View Full Version : Your First Game, What Happened??

09-07-2005, 12:05 PM
Well heres a little thread to see what all our PRO ballers here did on their first game. Well my first game wasnt that exciting but hopefully some are.
.....Why dont you start your Posts like this.....

Age: 13
Marker: P/F Titan
Attire: T-Shirt, Jeans, Chuck Taylors, Cotton Candy Pink JT Gogs
What I Did: So, its my first time ever playing the sport of paintball. It was a speedball game with my friends who had all been playing for years at Jungle Cat Paintball. I was almost pissing my pants when we counted down, and when i heard gogogo :eek: I stalled and fallowed my friend into his small wooden bunker as he siad move up and pushed me out and was imediatly shot out. :rolleyes:

Well hope this thread is fun. Have some fun and tell us what ya got.

09-07-2005, 12:20 PM
Age: 16
Marker: Thunder Pig
Atire: T-Shirt, jeans, Nikes, and a Old school JT mask that just covered the face a bit.

What I did: First time I played it was a woodsball game near our river bed, and basically followed some friends around who were experienced and I did more hiding than searching for anyone. Don't really remember what happened since it was so long ago, but pretty sure I was shot out. :D

09-07-2005, 12:22 PM
wow first game

year - 1998
age - 15
marker - stingray
atire - camo stuff
we were playing a woodsball game it came down to 3 on me i got a brite idea to take cover in the tall grass, which was outside of the woods, i took off as fast as 6'6" 270lbs can move and just as i reached the edge of the woods i got my foot hooked on the remenence of an old barbwire fence and at full speed i wasnt able to even try to stop did a head first fall slamming my 12oz co2 tank right into my collar bone, then it was all finished off by about 4 nice shots to the *** as i was standing up. that was my first paintball experience, and im still here :rofl: :dance:

09-07-2005, 12:33 PM
Age 16
Gun A-5
Attire - Camo jacket, raven pants, crappy JT gogs

What happened? I got lit up a lot but it was fun. Even though it's only 3 years ago, people were really sportsmanlike. Nowadays I feel sorry for rookies.

09-07-2005, 12:37 PM
Age: 18
Marker: VM68
Attire: BDUs

What I did: Shot my friend in the back of the ear from about eight feet. I surprisingly made a really good move up the side. They never went over any kind of "surrender" or "dead to rights" rules. Felt bad afterwards, but only for about five minutes. Had a blast. Got dirty and sweaty. Made some friends. I had dreams about playing until the next time I went. :clap:

09-07-2005, 12:38 PM
Lets see if I can remember that far back..... :cry:

Year 1984 or 85
Age 17 or 18
Splatmaster I think officially but we also used USDF 12 guage cattle and tree markers (damn those hurt) some used Nelson markers as well.
Atire....BDU's we played on Fort Knox Reservation all the time
What Happened.....Well we played were my SAR squad took on the MP squad. It was a mad house melee as you would think.... I did good took out some peeps then I decided to be the hero and charge the bunker got up there without being shot and took everyone by suprise. I would have won to if I would have remembered to reload the darn gun..... :wow:
needless to say I got pasted with paint by 4 darn MP grunts.... :rofl:

Later Medic

09-07-2005, 12:40 PM
age= 13, 2000
clothes= desert camo pants, black shirt
gun= tippy98c
ok so ididnt know what was going on at all i jst sat ina bunker and tried to shoot at people which didnt work becuase i couldnt shoot them through the little windows in the wood they were peeking out of. i tried to run to another bunker and i got sho and i turned around and saw everyone at the bunker i was holed up at get bunkd lol wow i was lucky....

09-07-2005, 12:40 PM
Gun- Modified Spyder
Atire- Camo (of Course)

How it went down: A bunch of friends and i decided that we were going ot get a game of paintball going. We organized some teams and went for the woods behind my house. Two teams of 8 guys all playing for almost the first time. It was a mess of newbie point and shoot, but we all had a great time. Dang that was about 9 years ago, how the times fly when you are having fun.

09-07-2005, 01:20 PM
Age: 32

Clothing: sweatshirt, jeans, JT mask

Gun: MiniMag running on Co2

What happened: I got taken to school but had a great time. We were playing rec ball on a friends property, mainly elimination.


09-07-2005, 01:26 PM
Age-8 or 9
Marker-Kingman Pump.

I didn't shoot anyone all day. It sucked. I wasn't prepared to play.
I went with a Family Friend's sons, at the time were 15 and 16.
It sucked.

