View Full Version : Physically, what is the most painful experience in your life.

09-15-2005, 02:05 PM
Ladies for obv. reasons we are going to set childbirth at default here as the most painfull, in which case, ladies, what is the most physically painfull experience second to childbirth?

fellas. state your case.

Mine, i have 2, that i can remember.

The very 1st time i dislocated my right shoulder. I was inline skating (fruit booting lol). Probably the 3rd time on skates, i grabed on a rail to steady myself and lost my footing. I didnt let go of the rail and out of the socket she came. About 3 to four second later the joint went back in.

Irrigating a puncture wound on the botom of my foot. I had stepped on a nail and the Doc had to irrgate the wound with a saline soltion, unfortunatley the novocaine had not taken effect all the way.

09-15-2005, 02:13 PM
I was crawling down the final part of the Basic Training obstacle course and I was totally spent. My arms were pretty weak and my legs slipped through the webbing and I was left to hang nearly 40 feet off the ground. My legs were wrung free by Drill Sargeants and I fell the 40 feet and hit square on my left shoulder with all 180 pounds falling on top of it. Extremely painful.

09-15-2005, 02:23 PM
accidently flipping my bike. going for a jump, preload too much, accidental backflip. and just beforehand i had taken my shirt off because i was so hot. ouch.

Target Practice
09-15-2005, 02:30 PM
Reading 95% of the content on AO.

09-15-2005, 02:31 PM
Dropping my bike going about 45 mph and the emergency room room nurse scrubbing out all the pebbles embedded into my road rash raw flesh on my hands, legs, and knees with a green abrasive pad.

09-15-2005, 02:34 PM
Playing a game of woodsball I fell and shattered my humorous (upper arm). That wasn't too painful with the adrenaline and such. The EMTs carried me oot of the woods and gave me a morphine shot for the bumpy ride to the hospital. Then after waiting for an hour and refusing more morphine it came time for the xrays. Well that doesn't sound so bad you say, WRONG. They brought me into the xray room on the gurney and my arm was still immobilized, take your left arm and touch your right shoulder that's how my arm was strapped. Well in order to get a proper xray my arm needed to be at my side. Well when I say it was shattered I don't mean a clean break I mean my upper arm was jellyrific. The 10 seconds it took the nurse to pic my arm up and move it a foot and a half was so excruciatingly painful I don't wish it on my worst enemy.

09-15-2005, 02:39 PM
There are two things I can think of. First is my 8th birthday party. At my old house the door to my room sometimes got jammed. It happened to me on my birthday party. We couldn't get it open so I was told to go out the window ( it was on the first story only about 3 ft up ) The window I had really didn't have a handle so you had to push it up by the glass. Not a good idea, the glass shattered and some of it went right threw my hand. :( So unfortunatly I spent 3 hours in the emergency room, but when I got back I got to break open a pinata :) The other expeirence was when I fell off my dirtbike on the road going around 30 MPH. Hurt pretty bad and got some crazy road rash.

09-15-2005, 02:43 PM
Having my super-scapular nerve tested for conductivity.

Basically, they shoot several hundred watts through your nervous system to see if it works, and where it doesn't. Where it doesn't, you don't feel anything, and your arm doesn't move.

When it still works, however...

Either that or the first night out of the hospital. Woke up screaming several times.

/lather will wear leather next time ;)

Cow hunter
09-15-2005, 02:58 PM
i stepped on a piece of wood on the beach once and it went through my foot, bought inch and a half long and a 5mm wide....... went to the hospital and they had to cut around the wood...... thet hurt...... and the doctor had a very shaky hand and missed a lot wth the knife :mad:

09-15-2005, 03:18 PM
for me it was when i was 13.my and a few friends were shooting pellet guns when one of them shot me in the bag.
theres nothing i can think of thats worse then having to dig a pellet out of your bag when there's blood all over the place.

ive had broken elbows,thumbs,toes,ribs and noting,,i meen nothing came even close to that pain.

