View Full Version : highschool paintball

09-19-2005, 07:35 PM
me and my friends have decided that there is enough kids in the district that have played/play paintball. we are going to try to start a highschool paintball team. i know it will be hard to do, and probably wolnt happen, but it cant hurt to try. we are going to try to explain to them about how it is physically demanding and not just shooting (we are gonna go for speedball) how it is as violent as any other sport. it would probably be a 7 man team with a few backup people, or a and b teams. the school would only pay for paint, air, and field stuff (renting or making the field to play on). i think this would be really cool.

if this doesent work we will just have to start a club.

annybody have annything we should add or say to the school to help convince them?

also, this is a serious thread... id rather not have annybody scum it up with bad jokes, i know that it probably will not work. thankyou!

Will Wood
09-19-2005, 07:42 PM
The school won't pay for your stuff. Period.

But I'm certain they will support your club. Good luck with it! :dance: :dance:

09-19-2005, 07:51 PM
You may want to get in contact with some of the College teams, programs and see if you can get some promotional materials or testimonials from them. High School athletics programs can sometimes be pursuaded by college programs.

09-19-2005, 07:53 PM
Good luck with that.

School wont pay for stuff. You'll HAVE to pay buses to the field. But, the field might give you an entry discount if you get enough people.

And, You'll have to get a teacher or two to go along as shaporones.

And, you'll have to over-come the reputation that paintball is a volient sport to presuade the school board to allow this.

(wow, my spelling sucks)

09-19-2005, 08:34 PM
A couple of kids at one of my local fields tried doing this as well. Go to www.fox4paintball.com, or www.playboyzpaintball.com. Both have had people organize HS teams. You can try contacting them.

09-19-2005, 11:32 PM
I have been thinking about this for some time now and I think I've finally got some sort of idea of what to do.

some specifics:

We could use the gym as our main field and practice area.
The bunkers would be the cheaper airball bunkers.
Just to join the team would be like... I dunno.. 200-250? I could probably get like at least 10 people to join. Think that would be enough for like 1-2 cases of reballs, a 3-5 man field, and some scubas? I could donate some stuff cause I really like the idea of daily practice. I think I'm going to propose the offer to the school, it would be indoor only, so no paint costs After the initial startup fee it couldn't cost too much ever next year, maybe for air fills, but thats about it. I know really everything you would need to know, I could be head ref. I need to get my presentation ready. The way I see it it would be like 3-4000 to get everything setup, and after the first year it would be insanely cheaper. Some help would be appreciated.

(sorry about the abrupt ending in my post :ninja: )

09-19-2005, 11:37 PM
reball would help, since you wouldnt haev any ongoing costs, but there is still absolutely no way to get the school to pay for it. it would have to be totally privately funded, in which case there is absolutely no reason to have it been affiliated with the school in any way. the only exception is if the school agrees to let you play on school property, which is highly unlikely because technically you are bringing firearms onto school campus (yes, paintball guns count as firearms in regards to weapons rules).

btw ... if u meant play inside the gym ... there is absolutely no way the school would let you play paintball on their indoor basketball courts...


09-20-2005, 12:28 AM
Even if it was reballs only? I have seen this happen on multiple occasions. At the school would be the best way, indoor would be so much easier. Thats true the school could be affiliated in no way whatsoever, but there are no local fields. I dunno, I shall ponder this.

(note, I would use grammer but it is late and I need to get to bed ;) )

edit: Also, insurance is a problem. Any Ideas on stuff like liability and such? I believe I could get everything setup and nice if I could get around that one major hurdle. Insurance, and a nice indoor area.

09-20-2005, 08:04 AM
some states consider a paintball marker a firearm, and they wont be allowedl. Just something to think about.

09-20-2005, 08:07 AM
some states consider a paintball marker a firearm, and they wont be allowedl. Just something to think about.

He lives in Texas, I thought they encouraged firearm ownership in school :D

Though I do know that the boyscout groups that come to the field to play do so as a "non boyscout" activity as the organization frowns (read forbids) it as a sponsored activity "due to insurance reasons"

09-20-2005, 09:22 AM
Not just insurance. Back in the late 1980s, when I worked for the Boy Scouts of America, I was told by my boss that the national council of the BSA had issued a policy letter stating that the prohibition of paintball as an activity was based on a concern over being seen as a paramilitary organization.

09-20-2005, 09:58 AM
Not just insurance. Back in the late 1980s, when I worked for the Boy Scouts of America, I was told by my boss that the national council of the BSA had issued a policy letter stating that the prohibition of paintball as an activity was based on a concern over being seen as a paramilitary organization.

I wondered if there was more to it, the leader who was there this weekend and I discussed it some, all he had been told was insurance reasons, though I am certain he has not read every policy either.

09-20-2005, 02:35 PM

contac t Chris Raehl. he does high school and college paintball organizing and is score keeper for PSP.

Cow hunter
09-20-2005, 02:57 PM
our local highschool here has a team or somrthing..... i wouldnt think that the school would really payt for anything....

