View Full Version : SplatCity in Kansas City

12-05-2001, 09:02 PM
alright, well a few of my friends and i are goin thinkin about going to the "indoor ultimate air field tourny" there in January
i know there are some people here from KC, so im askin about the field, how is it?
anyone been in the warehouse and played on the air field?
what do they use as flooring?
hows the lighting?

i need to know all the details because we never had time to go play it before x-mas break starts, anyways ive checked the website and it doesnt help at all

please lmk

12-06-2001, 08:29 AM
no one?


12-06-2001, 10:07 AM
I live in KC - but have never been there - why dont you call them up and ask them?

12-06-2001, 10:45 AM
Last time I heard they were down to one field. Its about 3-man size and it has wood floors with a bit of saw dust layed down, so definately dont wear cleats you'll bust butt or face like I did. It's pretty close-up action but, still a decent time. The lighting isn't too bad, not great. It has been a year since I was there so you might take webby's advice and give them a call. If your looking for their number its under paintball usa in the phone book.

Ghost Stalker
12-06-2001, 03:06 PM
I live here in KC and sometimes go to Splat City. Last year they had the ultimate air feild. They no longer have it due to the seals on the ultimate air came apart. All they do have now is the 1 feild becuase thier rent went up on the other floors they had and only ended up keeping one of the levels. The feild they have presently is made of plywood bunkers. And they are planning on getting another ultimate air but not anytime soon this year or the next. Also the lighting is an improvement since they changed the field.

The field is longer than it is wide. Some people like this and some don't. I would estimate it to be 150-175 feet long and 100 feed wide. And to top it all off there is a wall going right downt the field with a few windows on it. So your view is limited. there are 2 doors on the wall and you can jump throung the windows to the other side. You really have to see it to get a real feel of it but this gives you the idea of it. Hopes this helps.

12-06-2001, 05:44 PM
yeah thanks alot for the visuals
we are gonna call and go up there, but im pretty sure its suppose to be an ult. air field tourny????

maybe not but im almost positive thats what the flyer said

we will find out tho

thanks for the help

12-06-2001, 05:57 PM
Im pretty sure they have a new sup air field because a few months ago at the KC parks and rec tourney the guys from Splat City brought out some brand new bunkers because Kick'n didnt get their whole field with the shipment. Maybe it was some of their old inflatables, but they looked pretty new.