09-15-2005, 03:23 PM
Kidney stone is by far the most painful thing in the world. They say it rivals childbirth. Mine made me crumple to the floor, and it was a TINY one that passed relatively easily.

09-15-2005, 03:24 PM
Broke my ankle sledding. Ow
Thought it was only twisted, "it will get better." Ow
Walked to my college food line and over campus all weekend. Ow
Finally broke down and went to the hospital. Found out I'd had been walking on a broken ankle for 3 days. Ow
Doctor put it back in place for a cast. Ow x2

09-15-2005, 03:36 PM
I've been Shanked, and Shot. i've had bones broken.
I've done alot of things that have harmed myself.

By far one of the most painful thing I've experienced yet was when my mother had my Father arrested, when he tried to come and see me.
After that, I had no idea where he was, if he was ok.
I didn't see him for a good few years-I never thought that I'd see him again.

09-15-2005, 04:01 PM
I've been Shanked, and Shot.


09-15-2005, 04:20 PM
I can't say I've gone though much pain. But when I was about 10, I rode off the curb on my bike. Somehow, I ended up chipping half of my front tooth off, but barely getting scratched up (I thank my helmet for that). Exposed nerves are not fun....

09-15-2005, 04:57 PM
I busted my leg skiing, both bones right in half. As if that wasn't bad enough I freaked out and tried to stand up and walk it off - bad idea. My leg buckled and I fell back on my ***.

09-15-2005, 05:06 PM
I was quadding and I hit a rut left by some teenagers out 4x4ing when the mud was wet. I was doing about 40mph when I hit it.. when I hit my quad stuck into the rut.. stopping instantly. I was ejected about 10-12 feet straight up and landed PERFECTLY vertical.............. but upside down I landed on my head and neck... my midsection twisted horribly and I bent like a folding chair because I landed vertical and my body needed to get to the ground somehow.... I buised my kidney, bruised 2 ribs, cracked 2 ribs, pinched a nerve in my neck, knocked 2 ribs and 4 vertebrae out.. and hit my leg on something nasty.

My first instinct was my neck and back... I had an excruciating but WIERD pain/dullness in my lower spine and my first thought was that I had broken my spine. So the first thing I did was jump to my feet on an adrenaline rush and take 2-3 steps just to know it wasn't broken. I did that then resumed to fall back to the ground in agonizing pain and roll around alone for about 15 minutes before I finally had the ability to literally drag myself thru the dirt... onto the quad.. start it and pretty much drag myself home in first gear while hanging over the handlebars.

Will Wood
09-15-2005, 05:32 PM
Probably being forced to walk on my leg right after a surgery being in the point of pain I coughed up blood.
Or maybe the time my mom made me walk 20 meters on a broken leg before I could eat dinner.
Or maybe one of 5 times I broke my leg.
Or maybe the time I fell out of a tree and landed head first on a rock wall.
Or maybe the other time I cracked my head open during Hurrican Hugo.
Oh crap, my life IS pain...

09-15-2005, 05:33 PM
hmm the worst for me either on my minnesota conoeing trip when i went to jump on a wet log like an idiot and i slipped and fell on a stump about the width of a nalgene and it half went up my *** or when i broke my wrist skiing....which wasnt too painfull actually
or the time in wyoming coming down a hill on a dirtbike and fornt tire gets stuck in a rut and i fly off and bike follows and land on my legs..... that one hurt pretty bad
oh this is pretty bad too when i was in like kindergarten i bit a hole in my tounge....

09-15-2005, 06:07 PM
Bad car accident, concussion ... a year in bed but the worse part was the migraine I had for the first 3 months. Migraines are bad enough but day after day after day after day is indescribable.

09-15-2005, 06:15 PM
I've never broken a bone. But the worst pain I have ever had is being headbutted in the nuts by someone that was jumping on a trampoline. I was just chilling there on the ground beside the trampoline and the person fell off and landed with the back of their head RIGHT on my nuts. It was unimaginably painful.

