View Full Version : Auto Response video help needed...

12-05-2001, 02:00 PM
I have a Pro Team Products Auto-Response frame with the video in the original packing material. Since the Auto-Response is one of the more infamous aspects of AutoMag evolution I'd like to convert the video to a digital format and post it on the web.

Anyhow, what I need is advice on how to convert the video. If I can get it done - I'd like to do the other AGD videos also. (Automag, RT, and Emag)

I have plenty of bandwidth working at an ISP, and can host the videos here, and allow the AO site to like to them.

It's about 10 minutes long, and has a lot of cool shots of the Auto-Response in action - and old-school 'mag knowledge to boot. (Like the way that all pro players used to take a couple foot long stainless hose and cool it up to stop liquid Co2 from entering the valve.)

One scene shows a guy (I'm pretty sure with Co2) getting 12BPS with an AIR valve 'Mag. I'd like to point out for all of the posers who *claim* they can get 12-14BPS, that this was shown using a PACT timer - which is the ONLY way to verify shots per second. Important to note that to achieve that ROF it required a trigger that fires twice per pull...

Thanks in advance for the advice,

-Calvin Ledford

12-05-2001, 02:15 PM
Try looking for a special VCR that burns old home movies to VCD format so that they can be used in DVD players. I don't know that much about them but if you look around maybe at best buy or something they might have one I think they're around 500 bucks though.

There might be a PCI card you may be able to buy included with some software that would allow them to be recorded into a movie file. Other than that your only other option may be to find a company that will do this for a fee.

Hope this helps if you do get them up on a website post again I would like to download them.

Temo Vryce
12-05-2001, 02:58 PM
About all you really need is access to a computer with a Video Card that has TV in on it and some MPEG encoding software. Then just play the video in a VCR piping it into the Video card and encode it to a MPEG. It might be a little more complex than that but I don't know for sure. I know that's the basics though. I hope this helps you out.

12-05-2001, 03:57 PM
Use Windows Media encoder....I did a 45 min presentation and it was only about 32Mb. Very easy to use. I was using a Pinnacle DV500 capture device.

I'm sure there are gonna be people who blast me for this suggestion, but hey....I don't do that stuff for a living so...there may be a better way.

***Added: I got the Win Media Encoder free off their site.***

12-05-2001, 04:02 PM
You need an actual capture card to go with that software :)

12-05-2001, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Sqweezer
You need an actual capture card to go with that software :)

Since when does "device" mean software? :rolleyes:

12-05-2001, 10:59 PM
I have a basic diagram of how it works somewhere in my files for MagCentral... its a computer diagram a friend of mine made, which shows all the internals and how they function as the gun fires.