalized
Insert Ha Ha guy
new slashes

•You're ruining my Scam thread
•Beat it, punk.

09-07-2005, 04:19 PM
somebody call the WAMBULANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grow up, this is pm worthy stuff, and if you want to flame, PBNation dedicated a whole thread section to it, go there

09-07-2005, 04:20 PM
somebody call the WAMBULANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grow up, this is pm worthy stuff, and if you want to flame, PBNation dedicated a whole thread section to it, go there

Hey, shut up.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 07:24 PM

I have to post to you via this board since you won't talk to me on the phone. First of all as I told you on your answering machine this isn't Drew it's Bill. I was the owner of the marker not Drew. I paid for the marker not Drew. He knew I wasn't using it and saw your Tippmann on-line. I let him trade MY marker for your's. Here are the reasons I'm so pissed off........

1. You said to ship the guns on the same day via USPS Priority mail. I did, and as you stated got it in 4 days.
2. After two weeks of no gun Drew asked where the gun was, you said "Oh you had really just shipped it the past Tuesday.
3. Two more week.......no gun. Then you say, " Oh don't worry, I took out insurance on the gun.
4. Now you say, ''Oh, I lost the USPS INSURANCE paperwork.
5. Now here's the biggest kicker, we asked for the BKO back your first IM said you sold it. Then, you have the nuts to write back and say, " no I was mistaken, I didn't sell it the BKO is broken. At this point my head's spinning. I'm thinking it's true what they say drugs do destroy lives.

Watch it. I don't care one bit who you are. If you use this account for posting poor word choices, I will ban it quick fast and in a hurry. Army Drew is the one that just wanted to let this go. I was the one that made him start this thread. It seems it's the only way to get your attention. When I first started calling you I left you a message to call me back........nothing but silence. Why do you think I've been calling you at 5:00 a.m. Just to chat??. I want to settle this like two civil people, but I can't seem to find you anywhere. It's not even about the BKO. I really don't care about the gun. It's the principle that I care about. Get your story straight. You have my cell phone number.......call me. I don't want to fight this out on a public forum. Let me ask you, if the tables were turned and you had waited and waited and had heard different stories would you be pissed or would you just let it go?????!!!!!! I won't let it go until it get resolved.


09-07-2005, 07:34 PM

09-07-2005, 07:52 PM
. Why do you think I've been calling you at 5:00 a.m. Just to chat??.

You do realize that making unsolicited business phone calls at obscene hours is frowned on heavily under most laws right? Considering this is things of value changing hands, and this could be construed to be a collections call you may want to rethink such tactics of harassment.

Beyond that, I don't care, don't know either of you, don't care.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:00 PM
I originally called him in the afternoon and evening but he never picked up.

09-07-2005, 08:07 PM
5. Now here's the biggest kicker, we asked for the BKO back your first IM said you sold it. Then, you have the nuts to write back and say, " no I was mistaken, I didn't sell it the BKO is broken.


AIM IM with onedude36
9/6/05, 6:33 PM
onedude36: Hey do you still have that electro tippy?
xenocontraknight: No sorry man, i sent it to some kid a few weeks ago
xenocontraknight: Havent heard from him since
xenocontraknight: The BKO he sent me though was broken out of the damn box though
onedude36: hmm i want one now..

I'l get screen shots if needed.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:28 PM
That's why when you got the gun you IM'd back and said, and I quote.." The gun shots great, I love the trigger".

Dude, take my advice crack kills...........

Oh, I forgot to add something since your argument is sooooo devastating

Were all all the screen shots of you demanding the tippmann back since the BKO was broken????????

09-07-2005, 08:38 PM
That's why when you got the gun you IM'd back and said, and I quote.." The gun shots great, I love the trigger".

Dude, take my advice crack kills...........

Oh, I forgot to add something since your argument is sooooo devastating

Were all all the screen shots of you demanding the tippmann back since the BKO was broken????????

When did i demand the 98 back?
When did I make mention of it?

When did i say that the marker shot great?
You boasted about the trigger and i AGREED with you.

09-07-2005, 08:43 PM
please take this childish ignorance to PMs.

We could care less about your business deal in paintball talk. If you dont like it, leave feedback. Dont make the rest of US hear you whine too.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:43 PM
You really don't get it do you Gump. If the deal really was like you said, I sent you a piece of crap and you sent me a good gun, then why am I the one *****ing??? Get it?? I would shut-up and laugh about ripping you off. I don't need this ****. I just want to expose you as the fraud you are. Why didn't you demand your gun back???? Enquiring minds want to know.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:46 PM
Yakitori, this doesn't concern you. I've been trying for weeks to privately talk to this guy. This is my first chance. I'd leave feedback if I knew where.

09-07-2005, 08:47 PM

w00t w00t :clap:

09-07-2005, 08:48 PM
please take this childish ignorance to PMs.

We could care less about your business deal in paintball talk. If you dont like it, leave feedback. Dont make the rest of US hear you whine too.


we might not have interesting threads pouring out our mouths, but we certainly dont want to be seeing this crap freeze the top spot just because you children cant decide on anything.

I also feel bad not paying the usual $55.00 springer charges :p

admin_llama all

oh, and before i forget....

in before the lock! :clap:

09-07-2005, 08:48 PM
Maybe he didnt demand the gun back because he's a nice guy, and knew he could get the gun working?

