View Full Version : ULT question

09-08-2005, 07:24 PM
Ok, simple quetion. And let me start off by saying that I'm sorry if this is answered in the ULT thread, but it was a long day at work and I didn't feel like reading the whole thing.
Now for the problem. I haven't used my mag in a while (few months really) and when I gassed it up today nothing happened. I just barely heard a small click and that was it, trigger rod was completely limp.
A friend told me to take the valve apart and oil the on/off. After some struggling, I managed to get the on/off out and apart. Now for the question. Can you take the pin completely out of the on/off? how exactly do you get it past the black o-ring in there?
Sorry if this is an incredibly simple/noobish question, but well, I'm relatively new to mags and can't seem to find the instruction manual (if there was one)...

Chris Nearchos
09-08-2005, 08:15 PM
okay yes it should come out. just use some force and it should slide out. (but dont pull to hard that you could bend/break it.) but yea, your gonna need to oil that sucker to get it running again. any other questions just post it and somebody will help you out.

09-08-2005, 09:45 PM
so basically just try and push it out through the black o-ring?

Chris Nearchos
09-08-2005, 09:51 PM
yup, and inspect the oring to make sure its all good with no cracks and such.