View Full Version : I Got Shot.....

09-14-2005, 12:05 PM
One game! Check out my back! I got Pwn3d!!! LOL!!!

I'll try to get a video of the action up later today...

09-14-2005, 12:07 PM
That's not even cool, for real!

09-14-2005, 12:10 PM
thats pretty bad...i've only seen one worse than yours...

09-14-2005, 12:21 PM
W O W.....that sucks. were you a little ticked at the guy that did that? thats pretty excessive from the looks of it. i wouldve thrown a brick through his windshield if i were there.

maybe we should all pitch in and mail you some scooby-doo bandaids...

09-14-2005, 12:28 PM
shot by what? a jellyfish cannon? :eek:

09-14-2005, 12:32 PM
No, you got bent over a table & ridden hard... :shooting:

And the only person that can beat that- Albinonewt.

Look for Swords Vs. Guns. He had so many welts we played connect the dots. He was a big mess.

09-14-2005, 01:44 PM
14 nasty welts, have seen ppl with many more shots on em, but, not that many bad welts (well, have, but, not normally).

Whats the story behind it? seems like you got bunkered by 2 ppl or summin.

09-14-2005, 01:47 PM
ye seriously thats kinda uncalled for... all I know is that if anyone did that to me you bet that he would get a serious beatin'

09-14-2005, 02:34 PM
Yeouch!!!! :eek:

Looks like you've got to yell at your back players! ;)

09-14-2005, 03:56 PM
**** How High Was His Velocity? And I Would Bet The **** Out Of Your Back Player For Not Helpin U Out Wit The Guy Who Bunkered U.

09-14-2005, 03:59 PM
you just got bunked /spyder imagine movie. but yea that looks like it might have hurt just alittle

09-14-2005, 05:09 PM
Wow, was the guy at least nice about it, or did he say something like "it's part of the game, suck it up *wussy*"

Will Wood
09-14-2005, 05:48 PM
Why were you shot in the back?
Shouldnt wounds be in the front...

Turning yellow? :p :p

Nice battle scars.

09-14-2005, 05:56 PM
Geese that must have sucked. I brought my mom in to see the pic and she just said, "I thought this was supposed to be fun" lol. I have never seen it look as bad as that though.

09-14-2005, 06:18 PM
Did the person shooting you have your concent for that. Damn, not me! :cry:

09-14-2005, 07:26 PM
So was the guy just hanging out shooting you for a few seconds?

09-14-2005, 07:50 PM
So was the guy just hanging out shooting you for a few seconds?
i bet they were using psp or nxl mode and the guy bunkered him and held or walked the trigger on him for 1 sec. there are like 14 marks. psp = 15 bps max. 14 marks is about 1 sec of psp mode

09-14-2005, 07:58 PM
yeah must abeen some sorta ramping or NXL mode, cause i highly doubt someone coulda been doing that semi-auto without purposly lighting you up... or else yah ran right past a bunker and didnt realise 3 people were in it and they all shot you in the back at the same time...

definately worst i've seen tho lol


09-14-2005, 09:11 PM
Tournament Play, MSPA series. Semi finals, me against 2. I bunker a guy on right tape, their other player is behind the next bunker. As I continue, looks as though he comes to lane, connects with my arm, I begin to walk off the field. He comes out shooting again for the ones in the back. 17 total hits, some are unvisible from the camera angle. No ramping, PSP, NXL, or anything. Hey, if I was in the same place, I might have freaked out like that too. He's a great person and really didn't mean to do it, just heat of the moment. It happens sometimes, just thought I'd share. Thanks for all the comments, you guys really got me laughing a few times. And yes, it's nice and yellow and black now, looks great :D We chrono after each game in our series, he was not hot all day long, it was just a close shot. Yeah, it sucked, but I had an excellent tournament, and thats all that really matters :dance:

09-14-2005, 11:01 PM
ive never gotten welted that bad...that sucks
how do you not mean to whack someone 17 times in the back as they are walkin off the field though...adrenaline or no? =p

09-14-2005, 11:09 PM
ive never gotten welted that bad...that sucks
how do you not mean to whack someone 17 times in the back as they are walkin off the field though...adrenaline or no? =p

lol seriously sounds like a bunch of bull to me.

09-14-2005, 11:22 PM
If someone did that to me and I didn't deserve it, I'd be throwing punches.

09-15-2005, 11:04 AM
Tournament Play, MSPA series. Semi finals, me against 2. I bunker a guy on right tape, their other player is behind the next bunker. As I continue, looks as though he comes to lane, connects with my arm, I begin to walk off the field. He comes out shooting again for the ones in the back. 17 total hits, some are unvisible from the camera angle. No ramping, PSP, NXL, or anything. Hey, if I was in the same place, I might have freaked out like that too. He's a great person and really didn't mean to do it, just heat of the moment. It happens sometimes, just thought I'd share. Thanks for all the comments, you guys really got me laughing a few times. And yes, it's nice and yellow and black now, looks great :D We chrono after each game in our series, he was not hot all day long, it was just a close shot. Yeah, it sucked, but I had an excellent tournament, and thats all that really matters :dance:

Sucks that the series doesn't have rules on overshooting.