09-07-2005, 01:59 PM
Age: 16
Marker: Spyder TL

I was at Fields of Fire with my buddy. I pretty much followed him around everywhere he went. For some reason or another I walked out behind this building and turned in the oposite direction of the opponents and I got lit up on my back (first time ever getting shot with a paintball.) Now I own that field.

09-07-2005, 02:07 PM
first game was back when in the woods (played outlaw ball a long time before hitting up a real field, cuz, well, i was very young, and since i had to use my own $, very poor), so, ill just go by first game at an organized field

age- ~13
marker- by that time, i think i was rockin an old school shocker
clothing- faded metallica t-shirt and jeans

what happened- made the 40 off break, shot out 2 guys, bumped to 50, shot 2 more, ran through last guy. (in a 5v5). Was thrilled.

09-07-2005, 02:24 PM
Played-Played on a field a bunch of kids made that was little at the time but know has 12 vs 12
Marker-Spyder Compact 2000
Win Lose-Won 5 lost 2
It was the greatest time in my life. We played speed ball and i was awsome. It was 5 vs 5 and I was untouchable. I only got paint on me once. But I would call my self out as soon as i got hit cause i was nervous and jumpy. It was kick *** and I was like 10. Thats my story. Im gonna start playin again soon. I decided to take a little break. Why? Because i can be a tard.:tard:

09-07-2005, 02:50 PM
Age - 13 (current age 14....)
Played - Speedball
Marker - Rental blowback.

Well, my friends all had their spyders and tippmanns, so I was immediately following them because they had the best guns there ( :rolleyes: what they told me...)I got shot was in the goggles the first time, and paint tasted realllly bad. Next game, I said to myself I want to know what it feels like getting shot, so I went out, shot 2 people (I was wowed...) and never got shot. So the next game, thinking I was invincible I just tried to do a run through, I think I only got shot about 9 times, but it felt like 50 and I just fell to the ground.....

09-07-2005, 03:21 PM
When: Sunday March 15 2004
Age: 13
Atire: Jeans and a grey sweatshirt with news paper under it(like a flak jacket)
Where: Running around the sand dunes where I live
Marker: My brand new Tippmann P/C stock

It was kinda funny. I remember seeing a guy come around about 50 ft in front of me so instead of shooting at him or moving to a better possition to shoot him I ran around and hid behind a bush where he shot me(well duh). I had a great time though and still play with the same marker and the same group of kids.

09-07-2005, 03:44 PM
When - 1987
Age - 23
Attire - Dutch Army trousers, T shirt and Italian Army Jacket
Where - Local Woodland site.
Marker - Borrowed Splatmaster Rapide

Took a bunch of friends from my local bar and a few work colleagues plus the G/F (important this part ;)) Got the flag in about half of the games played that day. Then on one of the times I had got shot, I got a call that my G/F had been shot and was hurt so I went back into the woods to find her crying her eyes out as she had got shot in the ear and I do mean IN the ear (she was wearing JT Whipper Snappers same as me and they didn't cover the ear at all) anyhow result was that she got taken to hospital to have her ear syringed and flushed out.....I stayed and carried on playing as I was having a great time!
A week later I went and bought a Phantom which I still have to this day

BTW ...we stayed together for another year and a half after that so it must have been love or something :eek:

09-07-2005, 03:55 PM
When: 7th Grade. 1992
Age: 13
Where: Paintball Heaven - Local woodsball field

There was a half-day and some of the upper classman (9th grade was in the Jr high, in my town) decided to go as a school 'trip'. I went, played with a pump and I was hooked ever since. Went out and bought a Spyder Compact with birthday money, which I eventually upgraded to a MAG.

09-07-2005, 04:01 PM
age: 14 (10 years ago)
attire: shorts, t-shirt, brass eagle z-leader mask
marker: none
My brother and his friend 18 at the timeboth got stingrays to start playing paintball. They thought they were the best players ever. I told them they wouldn't even be able to hit me if I played. They gave me a mask and we went to the high school practice soccer field. They put a flag in the center circle and told me I had to get to it before they hit me. We started at opposite ends of the field and when they said go i took off running towards the flag. I got about half way there when they started shooting. My brothers friend never even hit me, they had 45 round hoppers. My brother on the other hand waited untill i got to the flag and stopped running, then he oppend up on me. I must have been hit like 30 times. I had paint and bruises everywhere. They both started laughing as i was laying there crying. They got in so much trouble when they took me home. A few weeks later i went to Canobie Paintball with on of the guys from the soccer team. He bought me a Hammer Plus, my money I was just to young to buy it. I challenged my brother and his friend to another game and this time it was them on the ground crying. I have never stopped playing. Now I own a mag and just dominate the backyard field we play on every weekend.

