View Full Version : so many ways to upgrade my mag, what do u think is best?

09-20-2005, 02:44 PM
alrighty i have a retro valved mag with a warp, intelli, blah blah blah. basically i want to make this sucker shoot faster. i can get the trigger slightly reactive but only like to 8bps. i want to invest into a ule warp left body and maybe a warp rail. since now every1 has electros i was rhinking of maybe getting aule body now and for christmas or my birthday(dec. 21) getting an emag lower with a new on off. i think e mags look damn sexy and i really want to do this. will my retro valve work with an emag lower? i think it would be sick, like a retro electro or an elecretro or sumthin like that. another thing i could do is get my valve drilled and get a ult but idk i really like emags. another thing i could do is get a hyper frame. i really dont know a thing about them. do u just have to get the frame with out doing anything or do u have to get other parts also? i personaly think they are ugly but if they work good hey who cares. how much are they and where can i get 1. do they really make ur mag rip? those are some options i might be able to have arrangded. what 1 do u think would be the best for me? are there any other things that would be better?

09-20-2005, 09:28 PM
spyderframe mod


both are gonna be a long wait

im not a fan of the ult/pancake noid since it adds complexity to the marker and more things that can fail.

the rt valve will work with e-mag lwoers but you WILL need an e-mag on/off pin which is slightly diff than the stock one.

09-21-2005, 02:32 PM
i knew about having to get a new on off and i would of course. for a spyder mag eouldnt i need ult in the gun? i believe so and i think u just suggested i didnt get ult.

09-21-2005, 03:24 PM
ult/pancake noid would be the spyder frame and DM frame

im nto a fan since ult is more prone to shortroking, and has a slow recharge rate

yes you would need a ult for the spyderframe mod

09-21-2005, 08:27 PM
any1 else have suggestions?

any1 at all?

09-22-2005, 02:40 PM
If you do go electronic you eliminate shortstroking no matter if its a RT or ULT on/off. Shortstroking is because the trigger wasn't released fully and allowed to fully recharge. On Classic valves lower pressure is going through the on/off so you do get a slower recharge rate with a ULT, the newer retro/E/X valves have a higher pressure through the on/off so it should recharge faster. Any of the spydermag/devil/hyper frames will require a new on/off which is "supposed" to reduce your recharge. My gun here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=183709) shoots fine at 16 with a classic and ULT with no drop off. It might be able to go faster I just haven't tried, I've heard of hyperframed classics being able to do 20bps though.
Emag lowers are only supposed to be able to cycle in the low 20s due to the heavy solenoid.

If you don't want ULT because of the milling your only options are the Emag lowers or Logic's new frame since both will work with your stock on/off.

09-23-2005, 02:10 PM
an emag would work with my on off? im pretty sure u needed an emag on off. and is teh logic frame the new 450 dollar frame, if it is i dont know if i wanna spend that much. i guees i wouldnt mind getting my valve drilled, i wouldnt really mind at all but ive seen vids of em and they dont seem to shoot that fast, do u have a vid of a ult mag that rips? i cant find 1. idk maybe they were just bad shooters. to tell the honest truth ive never been able to walk a gun, my friends with big expensive guns can be dicks somtimes and wonnt let me use there guns so what i consider shooting fast is what i shoot and ive never used a gun that was walkable and i just want a gun that can rip! i mainly want the emag lowers cause i hear emags are good but i mainly thjink they look awesome i love the batt. pack grips, can u buy batt. pack grips for a non elctric mag? also if i were to get a spider mag id have to get a ult right. and can u use a rocking trigger frame on it, that would really rip.

09-23-2005, 03:12 PM
I have a hyperframed mag, here's some info: I love it :headbang: . Its lighter than an e-mag (no battery pack) and if you get Luke's trigger mod, you can really have an amazing mouseclick pull.

Cosmetically, Luke also has created custom aluminum grip panels, allowing you to eliminate the ugly stock panels. It looks rather pimp, here's a pic of mine w/ Luke's panels and trigger:


I definately would recommend the 20bps board, unless 13 sounds good enough for you. The 20bps board is harder to find but it is definately possible. The only concern I'd have in your case is that the ULT is highly recommended with the hyperframe; there was an issue long ago with the stock on/off + hyperframe causing bolt wear. The ULT corrects this. So you may need to have your valve drilled in order to make the hyperframe feasible.

I got my 20bps frame for 180, the usual price I see for the 13bps boarded frame is around $120. I actually saw a 13bps frame in the markers forum for $90 today, at that price you will probably have to jump on it quick! Check it out:


After the purchase and mods, I've put about $230 into my frame. I now have a frame that rivals or even surpasses e-mag lowers (hyperframe boards have different firing modes, standard e-mags do not) that is lighter, and less expensive.
Any questions, lmk.