View Full Version : What do you like currently going on in paintball?

09-12-2005, 10:07 PM
All of this negative talk lately about paintball is a real downer. Its hard not to be really, there are a lot of things going on changing the face of the sport. The old guard is all but gone, and a new age has started.

I got to thinking about what positive aspects I see...

Personally I like the resurgance in the scenario side of the game. Maybe its never really gone anywhere? I see loads of people getting excited about the storyline aspect of the game. Cold weather nears and everyone here is dusting off the camos and getting ready.

I like the fact that my local field is continuing to cater to the slower markers. Actually I see many of the experianced players there, myself included, getting mechs and enjoying the game for the pure fun and sportsmanship. I have to give cudos to the owner of the local. His rec games are strictly no bunkering, low ROF, and demand civility. Everyone always comes off the field smiling and congradulating each other on a great fun game.

Even the lowering resale in paintball items has a bright side. There are spactacular deals available on great performing markers and equipment, new and used. There are decent cheap paints available.

The sport isn't going to go completly in the gutter unless we allow it to. We are the ones in charge of that change.

Post up some GOOD stuff!

09-12-2005, 10:19 PM
Stuff's getting cheaper.

09-12-2005, 10:23 PM
like quik said its getting cheaper and for me and my brother we played with the UW whitewater PB team on sunday which was alot of fun and lots of good people

09-12-2005, 10:23 PM
Lets see I love buying stuff, like used stuff im always changing my setup. So I love to upgrade, new things in paintball turns me into a child at christmas time like the qloader and the apex barrel(even though i dont have one). I just started reffing at a field and got introduced to a bunch of cool people. Im going to the annual giant big game that I allways go to on sunday which is allways a blast. I usually play at my family's property we have a sytem using some plywood (we got from a church that was remoldeling) to setup a speed ball field pretty fast with easy take down. So we go out there whenever we want and were currently trying to get some air bunkers to add to the field too. I pretty much think about this all day during school and wish i was paintballing. I LOVE PAINTBALL :ninja: :argh: :wow: :shooting: :shooting: :dance: :dance: :cheers:

09-12-2005, 11:25 PM
college paintball....still for the love of the game, but good competition

09-12-2005, 11:27 PM
More Feilds opening up round here, More people showing intrest in mehcs/pumps, and cheaper equipment and gear.

09-12-2005, 11:28 PM
Prices comming down & the Re-emergence of pump style play!!! :shooting: :shooting:

09-13-2005, 01:04 AM
I do like the resurgence of pump play.. but hey I started playing when that was the thing to do and semi's were for people with money..


I like the new empire grind pants , they have knee pads...



OH OH!! I like that I could soon have a mech that shoots as fast as my semi only timmys.. that will throw the NPPL folk for a loop.

09-13-2005, 01:23 AM
AO Days & Owners Group Division...

wait...that means I like drinking with people from AO....eh...close enough

09-13-2005, 08:14 AM
Equipment getting cheaper

And I'm putting together pump days in my area, so hopefully I'll have something new to add to this list soon :)

09-13-2005, 08:30 AM
I like that the equipment is going down in price.
I also like the fact that there are alot of fields opening up in my area, even though they are speedball.
I also like that some of the new people in the local fields are in to woods ball.

09-13-2005, 03:36 PM
Before, if I wanted to try out a cocker, I'd pay 400 CND for a mech one, now I could get an e2'd cocker for 350 cnd....Wow.....

09-13-2005, 07:43 PM
I'm about to inject the opinion of a home-grown hardcore speedballer. I started playing paintball only a little of 3 years ago, and I've grown up on speedball. I've never thought forest fields were anywhere near as fun, because they seemed to slow. 15 BPS bunkerings add excitement and an extra flare into the game. Paintball could never become a true "sport" until it moved into speedball. Most people agree with this, but they dont agree with the swearing, the fighting, and the lack of sportsmen like conduct.

Think about it. The actual percent of swearing matches or fights compared to the number of games played isnt acutally that high. You only remember the bad (in this regard) games tho. When have you ever seen Dynasty brawl with Russian Legion? Actually, I dont believe its ever happened. When was the last time Yankees and Red Sox brawled? Probably a few hours ago. All "sports" have fights, people naturally get worked up. I really dont think things like this are worse in paintball than everything else, they just get more blown out of proportion.