09-07-2005, 05:27 PM
age 16
Brass Eagle mask, old kswiss shoes, jeans, hoodedsweatshirt
diablo rental marker

I went to Apoc. with some friends who have played a couple times before. We played on some of the wood fields and the first game I ran to a side bunker then went up the field....nobody was shooting after a while so I figured it was over or something....I got up from my bunker as everyone on the other team proceeded to shoot me over and over.

09-07-2005, 05:50 PM
Age: 14
Marker: Sheridan Xts
Attire: old hunting clothes, and a cheap jt mask
What I Did: First time I ever played was woodsball back in the day, we had like 30 people together, if I remember right they had me waiting in ambush in a spot where a bunch of rocks made everyone funnel together. Three guys showed up together, I shot twice complety missed, fired a few more times managed to get one but the other two got me. I dont' really remember the day very well after that but I remember it was a great day and it got the ball rolling.

09-07-2005, 05:58 PM
Age: 2 weeks until 14th bday (2002)

Marker : rental piranha ...

Attire: Cargo pants, rental goggles, and a camo jacket I borrowed from a friend.

Place: TAG (The Adventure Game) at it's old location near Santa Cruz.

Events: The game started, and I moved to a can that had been turned sideways. Stayed there for the whole game until shot in the back from a guy who had run around the tape. Rather long range and it didn't hurt at all. In the 2nd game I was in a back standup, and was last one left on my team. Someone shooting an imp (i think) bunkered me and shot me 5-6 times on my hip, fingers, and shoulder. Most painful hits i've ever taken too. (never been shot on the fingers since...)


09-07-2005, 06:02 PM
I dont remember my first game but I remember an early game where I was stuck behind this one bunker and I couldnt see anything because of goggle fog and I just cussed my brains out. They were allll over me.

09-07-2005, 06:04 PM
lmao first time...

gun: rental tippman 98 custom
gear: overalls, old school scratched armorlite mask and thats about it

i remember the first time a played i was alone on the feild with my freinds. it was a t action commando. right when i went on the field i ran straight for cover thinking the game starting when u walked ont he feild. while i was camping like a noob the rest of my freinds were in the middle of the feild in a group wondering where i was. as soon as i poped out a shot one in the hand..only after i realized the game didt start yet
....lmao those were the good ol days

09-07-2005, 06:13 PM
Marker: 98c
Cloths: Shorts, t-shirt

Situation: First time for both me and my friend. He had a Brass eagle. We played in the woods by our houses. Velocitys turned all the way down. One bag of paint last 3 hours. We played 3 hits and your "frozen" for 1 minutite, and the other person could get the flag.

Twas fun.

09-07-2005, 06:15 PM
Age: 12
Gun: Pro-Lite
Attire: BDUs and jungle boots.
Location: uncle's house, the back 40 near Brighton, MI

It was woodsball. I did pretty good, actually. Just like any other red-blooded American, I grew up playing war, so it wasn't too much of a stretch to have me run around the woods with a paintball gun. There were ten people there, all family, so they all knew I was the newbie. Not to brag or anything, but they quickly learned not to take it easy on me. I got a respectable number of eliminations. Of course, I couldn't touch my cousin. He had an Automag, so he had to be good, right? While he was indeed good, I soon learned, as any noob should the marker doesn't make the player.

Thus began my paintball saga. From such lowly and humble beginnings. :shooting:

Now, who wants to touch me?

(You guys should be doing this: :hail: :hail: )

:D ;)

09-07-2005, 07:39 PM
Age: 10
Gun: Rental Pirhana

Hid with my friend in the backmost bunker, kept cover, then I stuck my head out and got hit right in the lens.

Hey, I was 10. :P

09-07-2005, 07:58 PM
when- june of 2002
gun- rental piranha
location- Bear Creek Paintball in los gatos
threads- multiple layers of clothes, with outer being camo.

in my first game, i thought i would be a cool sniper guy or something, so i laid down behind a log and shot from its end around the side. the balls started coming in on me, so i ran like hell. then i hid about mid-field and took somewhat long range shots and actually hit about 4 people like that. then the "bad guys" got closer, so i retreated. and then i got shot in the neck. didn't really hurt.

i realized it wasn't bad, so i shed all my clothes but a t-shirt and jeans and played again.

