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View Full Version : BoneBreak Super Game (Oregon)

09-25-2005, 07:59 PM
So I just got back from some awsome ballin from down in Salem. The bonebreak super game was awsome and had quite the turnout. Good people, good feild, good game. I had a lot of fun just sitting in the speedball feild playing as opposed to doing the missions. It was good weather...but everything was dry and a fire started in the end from a smoke grenade...(got put out quickly)
Plus I got in cheap because of my friendship with my coach Bob Shano (he started the super games)
Thanx to dan bonebreak for a great day

09-25-2005, 10:25 PM
:eek: Dan actually made it out to play???

09-25-2005, 10:39 PM
I didnt actually see him play...but I did talk to him a couple times...I believe he was supposed to play for the "Renegade" team which I never saw...or if I did I didnt realize it.
Either way he was there...but the only time I saw him on the field is when the fire was present in the speedball field...tisk tisk...no goggles...but nobody was really firing.