View Full Version : Vex paintball robot

Death of Rats
09-21-2005, 09:25 AM
Well recently I purchased a build it yourself style robotics kit called Vex. (I think of it like an erector set with multiple remote controlled servos and motors.) Using this kit as well as a remote video camara with some low level night vision capability and very probably my mag I am going to make a remote controlled paintball gun.
Currently with the small moters I have it will not be able to go very fast maybe about 1 or 2 miles per hour unless I can set up some superb gear ratios. It has treads so it will be very mobile. It will have a moter rotating a arm in a circle at variable speed so I can fire the trigger at whatever speed I want as well as having the video camara I already spoke of. I will be able to elevate the markers barrel to some diffrent heights but horizontal movement of the barrel will be entirely operated by the whole apparatus. Sadly it is going to take me a little while to set it all up what with school, work, girlfriend, and not the least of which at all normal paintball. Once I do I will make sure and post some pictures and maybe even a video if it works as well as I am hoping. Just thought I would see what some of AO thought of it.

09-21-2005, 09:48 AM
Sounds like a fun project.

You should take pictures throughout the whole building and testing process so you can put together a bit of a presentation when you're done. Or even better, post the pics and discriptions as you go so people can follow along.