2nd game. dont remember much about it except that i was surrendered by someone with no paint and air. :( . he just had to show me he had none either as i was walking away.

i still have a picture of me proudly showing the camera my neck shot.

what a noob. :rolleyes:

09-07-2005, 08:11 PM
marker: brass eagle silver eagle REFURBISHED

first time bunkered from behind by an aurora autococker... (didnt know that then), the rest of the times it was pretty good, especally for being up against heavys... yea. i didnt know alot then. i put a stock on my gun and polished the internals. i kinda wish i had it, becuse i want to heavily mod it... lol. i am bored now since i cant buy or sell annymore.

09-07-2005, 08:30 PM
Age: I was 12 I think... yeah 12
Marker: Tippmann 98 Custom
Where: Splattball indoor (bunch of rooms and wooden bunkers)
Clothes: Camies (lol what a noob)

What happened: I actually started pretty agressive. My adrenaline was pumping. I ran to a bunker in front of me, sparying shots and yelling. I turned towards some noise on one side of the field and started to aim. Then my friend on the other tea peaked over my bunker and shot me in the butt. I wouldn't have it any other way. The rest of the day was pretty shweet even though my Tippy went down because the field owner dicked with it and I had to use a Black Knight rental.

09-07-2005, 08:49 PM
Year 1988/89 ish pretty much a drunken blur...
Gun Splatmaster
local indoor field.
Remember remember cars & getting lit up by 3 of the local team with SMG's at the same time. Great experience :rolleyes:

My first real sober game .... Right after I got back from desert storm.
Boomers big game
Gun Aussi made scorpion elite (I miss that gun)
Hit the first guy that I shot "golden BB" Little did I know he was on the "big" local team. At this point I found out what automags were. ( in spades) The whole team (13 guys ) had them I got a very thorough beating. It only made me stronger. Had a mag within two months. :D

09-07-2005, 09:42 PM
Age- 11 or 12, I cant remember
Field- Skirmish USA
Tippmann 98C

It was...awesome. Even though my team did horrible and I got shot within 2 minutes in the head. The flanked us enough to get behind us. Good times.

09-07-2005, 09:44 PM
Ahhh the join of child hood-

Age: 14? 13?
Gun: Spyder Shutter- The old red ones w/ a bottom line!!! i had a good one!!!
Location: Home-made Field- Waukesha, Wi
What I did:
Well, the "Speedball field we had there was set up to be like a speedball field sort of, but we really didnt know aobut that kind of PB at that time. We all had like Tippys, and some of us had some ol' skool Spyders n stuff.. Well, my sisters boyfriend at the time loved paintball and i urged him to take me out there!!! I can remember my first game really well. It started out yelling Go, Go, Go... paint blasting, i get behind my bunker, and as a n00b i was totally afraid to get shot, but i wanted to get it over with. I was playing with my knee so far out, i got shot right in the side of the knee. I was like, ahh that didnt hurt at all... im so cool!!!

But, like after that i was so scared to play Paintball... like, if it was 2 on 1 or 1vs 1 i would try and shoot myself... hhahahah!!! i was so scared of getting shot!!! i was probably the worst one ever...

Now, i dont care if i get shot and i run open field and do run throughs all the time, not thinking twice if i got shot or not. Hell... i probably play on all the time :( sorry refss....

09-08-2005, 11:33 AM
Hey thanks for all the input, I am glad i can bring back some slightly physically painfull memories but Amazing memories we cant and wont forget. Keep them coming. I love reading these....

09-08-2005, 02:55 PM
I wore camo

I ran around in the woods with a buddy's Talon scared to death and got shot in the mouthpiece of his Brass Eagle mask. Yum.

09-09-2005, 02:54 PM
First attempted game

-Christmas 1990 (age 21)
-At the abandoned bomb-storage bunkers of Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay, Labrador
-Nelspot 007'S & shop goggles
-mukluks, snow pants, parkas

Three-on-two, we started at two separate bunkers, and ran through knee-deep snow for cover in the trees. At -30°C, stock-guns don't work well. The frozen paintballs flew about 12ft, and then bounced off our parkas. We decided to try again in the spring.

First actual game:

-May 1991
-In the woods, 15km north of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador
-I wore OD Canadian army combat pants & shirt, with jungle boots.