09-15-2005, 06:22 PM
for me it was either

flipping my bike over 360*, on my side (not over the handlebars) that hurt alot, i could feel my left arm for 3 days.

the other things is when i jumped off of the swingset and was gonna land on a pole like a cowboy, thank god i didnt sit straight down and crush my balls. but i landed on my butt crack and it hurt to crap for a while, and sit down.

or the time i was skimboarding and i fell on my butt (yea... it was either that or do the splits) and it knocked the wind out of me for about a minute and a half where i couldnt breathe. worst dull/long pain i have ever had...

Eric Cartman
09-15-2005, 07:20 PM
Kidney stone is by far the most painful thing in the world. They say it rivals childbirth. Mine made me crumple to the floor, and it was a TINY one that passed relatively easily.

Ditto that! Absolutely horrendous pain. On the other hand, an abcessed root canal gone wrong is pretty horrible as well. Don't know if I can choose between 'em. I hope I never get the opportunity to re-evaluate.

09-15-2005, 07:21 PM
Gotta agree with Thordic....

Kidney stones suck. You can FEEL them moving through you, and the experience leaves you sweating and weak.

The last painful one I had got stuck for a second in my unit, the urine stopped, then it recoiled and a little rock shot out and ricocheted of the toilet.

You can all now have a very good laugh at my expense. Don't mention it! Happy to be of service! :D

09-15-2005, 07:32 PM
Mine takes the cake for sure. So there I was in a bar in Korea, drunk off my arse. I thought it would be a good idea to order "thermo-nuclear" ramen noodles because I like spicy food and wanted to try something new. Well since I was drunk I ate it all no problem. But it was with out a doubt the spiciest stuff Ive eaten. The problem didnt come then though. The problem came with my bodies inability to properly digest it. The next day I was wiping my butt with those baby wipes with aloe vera, screaming and crying the whole time. It felt like I sat in a fire. It was terrible. :cry:

bam wannabe
09-15-2005, 07:37 PM
i was skitching my friends SUV with my skateboard... he was doing 40 something, i hit a pebble....

board stopped moving, i was still holding onto the vehicle. my feet ran at 40 MPH for 0.22222222 seconds. so i have the right to say i once ran at 40 MPH

anywho, as my legs finally stopped keeping up with my upper body, i came down onto my right knee, and the upper body went slamming down to the ground... luckily i did a tuck-and-roll and missed hitting my head. but i slid on my back for about 6 or 8 feet across the road before finally rolling across the grass. my shirt was ripped apart, and my whole back was a giant scab... that was awesome!

oh, and this one time... i was once again skitching onmy friends SUV with my skateboard, and he just hit the breaks when he was doing about 30 MPH, so i went rolling one... got massive wheel wobble, luckily i headed into the grass... WRONG!
i tubled across the grass and had my legs wrap around and stop sign pole... crushing my balls. :tard:

what fun that was. and for the record... i dont skitch anymore

09-15-2005, 07:59 PM
Not really a painful experience but...

I was in 4th grade and was playing "touch" football in school. Got slammed hard from behind and was left temporarily paralized for 7 hours. Pinched a nerve and it caused me to loose all feeling and control from my shoulders down. Didn't hurt, because I couldn't feel anything. Darn scary though.

09-15-2005, 08:20 PM
I was doing my side job stuff... and my client said: "Mama's gonna hurt you something fierce tonight."

09-15-2005, 08:40 PM
i have two. Ones mine and ones my buddy.
Mine is when i was 10 i got my hand slammed in a car door. Broke 3 fingers.
My friend tom was climing a fence when it was snowing out. He slipped and got 16 stiches in the worst place possible if you get my drift :dance: :dance: . He couldnt walk right for 2 months

09-15-2005, 08:40 PM
Either dislocating all the fingers on my right hand or a broken rib right over my lungs. Dislocating the fingers on your working hand sucks causeyou can't DO anything with them. If you move, it's really intense pain all over again. Broken rib hurt to breathe. I've been pretty lucky with injuries thus far.

