View Full Version : Paper-N-Pencil RPG's

09-08-2005, 04:36 PM
I think more of the old skool gamers know what I'm talking about here. Neverwinter Nights used to be played on tables across the country. My friends talk about "Against the Giants" all the time along with RoleMaster and Seventh Sea.

I searched through the forums long and hard to find another thread and I couldn't track one down. How many others out there still get together around a table and play RPG's? Do you know that the books are available on-line through some secret channels?

Come out of the woodwork and let me (and the rest of the forums) know that you play or you're looking for a new group with people that enjoy another hobby of your's.

09-08-2005, 05:11 PM
I used to play AD&D 2nd Ed. in HS, I still have tons of books. I played in FR, DS, GH, RL, and DL campaigns, and I DMed both GH and PS. Havn't played in a while, though. The last time I played was a while ago when me and my friends had no money and we were bored. It was ok.

I also used to play SW:RPG (d6) in HS, and still play online on a bullitin board-based group. I'm not all that active lately but I'm still there.

Never played anything besides those two though.

09-08-2005, 05:19 PM
I used to play M*A*S*H*

09-08-2005, 05:44 PM
ex boyfirend was complete "geek" type and did all that stuff. Know about it and watched it, but never had the desire to play.

09-08-2005, 06:01 PM
wow... i've played D&D (not AD&D), Star Wars, Twilight 2K, Battletech (primary), and many others once or twice. I used to be a Con-Geek... :p

I just started selling all of my rpg books and stuff to afford getting back into paintball.

09-08-2005, 06:42 PM
I play DnD 3rd ed, Mutants and Masterminds, and various boardgames.

hey, Thordic, where's that BB SW group? That sounds interesting.

09-08-2005, 06:44 PM

Source books are so freaking cool...


A little AD&D as well, but never thought it was as cool.

09-08-2005, 07:11 PM
I once wielded a fierce Eldar army in Warhammer 40K :D

09-08-2005, 07:41 PM
darn misleading thread titles. I thought you were going to teach us how to make paper rocket launchers out of pencils

09-08-2005, 07:47 PM
Still play:

Warhammer 40K

Used to Play:

Traveller 2300
Twilight 2000
Gamma World
Boot Hill
Top Secret
Star Frontiers
Living Steel
Air Superiority
Battletech (Started when the mechs were all straight rips from Japanese anime)

and, the best game of all time...

CAR WARS!!!!! Raise your hands if you remember Uncle Al's Auto Shop and Gunnery Stop :shooting:

09-08-2005, 07:48 PM
darn misleading thread titles. I thought you were going to teach us how to make paper rocket launchers out of pencils

lol, good to see that I wasn't the only one thinking that when I saw this thread.

09-08-2005, 09:45 PM
I also used to play SW:RPG (d6) in HS, and still play online on a bullitin board-based group. I'm not all that active lately but I'm still there.

I never moved to the d20 system for SW. I played KotR and the sequel just to see what it would be like. Thankfully that contract is up with WotC and we should see a different company pick up on the game system. It would be sweet to see West End Games grab it again but they can't fork up that kinda cash and Lucas isn't going to go easy on the next buyer.

I know of a couple of places that do PbP (play-by-post) Star Wars games along with many others. Drop me a PM and I'll drop you those lines.

Me (the GM) and a few friends of mine had a successful 3-year Seventh Sea campaign going until I got mobilized for Bosnia. Now another PC of mine is going to pick up the reigns and get something going again. The swashbuckling and piratanical side of me wants to play that really bad right now.

09-08-2005, 10:20 PM
One time, we were underground fighting a Mind Flayer who was floating over a pit of spikes ... and our Magic User summoned an Earth Elemental to appear in the ground above him and fall on him driving him into the spikes. The DM was like "get the bucket of d20's ... :rofl:

Yeah, I'm a geek. I used to love D&D. I started playing seriously around '82. Anyone else remember getting the "basic" set and having to color in the dice with a crayon? Every few years I seem to get back into it somehow. When 3rd edition came out it was like a breath of fresh air, and for a while I had a great group that play at Boston University. It was cool playing with new kids and old timers (like me).

"Jesus Saves ... and only takes half damage!"

09-09-2005, 07:14 AM
until those jerks put out 3.5, which was a marked improvement, except now all the 3.0 books I collected are almost useless.


Sw (d20)


D&D 3.0/3.5
Warhammer 40k

Starting Soon

D20 Modern

Hint: For D&D players who want to level fast, make sure your in a group with an Orc barbarian, wielding a great axe, with the full cleave track, might as well be a portable blender.

09-09-2005, 07:26 AM
until those jerks put out 3.5, which was a marked improvement, except now all the 3.0 books I collected are almost useless.

I thought there was an on-line "book" that you could download from WOTC that gave you all of the updates between 3 and 3.5? I thought it was a PDF that wasn't too far from the homepage.