Four-on-three. Me, my brother Ken, Chris & Jamie versus Mike, Bryn and Darryl. Having no idea what we were doing, we laid out a massive field at least 1/4 mile wide and slightly longer. My flag base was on the top of a small ridge, and Ken, Chris & I set out walking in line abreast to find the enemy flag. Within five minutes we had lost each other, and I for one was too worried about being found by the other team, so I didn't yell out to my missing team mates. I kept walking forward, trying to be sneaky, and stopping every few steps to listen for sounds. I heard something. Bryn burst out of the trees 20ft off to my right, and we both fired. His shot went wide, and I got a lucky hit on his boot. One down. I moved faster now, expecting the noise to draw his teammates. It did. Within two minutes I encountered Mike, and bounced a shot off his thigh, frighteningly close to the family jewels. None of us were wearing protection, and the markers were not chronoed (we'd never even heard of that). Mike was wiling to accept a close call as 'good enough', and off he went.
Two down, one to go. Somehow, I found their flag base, where Darryl was hiding on defense. I shot him, too. Knowing the clock was running down, and wanting to have a complete victory, I grabbed the flag and started running for my own base. I arrived, full of adrenaline, and spotted a figure crouched in the bushes. I fired, and widely missed Jamie, my own defender. He cursed at me, and I apologised as I hung the flag. We called the boys in, and decided to try a smaller field for the next game.

09-09-2005, 03:13 PM
When -1924
Age - 18
Attire -dye c1 gear
Where -Detroit
Marker -Dye model t

This was back before paintballs, in my day we shot marbles at each other. You had to be tough and rugged, try to wipe a marble hit noobxur. Me and Dan Quayle invented the first matrix and patented the crip walk back then, good ole days. We wore stainless steel masks with bars on the front, you learned not to get shot back then. I could only carry 2 pods because marbles weigh alot. Anyways, it was the annual rock n sock paintball tourney in Detroit, 10 man event. It was my team and Henry Fords team in the finals. I shot at least 3/8 of their team off of the break, and finished up the other half while making a run through inside a bunker. My team looked pretty cool the entire game though, so I gave them all high fives. That was a pretty exciting day, boy has paintball changed.

Cow hunter
09-09-2005, 03:35 PM
attire-long pants-heavy sweatshirts
Where-Cousins PB in plattekill NY
marker-tippmann pro carbine

wow this was a while ago.......... at a friiends birthday we had like 25 ppl all never played before.... great plays, lots of bunkerng, but i had like 5 gallons of seltzer and got sick from running around so much :tard: plenty of shooting my own team and blind-firng

09-09-2005, 06:15 PM
Age: 12
When: '92
Marker: Rental pump.
Where: Wooded field in the mountains near Santa Cruz.

My friends birthday party. Awesome field, massive redwood trees, on a hillside. Somehow in my very first round I managed to creep my way all the way down the hill to the other team's base. I was 8' from the first of three defenders who were all looking up the field as I was standing there lining up my shot on their side. I shoot....and nothing! The closest guy turns and gogs me.

Turns out that just before crossing a creek halfway down the field my hopper fell of my marker! I wasn't used to the weight so I didn't notice. Totally blew the chance to take out 3+ guys and get the flag in my very first game!

09-09-2005, 07:06 PM
well, I'm not pro..considering I only played ONE time...which was my first time :)

Age 27
Where: IAO, OGD on Team AFTICA! Horray Beer!!
Attire: Automags Jersey, Pants, Shoes, Two Sports bras that matched Jersey and a Morph Mask
Marker: Cute little Wine to Blue fade EMag

Played full tournmant of 8 games of 5 man, Spent the whole time in the rear can, seeing as not only my first game first time I also fired a paintball gun, and got shot at with others firing paintball guns. Don't think I actually shot anyone .... Got shot too many times to list. Though my very first hit I took in the side of the head right above my ear. that hurt something pretty dang bad (thank you to Cannon-Fodder of Team POG). But, I had a great time and can't wait to play again!! :)

Thank you!

09-09-2005, 11:02 PM
Age: 12
Marker: tippmann 98 custom ,
Attire: T shirt and jeans
Were: Base camp paintball , New York

I went with a friend that had a walmart gun sadly. He got me into playing. I had these free coupons to go and play (free field fee) The first time I played it I got hooked. Adrenaline pumping though my veins. I needed more , so I starting coming regally. First it was every other week and for a few hours. I had a crap load of fun. I played rec for about 1 1/2 years then air ball and x ball for the next year. I love paintball :)

02-08-2006, 10:34 AM
Anyone else?

02-08-2006, 10:58 AM
It was 1993. Three friends of mine and I went out to one of the parks in our area with a lot of wooded area and campgrounds. Yes, I know that's illegal and yes, I know that's not that safe. I was 17 at the time, so that didn't occur to me much then. At least it was fall, so there really wasn't anyone in the park at the time anyway. We donned our camoflauge and set about stalking each other. We all had olive drab colored Splatmaster Rapides, which were quite possibly the most inaccurate weapon devised by mankind. One of the guys we went with had a Stingray (if memory serves me correctly), which meant that since he wasn't recocking every shot he was the stuff. He also had one of the early versions of a grenade...I don't know...something like one of those Tippmann Squadbusters (that didn't work all that well either).