09-15-2005, 10:31 PM
Dislocations only hurt if you dont practice them regularly. I practice so much that I disclocated my wrist the other day fluffing a pillow. :tard:

*Edit* Oh yeah that reminds me of another really sucktacular painful thing. I was drunk in Korea again and dislocated my wrist. I didnt really feel like going through the hassle of popping it back in so I left it out of socket and went to bed. Woke up the next morning, and let me tell you, that was a really really bad idea.

And then that football post reminded me of my 5th grade football accident. I got blocked in the back and my face went straight into a rock. It wasnt so painful because I dont remember what happened. I just know that I shattered my cheek bone, ripped apart my sinuses, and the whole right side of my face was so swollen you couldnt see my eye. I was blowing blood out of my nose for a couple months after that, and the severe concussion it gave me erased pretty much any memory I had of the previous year or two. It was really wierd seeing friends and having no clue who they were.

09-15-2005, 10:52 PM
eh, childbirth was a sinch.. Of courese both of mine were premature, therfore small.. sister in law had a 12 pounder naturally.. felt wuite sorry for her.

for me the most painful experince was painful both physicaly and emotionally...Laying in the hospital in pain is one thing. But laying there in pain with no one to comfort you because the one that should be comforting you is the one that put you there is more than painful. Doesn't much help that every dr or nurse or police officer that came in reminded you of why you were there.

ps: getting bone marrow taken from your hip, or having that big needle stuck in your back during "routine testing" isn't much fun either.. I would not wish it upon anyone.

09-16-2005, 01:31 AM
my worst pains i can think of are from when i dislocated my knee cap a few months ago and the doctors had to try 2 times to the the thing into place. i've broken stuff, had things hit me here and there, but i don't remember having blinding pain.

when i was in 2nd grade i had tubes put into my ear. well one of them was taking a while to pop out (after a while they are supposed to just fall out.) so the doctor decideds to just pull it out, while it was still attached to my ear drum. i remember him sticking the hook thingy into my ear, and then i remember 2 weeks afterwards.

another thing that gave me months of pain is when i broke my collar bone and the dr. told be to wear the brace the wrong way. sucked

what is it with me and having stupid doctors?

09-16-2005, 05:36 AM
Having a Kidney stone at the age of 19, possibly the most painful thing anyone can feel.
it felt like my kindey, bladder and testicles where all in a vice, plus constant nausea, so you never stop barfing.

even loaded on massive amounts of vicodin i could still feel it a little when i finally peed it out.

09-16-2005, 08:40 AM
Ya know... hearing about all these kidney stones being the most painful experience for many of you makes me sure hope I never get one. How can you prevent getting one?

N/m... I just googled it and it says to drink lots of water! Good thing that's basically all I drink; that and tea. :)

09-16-2005, 09:14 AM
one time at band camp i stuck a..... :ninja:

09-16-2005, 09:26 AM
Was out enjoying some water sports on the mississippi, stepped on a broken piece of glass and scooped a 3x4 inch chunch of flesh from the bottom of my foot. So not wanting to go home I flipped the big flapp of skin back over, wrapped it up nice and tight and stayed out all day.

Course that night I poured an entire bottle of hydrogen peroxide into that horribly infected wound. Youch! suprising alot more painfull than any of my breaks, sprains, and tears.

09-16-2005, 09:25 PM
Got pepper spayed a week ago, the 10% stuff. Had to go beat somebody right afterwards, too. That was fun.

Outside that, when I broke my ankle and required the surgical installation of two 1.5" long screws to fix it in place. Breaking it didn't hurt as much as the repair after the meds wore off. I really wanted to chew my foot off that first night.

09-16-2005, 09:46 PM
i broke my femur. that hurt

09-16-2005, 10:19 PM
Kidney stone is by far the most painful thing in the world. They say it rivals childbirth. Mine made me crumple to the floor, and it was a TINY one that passed relatively easily.

amen brotha!

i passed three.