Is there a lot of source material from 3.5 that you're wanting to use? What's wrong with staying 3.0? I've stayed away from d20 because it updates all the time. Most of my games are crusty and out of circulation (RoleMaster + Seventh Sea).

I forgot how cool the MechWarrior source books were. The Jumpship book was awesome for pictures. 3025 caused controversy because there was shared designs between Robotech and Mechwarrior. That had people really upset for a while.

09-09-2005, 07:54 AM
I play DnD 3rd ed, Mutants and Masterminds, and various boardgames.

hey, Thordic, where's that BB SW group? That sounds interesting.


There isn't a whole lot of information for new members floating around, as the d6 system is slowly dissapearing and the club already has at least a hundred members. But go check it out, and drop me a line on AIM or something.

09-09-2005, 08:56 AM
I thought there was an on-line "book" that you could download from WOTC that gave you all of the updates between 3 and 3.5? I thought it was a PDF that wasn't too far from the homepage.

Is there a lot of source material from 3.5 that you're wanting to use? What's wrong with staying 3.0? I've stayed away from d20 because it updates all the time. Most of my games are crusty and out of circulation (RoleMaster + Seventh Sea).

I forgot how cool the MechWarrior source books were. The Jumpship book was awesome for pictures. 3025 caused controversy because there was shared designs between Robotech and Mechwarrior. That had people really upset for a while.

3.5 Updates: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20030718a

I personally think 3.5 fixes alot really.

As for just cool sourcebooks, I really enjoy Heavy Gear books. They have some really good storyline books, they're fairly complete. Lots of society, political, and technological background.

09-09-2005, 09:59 AM
CAR WARS!!!!! Raise your hands if you remember Uncle Al's Auto Shop and Gunnery Stop :shooting:

Can I get an Amen?

Otherwise, I played a damn lot of those years ago, still play, but not as many different types anymore.

The current game of choice is Feng Shui, which is a not so serious fun romp.

09-09-2005, 10:43 AM
CAR WARS!!!!! Raise your hands if you remember Uncle Al's Auto Shop and Gunnery Stop :shooting:

Putting together the ultimate car in Car Wars was half the fun. I always sacrificed a weapon for an extra oil slick or caltrop dropper.

09-09-2005, 11:19 AM
Putting together the ultimate car in Car Wars was half the fun. I always sacrificed a weapon for an extra oil slick or caltrop dropper.

I grew fond of the heavy armored right side, and the hug the outside of the arena tatic.

I gotta find my signed Uncle Al's

09-09-2005, 11:35 AM
Back to D&D

you don't even need to buy the books anymore you can just download the SRD...

But what your missing is a lot of the flavor...and it helps to have the actual books while playing.

09-09-2005, 03:09 PM
Started playing basic D&D in junior high. Moved on to AD&D (1st & 2nd ed), added GammaWorld, Twilight 2000 (1st & 2nd Ed), SW:RPG (d6), in university and Shadowrun (2nd & 3rd Ed) after I moved to Ottawa. I GM'ed AD&D & Twilight. I was off the AD&D for almost ten years, until recently. My brother wanted to try an Oriental Adventures campaign. I heard it used an honour-points system, rather than alignments, and I wanted to see how that worked. I now have a 5th level shinobi no bushi.

We get together from time to time to play one-off adventures in Shadowrun or Tw2K.

09-09-2005, 03:41 PM
I played a little D&D with my cousin, but never had anyone to play with around here so i never got that into the games. I've been a fan of battletech for the past 13 years, and always wanted to play the table top version but I have no one to play with. I love all the Battletech books that and the warcraft books are all I ever read. :D

09-09-2005, 04:28 PM
I played 1st and 2nd edition AD&D back in the day.. Also messed around a bit with Star Wars and RIFTS...

09-09-2005, 09:14 PM
Warhammer 40k

and of course... Vampire: The Masquerade, it's not a realg RPG unless it's called a "storytelling game," and therefore has a colon in the title.

09-10-2005, 10:29 AM
Warhammer 40k

and of course... Vampire: The Masquerade, it's not a realg RPG unless it's called a "storytelling game," and therefore has a colon in the title.

I got bitter with the White Wolf line of games. They had an explanation for every world event happening because some Vampire, Mage, Garou had their hands in it. They were extremely revisionist and I couldn't stand it.

Now the new editions are out and put all the old stuff out-of-date.

09-10-2005, 11:18 AM
Ive played warhammer 40k and im now gonna get myself an army. Wicked fun game

Recon by Fire
09-10-2005, 11:51 AM
For those 40K players interested in obtaining a Space Marines (Crimson Fist) army; I have a nicely painted (I have won some awards) army available for sale or trade (if paintball). These are the newer models with limited edition figs and some Forgeworld stuff. All in a new army transport case and codex. PM if interested.

Gamer nerdz :)