Anyway, we spent several hours hiding in and out of the trees, stalking each other, getting some good kills and ducking out of sight whenever a Ranger vehicle would come by. We never got caught, but I did get hooked into this great sport for life. It's funny now, but I think back on those crappy inaccurate Splatmasters and think of how much fun that was. I couldn't shoot 30 bps then, but it didn't really matter.


02-08-2006, 11:16 AM
Age: 12
When: '92
Marker: Rental pump.
Where: Wooded field in the mountains near Santa Cruz.

wow, i never thougth id see you on here.
first time was...
When: 2000
Age:12/13, i forget in my old age.
Marker: Pirhanna sts,
where: prospect paintball in connecticut. it was a crappy place to play, we had to hike for 15 mins to play a 10 minute game, i had no idea where they were coming from. and i had a blast. I defended the base and hit a couple guys, then i got shot on the top of the head. hurt alot, then i got shot in the butt walking off the fields. jerks.

02-08-2006, 11:46 AM
Age: Just shy of 20 at the time
Marker: Rental tippmann
Clothes: My issued camo USMC
Where: S. Wisconsin

Home on leave just after boot camp. My younger brother had been playing a woods game called "paintball" with his friends. He asked me if I'd like to go play paintball at this paintball field near here. Yah, it sounds like fun so I agreed. At the time I knew nothing about paintball. We got there and had a pretty good time most of the day until the unthinkable happened. I was crawling up the right tapeline. The very most edge of the wooded field field when all of a sudden I got shot from the right. I 'm flat on the ground, but I imediatly raise my marker and yell I'm out like the the refs told us to do in the morning. In that same spilt second I wondering why I got hit from the right? cheating? I don't really know what happened next. The team that we were against had these autococker things and had alot of playing time under there belts. I was shot by 3 of them guys relentlessly on the ground at very close range. I remember screaming to stop, I'm out and trying to get away. I took multiple direct hits to the jewels and well everywere else as I tried to get away! I couldn't get away. They just kept on shooting! I ended up just rolling down the hill till I was out of range and draged myself to the dead box. At this point I was just bleeding like a stuck pig front and back! "Where was the refs", I wondered? I remember there was a guy in the dead box with me who gave me the best advice ever. I was so PO'ed, hurt and could barely stand. I asked him what one needs to fight off those autococker guys. He then told me, "thoughs guys are dicks you should buy a mag". It was like the sky opened up with a burst of light from the heavens! A realization like no other! Since I got my first mag I've never been punked like that ever again, Refs are way better and I still have a special dislike for Cockers.

02-08-2006, 12:07 PM
Age: 15
Marker: VM-68
Attire: Jeans, Sweatshirt, Hiking Boots, Crappy Scott Mask with foam falling out.
What I did: Was at Mare Island Paintball in 1997, using their rental semis. My friend and I (it was both of our first times playing) went out, not knowing what to expect. We decided to stick together. We stayed near the back of the woods fields, sitting behind a big piece of plywood. I couldn't see anyone, so I peeked my head over the top. Still couldn't see anything so I kept my head over the top. All of a sudden, POP, my vision turns green. :D I walk off the field, not having shot a single shot, and my friend meets me in the staging area about 30 seconds later...with a green mark on his lens.

02-08-2006, 01:37 PM
Age: 11
Marker: Spyder Pump gun
Attire: camo
Where: Woodbridge, Va

My friend took me for my birthday behind his house. His brother played paintball for a while and new what he was doing. I just stood next to a tree and waited for him to come up in front of me. Apparently he flanked me and gave me a shocker of my life. He bunkered the crap out of me and from then on, I loved paintball. And I gogg'd him in the very next game :clap:

Holy crap I've been playing paintball for 8 years now

02-08-2006, 01:54 PM
Playing one flag cpature, the other team hatched a plan to send guy who worked there(evening teams) to bolt for the flag. I had the same idea. Game begins, I see him running, Im beating him. I get there first and scare the jebus outa him, then discover the fact that paintguns can jam. I swore aloud, which tipped him off, and I ran. I jumped a bunker, got sniped in the forehead midair(right where my head would have been covered if my cheap as had spent $2 more on a rental mask), stuck my arms up to surrender to dude running up behind me and got blasted all over as he screamed, "Surrender or die!'

