View Full Version : Good news from Europe

12-05-2001, 10:22 AM
I called AGD Europe yesterday and asked how much more the Xtreme Emag will cost with the ACE.

Here's what Jackie said:"Same price."

That's really nice IMO

12-05-2001, 10:55 AM
Yes, that´s really nice!
But: I see that you are from Saarbrücken. How will you get the EMag to be allowed in Germany? :( - That´s the big problem!

12-05-2001, 01:59 PM
You have to get them stamped in Germany right? Apparently sometimes that can be really hard.

12-05-2001, 02:49 PM
yes, every marker in Germany must be stamped by the BKA (Bundes-Kriminal-Amt) ... and in their eyes, the EMag looks to simmilar to a real gun, especially the battery looks like a ammo-box ... *no comment* ...
For a privat person it is nearly impossible to get a marker stamped on his own (because it´s to expensive) ...

12-05-2001, 04:43 PM
Wohnst du in Deutschland, oder in Amerika?

12-05-2001, 05:22 PM
You could always take the battery off before you get it stamped..... they'd never know the difference.... :)

John Sosta, AGD Europe
12-06-2001, 07:39 AM
We're already working on an Xtreme which will go to the German BKA for legalisation.
We are going to mount the battery under the grip, but we need to do a nice job, so it looks like it belongs there, and not just like it's been moved for the legalisation process.
Trouble is, once it gets the F Stamp, everyone in Germany wants to buy it in it's original form, so the BKA sample tends to be a one off !
Will post pics when we are ready to send it in.

12-06-2001, 05:45 PM
I have a good idea for you John Sosta...

Why don't you mount a modular battery housing. You can mount it on the grip, you can mount it on your hopper, you can mount it on your tank, etc...The only thing it can't be mounted on is the foregrip area...

12-06-2001, 11:50 PM
Then it would look like they did it ujst to get through the legislative process.

- Chris

12-07-2001, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by raehl
Then it would look like they did it ujst to get through the legislative process.

- Chris

Are you saying my idea is bad? It took me half an hour to think up of that idea! I wanted to use it for my fantasy emag but I didn't...

12-07-2001, 12:33 AM
Bad for geting through the legistlative process in Deutschland? Yes. Bad idea in otherwise? No.

- Chris

12-07-2001, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by raehl
Bad for geting through the legistlative process in Deutschland? Yes. Bad idea in otherwise? No.

- Chris

Ok. I know it isn't a bad idea but I think that if it is designed well enough it wouldn't look like it was used to get through legislative processes. Maybe an attack position for the battery instead? Mount it like the shroud on an autococker. It should supply a more comfortable position for the arm if gripped correctly. Put it with the z-grip and you get the ability to be in the most compact position...

12-07-2001, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Arman/XPM
Wohnst du in Deutschland, oder in Amerika?

Ich wohne in Deutschland; genauer gesagt in Regensburg. In Deutschland ist es wirklich schwierig die EMag zugelassen zu bekommen! :( Als Privatperson völlig unmöglich!

John: this would be my Idea :D to buy a F-stamped one and modify it then, to look like the EMags we know ...
But I would be happy if there any EMag would be allowed in germany
... but desingn it so, that it would be possible to mount later a frontgripp in the style of the battery ... i love the style!
And: when will it be sent to the BKA? I cannot expect it any longer to hold the EMag in my hands! ;)

12-07-2001, 10:30 AM
Ähm Manuel, nix für ungut (wirklich nicht) aber dein Englisch ist - äh - interessant... ;)

Just to set this straight about legislation in Germany.

The German firearms law requires guns that fire a projectile with an energy of 7.5 joules max. to have an F-stamp (a capital F inside a pentagon with one of the pentagon sides as the base). Then said gun can be bought by every person who is at least 18 years old. Paintguns fall into this category.
The F-stamp is not punched into the gun (usually gripframe on Automags) By the BKA (our federal police) but by the dealer who imports them (or in the case of Brass Eagle Guns they are produced with it).
It's just that the BKA has to approve of the type of gun before dealers are allowed to import and F-stamp it.
The German firearms law further states that <b>any item</b> (including paintguns)<b> that resembles a fully automatic self loading weapon is illegal</b>. There is a set of characteristics that are disallowed for this reason (on paintguns, air rifles, hunting rifles, shotguns etc.) This includes: Vertically frontmounted Ammoclips of more then five rounds, or anything that looks like it (our Emag battery), any kind of vertical frontgrip (or regulator on Paintguns), the combination of pistolgrip and shoulderstock (a rifle can't have both), muzzle breaks and folding stocks.

This is not a comlete list...

For example the Autococker can't be sold with the barrel shroud installed in Germany...

Theoretically everytime someone comes out with a new milling, a gun with this milling has to be legalized by the BKA...

I hope this helps you guys understand our situation...

12-07-2001, 10:44 AM
Ahh, the joys of living in a politically correct society!

12-07-2001, 12:22 PM
If any of you ever get the urge to knock protectors of the second amendment take heed to this post.

Just saw some senator griping that the department of justice had not checked to see if any of the 9-11 hijackers had purchased firearms...

OK genius:

1. none of the crimes on 9-11 was committed with a gun.
2. do you think an illegal alien would bother with background check/registration?

I thought I would get at least a 4 year break from the second amendment bashing but I guess I was wrong.

I apologize for the public service announcement but had to vent. Koreans would just look at me funny.

12-08-2001, 03:09 PM
Thousands of Germans arn't shot by guns every year either.

European history is different than american history. I lived in Germany for a year, I can't say anyone over there felt particularly concerned about not having a gun. Seemed society functioned quite well without them.

Which isn't to say the law isn't damned inconvenient for paintball marker owners and couldn't use some reworking.

- Chris