09-20-2005, 03:26 PM
trust me, its hard enough trying to get a state run university to give you funding, you wont see a thing from a high school. however, as said above, contact chris, there is a high school division of the NCPA.

09-20-2005, 04:46 PM
Good luck, but you have to realize that:

1.) The school will NOT pay for anything. (already stated multiple times)
2.) The school will NOT let you use their gym for you to mess up and ruin the basketball court.

09-20-2005, 04:56 PM
yea i see...

so they dont pay for annything. understood.

there is a field that is not in use at the moment... we could probably set up an airball field there. i would also refer the the gun as a "marker" not a gun... lol.

it would be sweet to have a 5 man airball field that uses reballs. i also live in the neighborhood right next to the school... i could practice annytime i want! :-)

annyone else have an idea?

09-20-2005, 05:40 PM
He lives in Texas, I thought they encouraged firearm ownership in school :D

Though I do know that the boyscout groups that come to the field to play do so as a "non boyscout" activity as the organization frowns (read forbids) it as a sponsored activity "due to insurance reasons"

Very funny Lohman, It's not like all texans walk around with a 6 shooter and ride to work on a horse. (just me)...not really

09-20-2005, 05:55 PM

I think the point that the other guys are tring to make is that you're not taking into consideration the fact that insurance and liability will disallow the school from even considering letting you use school grounds for paintball training. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't. Their insurance carriers wouldn't let you.

Secondly, public schools are so under-budgeted as it is that there is almost no chance that your proposal for funding would even make it to a lower budget committee. If there's not enough money to pay teachers reasonable wages, there is definitely not enough money to pay for a few kids to play paintball.

Finally, trying to form a paintball TEAM is not going to happen because there needs to be an established High School competitive league in order for the school to sanction the name team. Forming a club which goes to play paintball at the local field, however, is a completely reasonable endeavor. Just remember, you're not going to be allowed to keep your gear in the school. That's a big risk for the school to take.

Sorry that the other guys couldn't quite get it out into words. It's not that I don't want you to have a team, but it's simply not plausible or possible.


09-20-2005, 07:34 PM
My Highschool has a paintball team, and they help with paint and sutff

09-20-2005, 08:12 PM
My Highschool has a paintball team, and they help with paint and sutff
wtf where do you go? I heard rumors that Nequa Valley in dist. 204 had one, but nothing to confirm it

09-20-2005, 08:28 PM
i'm guessing hes private school.

we should change our statement:

no PUBLIC school would fund a paintball team.


09-21-2005, 04:24 PM
ALEX IS A PIMP!! yeah we go to school together and are close PB buds. were tryin to at least make a paintball club.

09-21-2005, 04:25 PM
i'm guessing hes private school.

we should change our statement:

no PUBLIC school would fund a paintball team.

We dont go to a private school.

Mansfield High!
represent :cool:

JK that was gay

09-21-2005, 06:21 PM
Really? Thats pretty coo ... if yah truly managed to get a public high school to help fund a paintball team, I'd like to talk to you about it. I live in a pretty rich area (Read: Silicon Valley) and our public schools are still like "we have no $$$!!!!" so I highly doubt they would do it...

But if you made it work maybe there is hope...


09-21-2005, 06:40 PM
maybe i could tell my high school to use their hockey rink to play pball in in the summer when the ice is melted. the place isnt touched for a few months, why not play some pball in there? i mean they already have the hockey boards and glass, just attach the netting to the glass like we do anyways behind the goals and stuff, but all the way around the rink?

09-21-2005, 07:34 PM
your high school has an ice rink ?!?!?! geez, where do u go ?!?!


09-21-2005, 08:05 PM
no its a public school, we hold practices at a local indoor feil, i go Libertyville high school dis. 70

09-21-2005, 09:11 PM
ringofscale: our school is the biggest in our state of vermont, vermonts tiny so i dont know if about 1600 students is big compared to high schools out of vermont. in the whole school counting EVERYONE we have 1900-2000 people. yes we have an ice rink next to our school, football field, soccer fields, lots of sports stuff. our school is extremely competitive to sum sports up. but why not use the rink when ice is melted? make a donation fund or something. our school does have alot of money though, i think. i mean, everyone one of our classrooms has a tv built into it so we can "watch" the announcements and other stuff on the tv.

09-22-2005, 04:32 PM
EJHS is not going to let you use the hockey rink, bro. Believe me.

09-22-2005, 08:03 PM
me and my friends have decided that there is enough kids in the district that have played/play paintball. we are going to try to start a highschool paintball team. i know it will be hard to do, and probably wolnt happen, but it cant hurt to try. we are going to try to explain to them about how it is physically demanding and not just shooting (we are gonna go for speedball) how it is as violent as any other sport. it would probably be a 7 man team with a few backup people, or a and b teams. the school would only pay for paint, air, and field stuff (renting or making the field to play on). i think this would be really cool.

if this doesent work we will just have to start a club.

annybody have annything we should add or say to the school to help convince them?

also, this is a serious thread... id rather not have annybody scum it up with bad jokes, i know that it probably will not work. thankyou!

Lol.. i tried that last year. I hope it works for you though, good luck.