View Full Version : A Sound of Thunder - Horrible Film

09-11-2005, 03:45 AM
What a big pile of crap. This is the worst movie I've seen all year, perhaps one of the worst I've ever seen. I want my money back! I don't understand why Ben Kingsley did this film... it sucked royally from the beginning of the movie until the end...

The CG and green screening was horrible. Editing problems as well. Now, I can forgive that if the story is decent. But...

Some 3rd grader or someone really cracked out wrote this garbage... there are just so many things wrong with this film... so many logical problems... bad writing... the director should be ashamed to have his name in the credits.

The title itself has nothing to do with the movie that I could figure out.

There were like less than a dozen people watching and several of them left during the film.

It's really freakin' terrible.

09-11-2005, 04:12 AM
is this the motorcross movie?

09-11-2005, 09:39 AM
I haven't seen this movie, but I heard it sucked, much all the same gripes as what Miscue has said (you real name is siskel or ebert is it?). Which is disappointing because I was really looking forward to it. It's based on a short story by Ray Bradburry. Where the title comes from I'm not sure, but the basic premise is the same as in The Butterfly Effect, which TSOT is actually where they got the title for TBE. For those not familliar with the premise, in the near future, time travel is a reality, and this company runs tours to the dino age. One guy steps on a butterfly, and when they return to the future, everything is different. Simpsons fans may remember the Halloween episode where Homer turns the toaster into a time machine, and does much they same. From what I've heard, the Simpsons spoof is probably more worth the time that this movie.

09-11-2005, 02:04 PM
The acting wasn't horrible... the science was horrendous...

Here's my problem with the butterfly: Stepping on butterfly results in the evolution of monkeysaurus, wicked killer plants, a giant eel that takes forever to try to eat the guy and is dispatched with a freakin knife that is smaller than its teeth, the subway is now underwater (WHY???).... every new organism is a bad *** killer (in crappy CG), except humans that turn into some weak sauce blue sea otter (How did it survive evolution with all these killers about?).

And the whole area was supposed to be demolished by the volcano... so who cares if the butterfly is dead, it would have been vaporized anyway. We can go back in time, kill the same dinosaur over and over at the same point in time, yet you don't see the previous hunters... however, the main dude has no problem traveling back in time to warn the previous hunters (wait a minute, how did he get to the correct set of hunters since there were many groups that went to the same place in time)... The point was made that after the time corrections were made, they would forget everything. However, this is ignored at the end when the main character seems to know everything... just because his other self said: The bio-filter is off!... on the holodisk he got from his other self.

The liquid nitrogen burned through the metal gun as though it were acid (that's what I thought it was). Why is everything changing except the buildings and stuff! How come the American Indians were uneffected?!

Time ripples... slingshots... OMG.

Yay, we get to see the exact same crappy dinosaur CG animation... 3 times.

Worst green-screening ever in this century.

The Heisenberg Uncertainly prinicple was brought up... thought it was silly to do so the way they did and how it was explained. Heisenberg's principal does not mean that everything is uncertain... like was implied.

What was the point of making a big deal about the bio-filter??? So you can't bring stuff back? Urm, okay... but who cares if you killed the butterfly already... the bio-filter will just clean it off your shoe, not prevent the resulting crappy plot from being made possible. I could have envisioned a green water hose labeled: bio-filter.

Oh noes! I hope the back-up generator works! 40 minutes later...after several people have left: Oh noes! I hope the back-up generator works... again... in this other building. Our time machine is broken!!! No problem, there's another coin-op one right by the 7-Eleven.

Check the shoe... check the shoe... can anyone see this coming? Oh gee, it's a butterfly! Nobody saw that coming a mile away.

Back to the Future was a Carl Sagan flick compared to this pile of garbage. There should be a rule in Hollywood: No movies involving time travel /physics /science without relying on advisors that know something about it.

Often in a really bad movie... you can at least say: Wow, she was hot though. Or see some shirts coming off or something. Nope, not in this movie.

09-13-2005, 08:14 AM
The name "sound of thunder" comes from the original Bradburry short, where the tour group leader shoots the guy who ran off the path and stepped on the butterfly, with the gunshot being the "sound of thunder."

The story is so damn short, I just knew this movie would be a trainwreck. As for Kingsley, don't forget that this is hardly his first turkey. After all, he did play "The Hood" in the Thunderbirds movie ;)

09-13-2005, 08:31 AM
Is it as horrible as that awful movie with the guy from The fast and the furious who goes back in time to rescue his dad and they get clowned by a bunch of medieval folk?

I thought that movie was pretty funny.

09-13-2005, 08:37 AM
Is it as horrible as that awful movie with the guy from The fast and the furious who goes back in time to rescue his dad and they get clowned by a bunch of medieval folk?

I thought that movie was pretty funny.

Was that "Timeline?" If so, that was a horrible screenplay adaptation of the book, though Crighton's writing style has really devolved to a sort of lecturing tone. His latest book was a thinly veiled rant against enviromental concerns.

09-13-2005, 02:50 PM
Was that "Timeline?" If so, that was a horrible screenplay adaptation of the book, though Crighton's writing style has really devolved to a sort of lecturing tone. His latest book was a thinly veiled rant against enviromental concerns.

Well timeline the movie wasnt good at all, but the book was excelent IMO.

But on the topic of this movie i hadnt even heard about it till this thread, but i jsut read the lil synopsis on it off fandango, and i remember reading the short story that it was based off of. I read it years ago but deffintly remember it. I kinda wanna see it now just to see how bad it is, to bad i am at college with no car, and no way to get to the movie theaters.