View Full Version : Question and a poll

Recon by Fire
09-08-2005, 05:35 AM
I've been considering getting another electro lately, not sure if this would replace my current Xmag or be an addition to my collection. I truly love my X but I am sometime disappointed in the lack of upgraded software. I've been thinking about getting a Freestyle and sometimes a Shocker a will tempt me now and then, a few Vikings too. I think I totally missed this Ego marker debut too. What is the deal with the Ego and why is it soo much!? Looks like another blowback Timmy to me...???

09-08-2005, 05:42 AM
I say stay with the Xmag and show the world mags arnt dead to any extent IMO

09-08-2005, 06:24 AM
Keep the xmag. If the marker shoots Once, that means you pulled the trigger once.

And the predator boards are coming out soon.

09-08-2005, 09:46 AM
Looks like another blowback Timmy to me...???

I find this confusing. The whole point of a Timmy is to take a blowback Spyder and make it not a blowback ie. fully electro pneumatic. The Ego = fancy Timmy from a different mfg. I'm not sure where "blowback" came into it. I also have no idea why it's so expencive other than the fact that if people will pay that much, why not charge that much?

09-08-2005, 10:21 AM
Well, what you had listed, I have owned all but the Shocker. I just dont care for them. Anyways, I'll see if I can go through and give my personal impression of each.

X - Unique, simple, ez to maintain, avg efficiency

ND Freestyle(not pro, sold) - light, fast, quiet, minimal kick, gas hog(6-8 pods on 68/45)

Viking(unmilled and DC - still own 3) - quick, unique, efficient, durable, maintenance is simple, if weight is a concern, the unmilled is 3 lbs with reg no barrel.

Ego(still own) - Quick, efficient, durable, maintenance is simple, light, can get bouncy if it's not setup correctly.

I voted for the vike, DC viking is my primary over the ego.

When you get back in town, drop me a PM and you can shoot my 'arsenal'

09-08-2005, 11:20 AM
i voted ego b/c my friend used on at the chicago open and he loved it. he didnt use his shocker and used an ego. they look nice and perform very good. if you got the cash get the ego

09-08-2005, 11:33 AM
I'm not sure what kind of software upgrades you need which would justify the expense of a new marker. Do you need to program the gun to play drum beats? lol

09-08-2005, 11:35 AM
I'll toss in a vote for the Ego. I was in San Diego on Friday afternoon at the Commander's Cup when they eclipse kids quietly asked my friends and I if we'd seen enough of the show room models and wanted to actually shoot one in the back, as a rather happy looking PE character came trotting through the tent with a SCUBA. We were among the first non-eclipse people to shoot these thigns, and yeah.... they're good.

After popping off the half hopper of reballs (first time I'd ever seen these things) all of us knew we'd end up with these things eventually ($1200 on the spot was a bit much to come up with). We said our thanks and our compliments to the eclipse guys (and gal) in the snap box behind the booth, went to open the tent flap to get back into the main booth and were suddenly fighting a sea of people (who'd previously been at the Angel booth) trying to get past us to try out this new gun.

A Timmy it is and a Timmy it ain't. It's a Timmy in so far as it's a rammer style stacked tube gun with a vertical bolt pin. Timmy it aint in it's offset feedneck (return of the power feed, kinda), QEV equipped ram, opto trigger with magnetic return, etc. etc. etc. (Externally Timmy on a diet, internally I think it's better)

Out of the box with factory settings, I've seen Egos be rediculously bouncy. Once setup, they're still wickedly fast with the advantage of being light and pointing well. About the only complaint I could launch against the Ego is how thin the trigger frame is latterally, compaired to my E-Mag I feel like I'm holding a paint wand instead of a paintgun.

Oh... and umm... Keep the Xtreme - not like you can change your mind later and buy a new one.

09-08-2005, 01:42 PM
vikings and egos are the only thing i want to own as my primary right now. Both are just well built, high quality, great performing markers.

09-08-2005, 04:09 PM
:wow: I'd keep the X. If it wasnt a point of selling the Xmag then I'd say swoop on a Viking. I'm not sure that anything out there is as durable.

stop whining buy a mag
09-08-2005, 04:28 PM
Include a Mag in any poll on AO and it will win. The X-Mag is nice, but becoming a little outdated. I'd much rather have an Ego over an X-mag, but if they X holds any sentimental value to you then keep it.

The Ego is the apex of all markers right now. I can't think of anything that really outperforms the Ego drastically in any way.

09-08-2005, 08:07 PM
Keep the xmag, and then get a viking to add to your collection :)

09-08-2005, 08:55 PM
keep the x-mag, add to your collection
private label shocker, or ego

09-08-2005, 09:05 PM
The only 3 guns I would really consider as my main gun right now would be an AKA gun, something from the DM/Proto line, or an EGO. All are amazing guns.

Own(ed) (trying to sell) a Viking. Amazing gun, faster than hell, very very easy to maintain, and it shot darts. Not to mention the air efficiency is just astounding.

Shooting a DM4 right now as my primary. Couldn't be happier, shoots amazing all around. Very fast, very smooth, and it isn't terrible on air. Just a great great gun.

Played with an EGO for a while. Really nice gun, shot really fast, but it had a tad bit more recoil than most guns, but not enough to be an issue unless you don't know how to shoulder a gun. And it was kinda loud. But i'd pick one up in a heartbeat, for sure.

09-08-2005, 11:55 PM
The X-Mag is nice, but becoming a little outdated.

Funny, so is the valve system on almost every stack tube marker...


Go AKA if you want something good. Sure they are old and outdated (2004 is so not in this year... :rolleyes: ), but they rock.

stop whining buy a mag
09-09-2005, 02:04 PM
Funny, so is the valve system on almost every stack tube marker...


Go AKA if you want something good. Sure they are old and outdated (2004 is so not in this year... :rolleyes: ), but they rock.

The X-Valve is capable of so much, but spending another $150 to be able to have modes of fire, uncapped semi, etc is a little much. As it is right now you can pick up a DM4 for about $700 and just wait until World Cup rolls around.

Recon by Fire
09-10-2005, 04:13 AM
Well thanks everyone for input! I think I will be keeping my X-Mag; it has a very cool serial number (187 = code for homicide!) and has always served me well. I would find it difficult to part with it...I haven't seen a marker yet that would make me easily tarde it off.

After looking at these other markers I think I would like to add a Viking to my collection though. I may trade off a few of my cockers though and either pick up a Shocker or a Viking that can be used as an alternate and that could be used by my daughters also. Viking would be the preferred though. I'm still keeping an eye on those Freestyles though....