View Full Version : Minimag: CO2 or HP

12-05-2001, 08:16 PM
Can CO2 be used with a Minimag? If so, how different is the performance between HP and CO2?

12-05-2001, 08:30 PM
Yes, you can run a MinimaG off of CO2, though what mags really love is Compressed Air/Nitro, the real differences in performence is with Nitro, your gun will be much more consistant, as its got a steady output pressure, as with co2, you have varying pressure being put into your marker as the co2 expands and such, and you run the risk of freezing up some o-rings, if you use co2, a good expansion chamber is reccommended, or at -least- a remote... if you can afford to go with nitro, go with it, it'll make your 'mag sing :)

12-05-2001, 08:35 PM
Thanks....now i just need to shop for a decent and cheap HP bottle.

12-05-2001, 09:13 PM
I currently run with a ACI Bulldog, its alright... though its kind of annoying, Id suggest figuring out how you want your setup and getting a tank that would work well with that setup, it'll save ya money in the long run to get what you want the first time around, I learnt that one the hard way" :\

12-05-2001, 09:17 PM
Try a PMI Pure Energy tank, the steel tanks are cheaper but tougher (resists scratching better) but they are a little heavier. Also i recommend nothing smaller than a 68 c.i., good luck !!!

12-05-2001, 09:20 PM
Why stick with 68ci?

12-05-2001, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by jmcj5
Why stick with 68ci?
Because it is not to big yet gets a fair amount of shots.

12-05-2001, 09:49 PM
because a 68 is about same size as 20oz c02 tank, a little fatter, but still gives 5-600 shots per fill, also if you mount it on gun an 88 or 114 can get heavy after 5-6 rounds of speedball, but its personal preferance i guess. if weight isn't an issue get a bigger tank, but i wouldnt buy anything smaller than a 68, doesnt seem worth it, imo.... thats all i meant. also if you dont do a lot of tourneys, stick with a 3000 p.s.i. system, there easier to get fills for,imo...

12-06-2001, 11:42 AM
If you play in cold weather then don't consider CO2. I've seen them freeze up here in Colorado, even run on a remote. Reading reviews around the internet the only bad reviews I see about mags are because of CO2 freeze ups.

I have a 44cu steel tank and it is ALOT heavier than the larger fiber wrapped tanks that I've compared them too. So much so that I'm pretty much done with mine and looking for an upgrade.

As far as size goes, from the specs of the Crossfire 66 and 88 fiber wrapped tanks ( which are very affordable ) the difference in size is LENGTH, not width. They are both 4 inches "fat" so I'm tempted to go for the 88. It will still be significantly lighter than my Steel 44.
