View Full Version : I have another problem i want the AO to help me answer...

12-06-2001, 12:40 AM
I've come into a small bit of money (about 1500 dollars) and i've also been selling off some of excess paintball gear as some on the boards have noticed; my own problem is that i'm very fickle and i can't make up my mind to save my life....so here's my problem...Do I want to A. Build the Super Pimp MiniMag (i.e. Retro Valve, Intelliframe, Superbolt, 15* ASA, PimP Flamejob from SiN)..or do i want to B. Buy an eMag...once the MiniMag is all told it's gonna cost me about $700 (I'm building it from scratch)...or i can spend $1149 for a H/L Powerfeed eMag...is the eMag worth the extra 450 bucks? (I'm looking down the line at an Xtreme upgrade in a year or two..)..

12-06-2001, 01:00 AM
Why not buy the extreme or slf now? I say go buy an e-mag, halo, a set of new plastic nubbins, and a superbolt...


You could get a custom machined mini body that looks awesome (flamed out body), get the z-intelliframe, retro, customized 15* asa(also flamed), superbolt, hot flame job on flame body and flame asa... Then you'd still have money for a flame skin halo...

12-06-2001, 01:05 AM
I think you're going a little overboard on the flames, Foo..but i get the picture...

12-06-2001, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I think you're going a little overboard on the flames, Foo..but i get the picture...

I know it's kinda overboard but what I invisioned looks way pimp in my mind...

12-06-2001, 01:13 AM
oh..ok..i didn't know if you were being sarcastic or not..

12-06-2001, 01:29 AM
My mag was gonna be flamed...but now I'm getting...AN E-MAG! WUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


12-06-2001, 01:39 AM
Who were you going to go through for the flames? I'm having my done by SiN..it's a Limited Edition set that he's doing...

12-06-2001, 08:49 AM
well im on ao, and u want ao members to answer SOO

but an angel

12-06-2001, 09:11 AM
See, if you do the awsome job to the Mini, you will have a really individual, unique custom gun. People'jaws will drop. Now I'm not saying an Emag isn't immressive, but the custom gun will turn many more heads. So go with the Mini.

12-06-2001, 10:13 AM
if it were me iwould get the emag. you can get a sick looking emag for that much money. it probably would shoot better, has more features, and is just a great gun. the mini would look cool, but the emag shoots better. i would think anyways.

12-06-2001, 04:27 PM
This is where people miss the point between looks and function. Sure the Minimag might look cool (and that is a might) but you now just spend $700 on something that shoots the same as a $400 gun. So, now, you go and buy a $1000 Emag. Not only will you have a nicer gun working wise, you will also have all the components to upgrade to an Extreeme with ACE when it comes out. Then if you want to make it pretty, put money into that.

But then again, I am more a in to the good shooting gun than a very pretty gun. I am going to have my first "cool looking" gun when I get my emag, and I am not sure if I'll be able to bring my self to play with it:)

12-06-2001, 05:32 PM
can u flame out a E-mag? that would be tight