Marbles and masks?! We had rocks and scabs!

02-08-2006, 02:04 PM
Marker: I don’t recall but most likely a splatmaster.
Attire: BDUs
Where: VT

I was in the service on leave and played with a friend of mine on his property. We also played laser tag. Both games ended the same, I won. This is not because I was particularly good, but that my friend was NOT very good. LOL I don’t have any real exciting story to tell concerning the game only that we had fun and enjoyed seeing each other and letting off steam.

02-08-2006, 02:22 PM
Age: 8
Marker: really old nelson
Where: friend's grandfather's plantation
Attire: Camo sweats, my football jersey, soccer cleats, scott mask

My job was to protect the water tower. After hiding behind a log for about 15 mins I went directly to the tower. When I got there, I came to find out that all my team had been eliminated along time ago and I jumped down into the bunker that was made by a back hoe and then became pinched between both attacking teams and shot out half of both before getting 5-6 bouncers in a row and called myself out. our version of chronoing was stand 15 feet from this tree and if the bark fell off when you shot it, you were hot.

02-08-2006, 02:40 PM
Age: 13
Marker: 98 custom Rental
Where: Basecamp (local indoor rec field (sawdust and wood)
Attire: Scott Mask , Sweatshirt and blue jeans.

My older brother gave me these free passes things to go play (coupon booklet thingy) I took a friend with me that played 2-3 times and went to play.
We shot 280FPS in a room no bigger than a stand school gym (old YMCA building)
When I first got hit I was thrown back agent the wall and was left with a nasty welt. Then in the gear room some idiot left his safety off , but had a barrel plug in a rental. He picked it up and shot the barrel plug into my natts. Those red barrel plugs are heavy and thick at 280fps.He apologize and I got over it. It was a accidentent. The Adrenaline of just the sight of it got me hooked. This is gonna sound like a crack addict here but I NEEDED more. I couldn't stop , I bought a 98 custom and upgraded it with every penny I made. I played 1-2 times a month , now I am playing every weekend. As far as I know the rush and feel is like no other....

02-08-2006, 02:41 PM
gun: bob long millenium
atire: full motocross gear (chest protector, arm and knee pads, and gloves....yes i was a pansy)
actually i think this was the best play day i have ever had in the history of my paintball career. because of the excessive protection i had, i was fearless. it was an outdoor field "lone wolf paintball" out of michigan. i probably shot 2-3 people per game and advanced the most out of everyone on my team. at the end of the day, i won a medal of valor, and all of the vets hated me for my extremly fast movements. shoot i was probably 4 foot nothin at the time so they didn't have anything to shoot at. great trip down memory lane. thanks, i needed that.

02-08-2006, 07:32 PM
Lets see either it was A) when I was mowing the lawn and my brother shot me in the leg with his Tigershark or B) and a 2 man tourny at a field that some semi-sleazy friends of mine and my brother had set up in their backyard. I don't remember the first time that I got out or anything like that all I remember is that I grabed the flag.....and then ran it back to my startbox instead of the other teams for the amusment of all those watching :tard:

02-08-2006, 08:11 PM
I sort of told part of this embarrassing story last year, I guess I'll tell it again.

Year: 1999-2000
Field: Behind my buddie's church with his church group
Gun: I was using my buddies Vulcan and then a Talon
Clothes: See story for details :tard:

So my friend invites me out, tells me he's got all the equipment I'll need. I ask him if it hurts when you get hit and he says, "Hell Yeah! You better where something heavy!" So...I stay the night at his place...that morning, I get up ans start to get ready. He comes downstairs and there I am in my underwear taping bubble wrap around my legs and chest. :ninja: He laughes so hard that I thought he might pass out. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The first game I used his Vulcan. For thiose of you that have never seen these...they were $15 brand new...used a 10 round tube...plastic pumps...red and black in color. In the first game, I was hiding behind a tree and somebody shot me in the gun....the stock broke off and the gun broke in two more pieces. The rest of the day I had to use a Talon and the bottom was sort of stripped and was so tight that I had to take a wrench with me to replace the air cartridges which seemed to last about 95 seconds.