09-16-2005, 10:53 PM
I was doing my side job stuff... and my client said: "Mama's gonna hurt you something fierce tonight."

Still haven't stopped giggling:)

Kidney stones are for wussies, try passing a Gall-stone. The pain starts at the sternum, and does not stop until it hits the toilet bowl the next day...30 hour heart attack.

Still, not quite so bad as blowing my hand to pieces.....

09-16-2005, 10:58 PM
ok I got one. I had steped on my bedframe so i had a good size deep cut on my foot. We went to the doctor to get stiches they injected the novicane in my foot which hurt like a mofo. Seems the novocane just flowed back out the opening. So when the doctor went to put the stiches in I felt every last one of em. It hurt so bad

Recon by Fire
09-17-2005, 12:04 AM
Taking two rounds in the chest during a firefight? No.....definitely my first wife! LOL

j/k I've never been hit; but infortunately I did have the first wife :( I would have taken getting shot!

09-17-2005, 01:00 AM
Well, one time, I popped a really big zit...

09-17-2005, 01:09 AM
About 2 years ago, I fell off my skateboard going about 30MPH while skitching a van. That hurt pretty bad.

09-19-2005, 02:14 PM
Mmm, fell off a building...head first (20'+) landed on my skull. Hit some scaffold braces on the way down but apparently didn't slow me down enuff to keep from breaking my brow bone (skull fracture) on the bricks I landed on.


Anyone of the resulting injuries I guess I would have to say. ;)

09-19-2005, 02:23 PM
oddly, as many times as I have gotten hurt, most were not too bad in the pain department. I dislocated my left knee MTB'ing which hurt pretty good. Had my right hip dislocated in a fight, it hurt, but not as bad as the knee. Had a nail go clean through my foot (in to the bottom, of the top on the ouside of my arch).

Those are about the most painful.

Big'n slo
09-19-2005, 02:28 PM
Waking up each morning...

09-19-2005, 04:35 PM
Waking up each morning...

I feel bad for people who don't drink... they wake up feeling the best they will all day.


/worried about kidney stones

09-19-2005, 04:40 PM
When I shattered my left arm, the doctor pushing, pulling it to make sure I didnt dislocate it. The then nurse taking the X-Ray, SLAMMED it down on the X-Ray machine(she didnt like my dad who was a doctor at the hospital, my mom told me that afterwards), I literally punched her in the gut(I was 9 years old).

09-19-2005, 05:06 PM
EASY Choice but heres my long list of injurys:

Sliced a good chunk of my thum off when a Home made project whent bad (belt flew off at engines redline and wiped around cutting my thumb like butter)

Cut my head open (the back right under the skull) docs said a few mm and id be dead (three stiches withought frezzing at all no time i had lost too mutch blood).

brused ribs (had a truck International 4300 Box Truck roll and the tire pinched my my rib cage stoped the truck LOL)

shattered the cartledge in one knee in a bicycical accident involving a LARGE hill and a rock. Happened almost 10 years ago i still have no feeling in that knee (like i can cut it open with a knife and not feel a thing)

Ford Explorer SUV changeing tire on side of the road and the jack snaped got my hand stuck between the body and the tire whent the truck fell. only some bad cuts thought more shock than pain

Falling off a scaffolding and getting jamed between the scafoled and wall stopping my fall about 6ft from the ground LOL (WALL RASH? on my belly (see being fat does have some pluses id probly have broken my neck if i had not gotten stuck LOL). Painfull yes but more embaresing than anything else.

and of coruse a broken nose and more cuts and bruises than id like to admit.