Oh wait those dont exist.

(btw, derek waiting 2 months for my t-shirts, didnt demand anything. I offered to make more for him and he declined. Its because he's nice, and likes to give people a chance.)

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:50 PM
Why don't you kids let the grown-ups talk here.............

09-07-2005, 08:52 PM
Were all all the screen shots of you demanding the tippmann back since the BKO was broken????????
umm... doesnt him demanding the tippmann back mean that you HAVE the tippmann? or at least that he sent it? you just invalidated your own claim.

Yakitori, this doesn't concern you. I've been trying for weeks to privately talk to this guy. This is my first chance. I'd leave feedback if I knew where.

09-07-2005, 08:52 PM

we might not have interesting threads pouring out our mouths, but we certainly dont want to be seeing this crap freeze the top spot just because you children cant decide on anything.

I also feel bad not paying the usual $55.00 springer charges :p

admin_llama all

oh, and before i forget....

in before the lock! :clap:

Alright. Lock this sucker.
I'll take it to PM's boys.
no more posts from me.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:53 PM
Quik, with business skills like yours I'm sure you'll go far at Wal-Mart......

P.S. Should'nt your name be Slow??

09-07-2005, 08:53 PM
Alright. Lock this sucker.
I'll take it to PM's boys.
no more posts from me.

:hail: :hail: maturity finally comes through :hail: :hail:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 08:55 PM
Where is he demanding the tippmann back? Please enlighten me......

Poor little loser running and hiding under his bed? Can't take the pummelling huh?

What a piece of sh*t...........

09-07-2005, 08:57 PM
Quik, with business skills like yours I'm sure you'll go far at Wal-Mart......

P.S. Should'nt your name be Slow??
what a horrible insult, you're not much of the e-gangsta I thought you were. :rolleyes:

09-07-2005, 08:59 PM
Quik, with business skills like yours I'm sure you'll go far at Wal-Mart......

P.S. Should'nt your name be Slow??

Or to Japan twice, and to Vietnam this summer.


09-07-2005, 09:09 PM
its funny.....ahhh the irony of your MATURE ADULT drew perkins. Tell me do you see the irony in this.

"Yakitori, it doesnt concern you" yet you post a thread in the paintball talk forum trying to get ppls attention. It concerns anyone who is able to read it. If it was between you and automaggot, then thats who you should be discussing it w/.

Lock it...

09-07-2005, 09:20 PM
I don't think it's terrible that this is being discussed in public.

Especially considering that one of the party's involved is an avid AO trader.

Threads like this benefit potential customers, and give us a good insight into what kind of trader each of these guys are.

For instance, I would never do business with Drew Perkins.

For instance, I would not hesitate to do business with Derek Rhodes.

Drew Perkins
09-07-2005, 09:32 PM
Yakitoro, let me explain this to you before your mom kicks you off your computer and makes you go to bed. I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR WEEKS TO PRIVATELY CONTACT THIS LOSER. THIS IS THE ONLY FORUM HE WOULD SPEAK TO ME IN. GET IT. Now off to bed! No supper for you.

P.S. Derek said he was going to take this off-line to PM's. Boy he's just flooding me with communications.........not.

09-07-2005, 09:40 PM
In the mail room...

"Hey Bob! Look at this. Its dated a few months back."

"O crap! Dont let the boss see. Get this to shipped to this guy pronto"

"Yeah. Il run it over now."

LOCK THIS. Come on. Do it for the Dancing Banana! :dance:

09-07-2005, 09:46 PM
I love the sarcasm. :rolleyes:

Here are a few things you must realize...

First this is NOT a private forums. EVERYONE can see this. You have to understand that. You came here, posted in a public discussion.

Second. Disrespecting our known members does not look good, and is the exact opposite of the look of respect you are trying to portray. Don't expect your stay to be long, or comfortable.

You are making yourself look like a complete fool, and an utter jackass.

So sorry for stating the blatantly obvious. Have a nice night, and I hope you get this settled out.

09-07-2005, 09:48 PM
Yakitoro, let me explain this to you before your mom kicks you off your computer and makes you go to bed. I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR WEEKS TO PRIVATELY CONTACT THIS LOSER. THIS IS THE ONLY FORUM HE WOULD SPEAK TO ME IN. GET IT. Now off to bed! No supper for you.

P.S. Derek said he was going to take this off-line to PM's. Boy he's just flooding me with communications.........not.

Honey, sweetheart, darling, Derek is at school right now. I'm sure he will contact you as soon as he's out of class. Or would you like to call him another 100+ times while he's there? PM me darlin', I have his number.

Mr. Perkins, one would remind you that your "maturity" has not exactly shone through during this little debacle. Your insults at quik, requests to "let the grown ups talk" [sic] and various poorly-veiled attempts to inflame and anger the others on this board have been duly noted (by everyone here I'm sure) and the hypocracy of it has amused us (me at least). One would also remind you that an astrisk (that's the little star in case you were wondering) is generally considered a "character," and the rules state quite clearly: "Do not try to circumvent the cuss filters by using spaces or other characters."

Many, many people on this site have done business with Derek or know him personally. And frankly, no one believes you. Rather than remaining rational and calm, you've blown things out of proportion and... well, what did Shakespeare say? "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

09-07-2005, 09:51 PM
Closed. Take this to PM's or Email, children.