It was capture the flag...really nice field dimension-wise and with good boundries. Most people had Talons...the one guy with the Raptor and the guy with the Model98 were split up because their guns were "so good." I dind't do very well...and after about 3 games...I had to take my clothes off in the middle of the field and rip all of the bubble wrap off because it was making me so sweaty that it was sliding down my leg and I was tripping over it. Then everybody else at the field got to laugh at me. :rofl: :rofl:

But, I loved it...went out that night and bought my first gun...a Tiger Shark...put a scope on it...got some camo gear...and about 50-60 games and 15 guns later...here I am. Unfortunately, of that large group, my buddy plays 1-2 times a year and the rest of his church group never plays. :( :(

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-08-2006, 09:14 PM
Age: 10
Marker: PMI Tracer
Attire: old sweatpants, about 2 sweaters, wool gloves, and an old rental mask
What I Did: shooting a gun in the general direction of the opposing team was an adrenaline rush by itself, heart raced just thinking about going to the field, butterflies in my stomach before the start of each game, i was just a 10 year old newb playing with my uncle and my brother :)

02-08-2006, 10:16 PM
Style: Woodsball
Marker: Shyder Shutter
Attire: Sweatshirt, Jeans, Sneakers

I went with my cousin's 4H group,they were all older than I was, and basicly i went out there thinking it was the best thing ever. Got shot about twice as much as i shot anyone else, or maybe more... cant remember. Had a blast, and their 4H group even payed for me. It got me hooked, now I can't stop :shooting:

02-08-2006, 11:17 PM
Age: 16 at the time I think
Marker: tippy pro carbine
Attire: fleece jacket, Jeans, Justin boots, POS opaque mask
What I Did: Okay my good friend finnaly convinces me paintball is a "popular and cool” sport so I reluctantly agree to go with him to what was at the time the best field in town on a Saturday morning. So its 5:30am about 105*F and there is no one there except the two of us and the fellas running the field out of a beat up single wide trailer… yeah real cool popular sport. (Turns out a big tournament was that day so everyone was at another place that day)
So I get my rental gun (antique mantle peice) and we play two on one with the ref. Well while the ref and my bud were having a good fire fight, I crawl up a cliff adjacent to the field on my hand and knees like my life depended on it, and I sneak all the way around so I have a clear shot on the refs back. So I unload on this fella at about 2 bps. He freaks out! Had no clue I was there.
I bunkered this guy with his e cocker, with my old pro carbine, my first time out!!! (I bought that gun from the field after that game for $50)
After that I got into paintball. About a month later I saw a mini mag on my first trip to my proshop and fell in love with Automags. That was 4 or 5 years ago. Now I have a collection of Automags and my Girlfriend still has my old tippy procarbine for when she plays with us. The only thing is my bud moved to Nebraska about a year ago, so now I fly there a lot to play.
P.S. you fellas back east… poison oak!? :eek: , WTF! I will take a cactus to the rear any day!

02-09-2006, 01:07 AM
Age:12 (Still)
Gun: Vl Triad (But it blew a seal so i had to use a 98)
Threads: Empire 05 React Home (Yellow/Black)
What I Did: Laughed at noobs with ions who couldnt turn there guns off, lit up a whole team once, shot my friends sister in the neck, she stopped, used a friends brother's trilogy, and, only got out twice, but once i ran out of air, and the other time i got bunkered :( (running out of air in the woods, got lit up.) Oh yeah it was at Route 40 Edit: Also, using Proto Switch ELs
Edit again, grammar, i dont know how i get an A in Language Arts...

02-09-2006, 02:17 AM
Age: 13?
Gear: Good 'ole rental gear. Oh yeah, that mean a Diable Inferno Rental series with a shake and bake hopper and 12oz CO2 tank...
Game time:? The only thing I remember was being super frustrated that every time I fired, the hopper would shoot off like 20 feet away and I'd have to run and go find it. Lol, good times, good times... :rolleyes:

02-09-2006, 03:37 AM
Type: 1 vs. 1
Marker: Spyder Hammer
Setup:12gm 20 rnd tube feed.
This is how it went. There was this open area as I recall near my friend Andrews home. He was I belive 3 years older than me. He said hey look at this. It was a gun, I thought it was a toy until he said paintball. I was completly oblivious to what he was talking about until we went out back and shot it at the sewall across the canal. His father came out and asked if we wanted to play. Well we drove down the street, and across the main road to a wooded area. We had target practice for a little bit. Then we played. I don't remember who won, but I lost my feedtube a 20 rnd one. I thought it was so expensive at the time and was really embarassed. His dad passed it off like nothing. Good times. From then on I was fascinated. I didn't get my own marker until
I was 11. It was a B.E. Posion. Then I went to a JT Raider, Automags, more JT Guns, Spyders, Cockers, A Viking, A old Imp, a B2k2, more mags, now the Nerve and a rental automag. :)