And the number one most painfull thing i have experianced. A hernia. INDESCRIABLE PAIN and EMBARESSING as all HELL ( think getting kicked in the nuts by a proffeshional soccer player wearing steel toes multiply that by three and add that as constant pain for weeks With smarp increases in pain at ANY MOVMENT). I have lifted MANY objects that are pretty hefty up 45lbs on my own. But what killed me was a bloddy 40lb pump and putting it into a truck. I lifted it stupidly and awkwardly so i would not pill any oil. I felt a small twinge of pain and though nothing off it and continued onto my day. I go home after work go to sleep (i worked nights) and wake up soon after cringing in pain. I try pooping some pain killers to go to sleep but the pain only worsened till i had a hard time breathing. I then decided id have to bite the bullet and visit the docs (something i HATE and NEVER do). Doc says i probly have a minor hernia and i should take some drugs and rest bring the swelling down. I decide screw that i dont want to mis work i need the money so i go to work pop some of his drugs and get my first job (tires and brakes on a big rig IE. HEAVY WORK). I try my best but litterally fall over in pain and nearly pass out. get home piss blood then decide i need more drugs. skiped work for a week took alot of tests and even more drugs and WAY TOO MANY visits to the doc and am told im well enough for some light work took me a good 3 months to be able to lift again without immense pain. It was very painfull and very embaressing as it was something soo tiny and light that had me keeling over in pain. (shoot compared to this all my other injuys were like pin pricks).

09-19-2005, 05:41 PM
I laughed at something when my morphine wore off the day I had my appendix out...

That hurt.

A lot.

I also fell skiing once (badly), took a header off a 20' drop that I missed due to bad lighting... didn't get injured, but it took a few minutes to recover from the wind being knocked out and untangling from my skis (my tails hit the back of my head).

09-19-2005, 06:14 PM
I had my sternum broken in 2 spots, my ribs bent about 4 inches and held together with 2 metal rods. I had a severly concave chest. The doctor said it was the second worst one he's seen. Women who have had the operation done said the pain was worst than childbirth. A different kind of pain. It's your bones bending, it's not comfortable at all. It's the most painfull operation they perform at Mass General. That's what my doctor said at least.

09-19-2005, 07:17 PM
Got pepper spayed a week ago, the 10% stuff.
so. tell us about this girl.

hmm, looking through this thread i can see im fairly lucky. i havent had any memorable injuries since i was pretty little. i still have a scar on my thumb from forever ago when my sister locked me out of the house, and i banged on the glass window. and my fist went through it. it cut off a chunk of my thumb. that and one time i slid into a patch of plants... which ended up being thorns. my whole left leg was bloody, and i spent that night in my family room digging the thorns out of my leg with fishing pliers my parents gave me. they finally took me to the hospital cause i couldnt get two of them out, they were too deep.

and this isnt me of course, but it is pretty bad. my friend was depressed for a while this summer and he finally told me that he got a call from a girl he liked... who was in the hospital. she was walking on the sidewalk and a drunk driver hit her, broke her leg and cracked an entire side of her ribcage... and probably more, i cant remember. she had been in the hospital for 2 or 3 days before she was able to call him on her cell phone.

09-19-2005, 10:06 PM
Hold out your left arm.

Now dislocate your elbow 180 degrees until your pinky touches your shoulder.

Been there. Done that.

09-19-2005, 11:31 PM
I've come to the conclusion that I am an utter wuss. ;)

I mean, I've had three surgeries on shoulders. One was decent, I went under, it hurt, etc....

But, wow. There are some ridiculous stories itching to be told over beers out here. :cheers:

bam wannabe
09-20-2005, 10:01 PM
this one time, i ate nothing but doritos for a week straight... and when i had to go #2... i might as well have been dropping razor blades :eek:


no really though...

09-20-2005, 10:17 PM
Didn't happen to me, but my college shop teacher Doug was telling the class probably the most painful sounding story I've ever heard.

It went a lil something like this:

There was this guy in shop class who was pretty good size and pretty tough (not a wuss by any means). Anyhow he was sitting on his but with his legs spread out in front of him and was working on some rear drum brakes on a pickup. He went to pull the drum off and it slipped out of his hands and he dropped it smashing his nut inbetween the drum and the cement floor.