Okay I'm getting a little off track. You asked what I like about paintball now?

I like everything. Paintball is perfect.

'nuff said.


09-13-2005, 07:50 PM
^^ im glad im not the only one who likes air ball and the 15bps rule. o yea who watched the eagles play the falcons?

09-13-2005, 07:50 PM
oops. double post.

my bad.


09-13-2005, 08:15 PM
Getting new guns.

Low prices.

Having more and more friends playing.

Getting new equipment.

Getting new guns.

Low prices on guns.

Being able to get guns cheap.

Ummm...the thrill of the game. Now that I have a job I can play more. I may be a newbish paintballer sorta kinda still (been playing for about 2 years), but I can still enjoy it so much.

09-13-2005, 09:22 PM
This was a good idea for a thread.

Personally, I'm all for the pump re-revolution. I've never been more interested in it than I am now. Getting cheap guns is great, but resale is a pain.

09-15-2005, 04:34 AM
What do I like? Well, each time I go to the field I'm seeing more and more young kids and families coming out...always good to have the young interest. And even though I'm a "Tippmann Hater", I must say that Tippmann makes a decent entry level gun, available in many stores, for well under $200...which I think helps get more and more people involved in the game. Brass Eagle used to do this, but the quality was much worse.

As for negatives...well..I've seen many fields closing. Of the ones that remain, they are starting to go away from woodsball, setting up airball fields. There also has been a transition from BYOP to field paint only...sometimes as much as $100+ a case. Not to mention that I've seen a transition towards "super guns". Even casual players are showing up at rec fields with Ions or Karnivores or Shockers. They may not always be good players...but they can usually be just good enough to use their firepower to turn off newer players. I really hate seeing young kids walking away from the field thinking that they can't be competitive without blowing $1500 on equipment.

09-15-2005, 09:36 AM
...Not to mention that I've seen a transition towards "super guns". Even casual players are showing up at rec fields with Ions or Karnivores or Shockers. They may not always be good players...but they can usually be just good enough to use their firepower to turn off newer players. I really hate seeing young kids walking away from the field thinking that they can't be competitive without blowing $1500 on equipment.
Gotta agree with you there. There is definately a move towards higher amounts of firepower versus any sort of team play. Hey, I'm not a "great" player, but I feel pretty good when I can eliminate one or two of these guys before getting lit-up myself.

09-15-2005, 04:13 PM
I like some of the new inovations comeing out that are mind blowing. + IAO and AO like kev lol

09-15-2005, 06:25 PM
I like watching the NPPL on OLN and EPSN! Hey the announcing sucks but its still exciting watching it on tv!
I love the number of people playing it too. Gone are the days of having to play 2 on 3 on a field big enough for 20. Its nice to just go and play pickup games with other people who just want to play.

Innovation. It may be ugly but I'm giving props to 32 degrees for coming out with a marker that generates its own air supply! Big batteries, no tank!

09-15-2005, 10:37 PM
i like playing paintball. As long as i can play tournament paintball, and practice with good teams and players i am happy.

09-15-2005, 11:03 PM
The move to more old school methods of play, i.e. stock class, pumps, woods-ball.

09-16-2005, 01:10 PM
I like winning, and shooting other people in the face.

09-16-2005, 01:11 PM
I like winning, and shoot other people in the face.


You like being shot by your own gun too, hm?

09-16-2005, 01:12 PM

You like being shot by your own gun too, hm?

You should be glad I didn't paint you like a fence.
Those three others guys weren't too happy about my doing so.

09-16-2005, 01:13 PM
You should be glad I didn't paint you like a fence.
Those three others guys weren't too happy about my doing so.

For someone who's played paintball so long, you should know that mercy won't get you anywhere.

I like everything about paintball, to answer the question. Except that it was so hot we could barely breathe.

09-16-2005, 01:15 PM
For someone who's played paintball so long, you should know that mercy won't get you anywhere.

Then why wouldn't you buck up and play on the Xball field with us?

09-16-2005, 03:49 PM
Things i like. Uhh, watching psp?