View Full Version : Mass Hysteria and the Media Circus

09-25-2005, 09:56 AM
I have found myself wondering how long people will allow this mess to go on?

The news nowdays is nothing more than a bunch of morons feeding the sheep a bunch of crap in order to fuel their own fires.

Case in point. A story was broken about a fuel shortage (which was false). Everyone rushed out to fill everything that would hold liquid with fuel, driving price gouging and actually creating a fuel shortage.

After Rita , actually during, some good friends of ours drove out to Miss. to take some goods to another group of friends who have been forced by Katrina to live in a house w/ 20 other people. We talked to them on the phone last night and they were commenting on stories in the news about damaged lines and cell towers causing a loss of service. They were in the area, last night, after the storm, and we were talking to thm on these supposed damaged cell towers. Today we tried to call and can't get through. There is just a message saying the hurricane damaged communications. We talked to them last night AFTER the storm and it was fine.

What gives?
When will the media realize that their "vehicle" is actually causing more harm than good? Either they, the public, or the law needs to crack down on the media. Change them from sensationalism, to reporting truth, facts, and/or sometimes even something positive!!!!

09-25-2005, 10:08 AM
Well what do you think the media is out to do?
Bring you the truth OR to make money?

My criminal investigations professor is a retired NYC police officer. He told us a story about a women being killed shortly before the NYC marathon. So a reporter asked for an interview which he grants. The reporter asks a few questions, one being if the homicide had somthing to do with the marathon. He says no and goes on to explain why they did not belive so. Later that night he went to watch himself on TV. Guess what the story was? "Women murdered preparing for marathon" or somthing to that effect I can't recall exactly. They made the story out to be someone was killed preparing for the marathon and twisted the interview around showing little bits of it to look like he said she was preparing for the marathon.

More people watch the news when somthing bad happens it's simple.

09-25-2005, 02:33 PM
Pyro... she WAS killed preparing for the marathon, thats why it was newsworthy. It was timely. Now, if he had said that she was killed BECAUSE of the marathon, that would be a different story.

I agree with you guys, the media can get pretty crazy and some stupid unneccasary stuff gets through (in my opinion anyway). But I'd rather have them, than not have them.

09-25-2005, 03:42 PM
Come to the bar. :)

09-25-2005, 06:51 PM
It's all about the bottom line, as in money. As long as there are enough viewers, nothing will change.

I don't have a TV and I'm not missing a thing. :) :cheers:

09-25-2005, 09:06 PM
Pyro... she WAS killed preparing for the marathon, thats why it was newsworthy. It was timely. Now, if he had said that she was killed BECAUSE of the marathon, that would be a different story.

No, she was out riding a bike, not preparing for a marathon.

09-25-2005, 11:19 PM
Hype is hype. I t comes in all forms including our very own sport. Its a fact of life.