Then he ran to the restroom and called Doug in to see it and I guess it was SPLIT OPEN!!! :eek:

Anyways he was keeping pressure on it with his hand to keep the pain and bleeding down and when the ambulance showed up they actually taped his hand (and nut) to his leg so they could transfer him to the hospital...

I can't imagine the pain of having a popped nut... that would be insane!


09-20-2005, 11:00 PM
I broke my collar bone at football practice a couple days ago.
At first, I wasn't too sure I did anything serious to it, so I stayed in for a few more plays. I fell onto it, so I walked off the field.

I drove myself to the emergency room where the 'rents met me.

I never imagined how much a broken collar bone could handicap a person. I have the keyboard sitting on my lap. I have to lift my left arm to get it onto the keyboard.

I've got allergies. These are the most painfull sneezes ever.

I also screwed up my tailbone snowboarding. I'm not sure if I did anything to serious to it or not. I didn't bother going to the doctor.
I tried bowling the next day. I got a 26.

09-21-2005, 02:55 PM
now what about thordic's story about nickel shots?

09-24-2005, 10:12 AM
I had a spinal tap when i was younger, that was truely horrible.

The other was severely spraining my ankle playing flag football and then haveing to walk my bike 1.5 miles back to the house.

09-24-2005, 08:35 PM
When I was 17 I crashed a motorcycle my 2nd time riding one. I was going around a corner around at about 45-50, the wheels went out from under me and I slid a long, long way on the pavement. All the skin was gone on my lift arm/shoulder/leg/hands/everything. But I did have my helmet on.

09-24-2005, 08:51 PM
When I was 17 I crashed a motorcycle my 2nd time riding one. I was going around a corner around at about 45-50, the wheels went out from under me and I slid a long, long way on the pavement. All the skin was gone on my lift arm/shoulder/leg/hands/everything. But I did have my helmet on.

Good thing that helmet protected your body!

09-24-2005, 09:04 PM
well this I is thw worst thing to ever to happend to a man... well i was
out skateboardin and ma freind has a 1.5ft. rail and went for a fs feeble,
ma board stuck, and as you can guess i didn't. So i got nutted on the rail, and
i didnt try to just walk it off and play it cool. i just layed there until i could breath again and you might think i got up and started skating again. well gess again i got up slow and moved to the grass and layed down...

Die banana man!!!!!
:shooting: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

09-25-2005, 08:03 AM
I also have two occasions:
The first one happened when i was 6, I cut my nose on the ceiling fan and it required 12 stitches to keep it off my upper lip.

The second one was having to live with a needle in my foot for three weeks, because my then girlfriend convinced my family I was faking an injury for two weeks and another week waiting for a room to open up for surgery. In that time my foot swelled up to the size of a cantoloupe and I could not wear any of my footwear. It felt weird like there was a tiny pinch every time I moved my foot, but went to searing flames if I tried to step on it.

And I second the kidney stones, both my parents had them and they needed to be put on painkillers, codine barely even helkped them..

09-25-2005, 10:26 AM
Well I have a few.

When I was younger I raced BMX. At gate practice one day I was working on getting out of the gate faster. One of my buddies had told me a trick to timing the lights where you actually start pushing before the lights go green and the gate comes down. I pushed too hard and actually flipped myself over the gate as it was coming down. I landed at the bottom of the start hill on my right elbow shattering it into 3 pieces at the joint. I went into shock immediately so I really didn't feel much.
I went to the hospital and had to have Xrays. As Mao has already described they generally need your extremity in a different position. The doctor did a range of motion test. It hurt so bad that I pulled a 200+lb nurse over me with my other arm to stop the doctor from continuing.

The second was waking up on a gurney after the surgery. There was a flat spot on the wheel bouncing my newly operated arm all around. Passed right back out from the pain.

The last and most recent rivals those in pain, but terrified me beyond belief. I struck myself in the eye with a fiberglass rod. Almost took out my eye. I hit my knees in excruciating pain and worse the thought that my eye was gone.