View Full Version : Warp feed buyer looking for info

12-05-2001, 07:52 PM
I am going to buy a warp feed from someone and put it on my autococker ( don't worry i respect agd and mags). I have a friend that has one and hes told me a lot about them, but i'd like some more information on the warp feed, such as would it work good on a cocker: meaning would it spin with the recoil of my cocker (if i remember right),does it spin while your running, sometimes i tend to bounce the gun a little bit. When I was playing with my friends e-mag with warp, i was trying to get as far as i could, and as i was sliding, then gun bounced a little in my hand. During that game i had a guy right where i wanted it,i pulled the trigger 15 times and about 3 came out, at the end of that game we opened it up and found out the ball had been pushed to far and broke inside the warp and hose and other places, this was before he got the intelfed *i think*,so i want to know the problems i could have with it on a cocker how to solve them, and any other things about it,i want to know as much as possible.... thanx alot

12-06-2001, 04:02 AM
sure they work on Cockers. You have to mess with it a bit and get the sensitivity right but lots of people use them on that gun. Scorch has one on his Cocker, there is a pic somewhere on Pbnation.


12-06-2001, 06:57 PM
Thank you for your help, i'm still looking for a little but more info about the warp alone also, btw when you said mess with the sensitivitey, i can adjust it so it reacts to the recoil to my gun, and if its spinning while i'm running i can adjust it so it won't, how?