But was that marker crono'd? How close were they shooting from? Next bunker <10ft?

Mr. Mouse
09-15-2005, 02:35 PM
uhm ouch, watch out for your kidneys you might be peeing blood =P

09-15-2005, 03:29 PM
gun was chronoed, didn't personally observe, but refs checked it, and it was cool. Ah, I'd say about 6-10ft yeah.
We actually do have rules about overshooting, I'm not sure what, but the ref overturned it on the field for whatever reason.

09-15-2005, 04:32 PM
Just because he got that many times doesn't mean it's overshooting. What i mean is that now a day's the guns can shoot 20+ bps, so that by the time you stop shooting there's already a ton of paint in the air.

P.S. those are brutal welts

09-15-2005, 05:55 PM
i bet they were using psp or nxl mode and the guy bunkered him and held or walked the trigger on him for 1 sec. there are like 14 marks. psp = 15 bps max. 14 marks is about 1 sec of psp mode

say your sorry and stop pointing fingers at rampers..... :nono:

I have taken a few less than that from a guy doing the same thing. I shot out one guy and the remaining shot me once. He didnt know that and as I was walking off of the field I got lit up. Crap happens, some people lose control over the whole overshooting issue without knowing the facts. The first thing they think of is "OMG he is shooting me so much!!!!" without thinking if the signaled if they were out, or did a ref signal you out, or did the player see you get out. Before you rip someones head off check the situation first.

09-15-2005, 06:19 PM
I thinks its silly that ppl automatically think it was a result of PSP, NXL or ramping modes. :rolleyes:

When will you ppl get it that it isnt the firing mode that lights you up, its the person railing on the trigger. PSP or not, that many shots can be controlled. Ive walked into someones lane before after I was out, and most I caught was about 6-7 balls. Semi auto, not ramping, not bouncing.

09-15-2005, 10:46 PM
Eek.. thats bad.

09-16-2005, 07:48 AM
He was 6-10 feet away and his aim was that bad? Jeez.

09-16-2005, 07:56 AM
it was probably the intimidation factor. I know many backplayers that bonus the hell out of you if you try running through and bunkering ppl. The idea is to make you think twice before trying it again next time round. ;)

09-16-2005, 08:02 AM
i bet they were using psp or nxl mode and the guy bunkered him and held or walked the trigger on him for 1 sec. there are like 14 marks. psp = 15 bps max. 14 marks is about 1 sec of psp mode

Yeh, because if something bad happens it must be rampings fault :rolleyes:

09-16-2005, 09:19 AM
Nah, I've shot his gun before, he's just really fast on the sucker. No ramping that I can tell. :argh: Man I like the pirate smiley.

09-16-2005, 11:00 AM
We actually do have rules about overshooting, I'm not sure what, but the ref overturned it on the field for whatever reason.

Really? Where? They aren't in the MSPA rules posted on the 'Net. Was I on the wrong site?

09-16-2005, 11:02 AM
Just because he got that many times doesn't mean it's overshooting. What i mean is that now a day's the guns can shoot 20+ bps, so that by the time you stop shooting there's already a ton of paint in the air.

P.S. those are brutal welts

Overshooting is EXACTLY how many times your target gets hit.

If the target walks into a lane and is too stupid to get out quick, then yes BPS fired would be a consideration.

But if the target is deliberately aimed at, there's no excuse for 17+ hits.

09-16-2005, 12:12 PM
http://www.mspa.us/ is the site, rulebook is where you'd find it

09-16-2005, 01:14 PM
http://www.mspa.us/ is the site, rulebook is where you'd find it

God I hate the way rules are written. I so wish that someone would develop a good management system and publishing standard for rules.

Rules 4.3 p and q.

p. A player blatantly shooting a player who is properly signifying his elimination will be eliminated.
q. An eliminated player whose hand is not on top of his head is “fair game.” (Don’t complain.)

If you had you hand on your head, violation of p and the opposing player would be eliminated.
If you didn’t you violated rule q and only have yourself to blame.

The chronograph rules are bizarre. Before game chronographing is optional as long as no one asks for it?

I really do like the idea of penalizing players if they can’t pass chrono with a hot marker. You have all the time between games to make sure your marker works correctly. Why should you waste the chronograph judge’s time. At least that how it reads (2.3b). Unfortunately, as it reads the top total is 900 even if the tournament velocity is lower.

Personally I think any shot above 300 at the chrono prior to the game should be a penalty. You should know how to set up your marker properly and it should already be adjusted.

I assume “chronograph check” and “chronograph test” are synonymous. They should use the same terminology.

I really don’t understand how the addition towards a penalty is used. Would a marker that shot above 300, but totaled less than 900 be allowed on the field? Or does a marker need to fire all three below 300 AND total less than 900? The rules are not clear.

09-16-2005, 01:33 PM
900 total velocity after the game in 3 shots. IE... 308, 299, 292= 899 = legal in our series. Penalties are accessed by points for velocities. Well, in this case, I wasn't shot walking off the field, all in the same moment. There was no way that I could've raised my hand between the groups of shootings. He did the right thing, as I said before, I probably would've done the same. As for our rules, no they aren't as detailed as they need to be or termed how they should be in some cases.