View Full Version : mags and emags with eyes

09-23-2005, 07:54 PM
i need piks to any emags, mags, and xmags, with eyes, in particular with eye covers, and eye covers off, i am in the process of looking into some custom eye covers, any information would be greatly appreciated, thank you

09-24-2005, 05:00 AM
xmags already have eyes..They just look up at the ball. You don't see anything :)

09-24-2005, 01:40 PM
xmags already have eyes..They just look up at the ball. You don't see anything :)

Xmags have an ACE, an anti CHop EYE, singular.
He want pictures of breakbeams.

09-24-2005, 04:31 PM
Technically every ACE is singular, it's simply a question as to how the transmitter and reciever are packaged. There's only ever one reciever (Eye) and one transmitter (IR/Red/Blue LED). In break beam the Eye elements are mounted on either side of the breach, in reflective the eye elements are monunted side-by-side and generally in the same "black box".

Don't go gettin' all snippy about "Eye" vs. "Eyes" because they're all cyclopses. Unless of course you have some sort of custom eye set-up which gives you and extra pair of elements, in which case, you do indeed have Eyes. :rolleyes:

AT ANYRATE! The man wants ACE covers for a Break Beam eye style on a Mag, give the man what he wants instead of nit-picking and being all superior about the issue :p