View Full Version : Tac-Ion

09-24-2005, 02:09 AM
well, it doesn't look very well done. but it's there.

Tactical body (http://www.hotshotpaintball.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=SITH-ION-TACTICAL-BODY&Category_Code=SITH)

09-24-2005, 09:57 AM
Repost old news man...well kinda lol

09-24-2005, 12:53 PM
Is it just me or, is that thing ugly? It looks ceramic....... :confused:

09-26-2005, 06:05 PM
Is it just me or, is that thing ugly? It looks ceramic....... :confused:

I dunno. I think it looks kinda like a micromag.

09-28-2005, 08:19 AM
ahh and smart parts tries to steal more of AGD :mad:

09-28-2005, 08:25 AM
"Sith" Ion. I see a lawsuit coming. :ninja:

09-28-2005, 09:22 AM
ahh and smart parts tries to steal more of AGD :mad:

What exactly has SP "stolen" from AGD. Maybe the idea of high pressure air which AGD basically shared with everyone... I'm just curious as to what you think was stolen or if this is one of the simplistic bandwagon bashings of SP by someone who doesn't have a clue.

09-28-2005, 09:27 AM
WellI don't know about other thefts, an argument could be made about this body looking almost exactly like the Tac to the point that they even called it the Sith Tactical body.

I don't think it's really a direct "theft" but it sure does seem pretty "inspired."

09-28-2005, 09:30 AM
People have been putting rails on pball guns before the tac one came out...

09-28-2005, 09:36 AM
"On", as in "part of" the body?

I can't say I can remember any other guns with rails milled into three sides of the body itself. It doesn't matter anyway. I have a hard time imagining AGD activly protecting any of their work anyway. :(

09-28-2005, 09:36 AM
WellI don't know about other thefts, an argument could be made about this body looking almost exactly like the Tac to the point that they even called it the Sith Tactical body.

I don't think it's really a direct "theft" but it sure does seem pretty "inspired."

SP who has been accused of this "theft" then is the one who produced the body right? It's not one of the various other companies that have made Ion bodies? Besides, taking "Tac" out of tactical when considering something made to mount tactical systems on was not some great vision. I think we have seen "TACtical" A-5s for some time.

The simplistic "I can get e-cool points" by accusing SP of something I know nothing about attitude that some people convey (not pointing fingers) was stupid when it started and gets more and more stupid as kids try to jump on it with almost zero knowledge. Not that any of us, most of us at least, have the kind of inside knowledge it would take to make a truely informed assessment.

09-28-2005, 09:49 AM
I have no idea who made the body. To be honest I really don't care my point was that whoever made it will have a hard time proving (not that they would bother/need to) that it wasn't a direct use of the idea the Tac-1 first displayed. At least they didn't use the better idea of having the side rails on an angle. Perhaps that would have provoked a response from AGD.

Of course others have used the word tactical in their marker names. The point here is that you'd think that after using the idea they'd stay away from also using a very similar name. For example: Just calling it the Sith Ion (body). Once again it's not important. I'm just pointing out a humorous fact.

At this point I think that even if Smart Parts broke into AGD and stole the plans for the Tac-1 body that would be the least of paintball's worries. (once again, I don’t know who makes this ion body)

09-28-2005, 09:57 AM
I think a reasonable argument could be made, due to a picatany (sp) rail system, that the use of the system dictated design elements. Then again, I'm in the same boat you are, the dicussion is purely an intellectual exercise because I really don't care about the possible legal ramifications of it being stolen.

09-28-2005, 10:13 AM
What AGD decides to do, or whether they even have a case, is one thing. The rail system is a standard and it doesn't infringe on the "TAC" name.

However, where this Ion body is in serious trouble is the use of the name "Sith". Lucas and his lawyers are going to ream them if they don't change that VERY fast.

09-28-2005, 10:22 AM
What AGD decides to do, or whether they even have a case, is one thing. The rail system is a standard and it doesn't infringe on the "TAC" name.

However, where this Ion body is in serious trouble is the use of the name "Sith". Lucas and his lawyers are going to ream them if they don't change that VERY fast.

Good point - though my original point was the idiocy of the simplistic SP bashing from time to time you have a very valid point on the Sith name being a more likely issue than anything AGD can (I don't think they can) or would (noone really thinks they would I think) do.

09-28-2005, 10:43 AM
Considering the number of complaints with about the various Ions at the Big Game on Sunday at AO Canada, I don't know why anyone would bother buying them...

09-28-2005, 01:26 PM
It's by Hotshot Paintball, I believe. Pretty sure Smart Parts has nothing to do with it, other than making the marker it goes on. No idea how Hotshot's gotten away with the S.I.T.H. line for even this long, though. Whatever, not my deal.

And guys, please stop crying theft every time you see something similar to an AGD product. I'm sure they appreciate you zealots, really. But at least take the couple seconds to think about it before you throw baseless opinions around. AGD making a body with standard tactical rails is pretty sweet, but tac rails are nothing new to paintball, and calling something with tac rails a "Tac" product hardly requires a stretch of the imagination. You'd have a pretty tough time finding a tac rail product for a marker that doesn't include the word "Tac" in the name.

09-28-2005, 02:13 PM
I'm sure they appreciate you zealots, really.

You know all about the "zealotry" from your what, two months here? :rolleyes:

...think about it before you throw baseless opinions around.

It looks just like the Tac-1 body or at least so near that a comparison could in no way be called "baseless opinion."

How about this: Get off the anti-Mag zealot bandwagon. Your own over-the-top criticism is making you look more foolish than the original SP comment.