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09-27-2005, 12:19 AM
protect the president

wei played this game once, because we didnt have enough markers for every 1 to play, and i had a hurt leg at the time

the place we played was my cousins big backyard, that has a hill and slopes down to a clearing, various trees scattered around, around with pallets and hay bales along the way, at the far bottom corner is a fort, and another fort is at opposite corner , at top of hill, and a jeep parked on middle of this all, lol its broken down so its become another bunker, lol

anyways, we send one person down as a sniper to hide, we gave em like 5 minutes then 4 of us went to our fort on top of hill, we then called game into play, three of the 4 had markers, and 1 didnt, he was the president <me> and had to be escorted to opposite fort, unharmed, one shot and he was dead, my secret service had to find sniper, kill him and protect me, lol it was so fun, because we had no idea where the sniper was and i got lit up only once, damn secret service got ripped on that one, but it was so fun, cuz i wanted to play but my leg was hurt, so i couldnt run, and that made it more fun, cuz we had to move slow, like an actual old president would, lol yeah it was so fun, u guys should try it, maybe add more snipers, more secret service??

09-27-2005, 12:30 AM

09-27-2005, 05:36 AM
THat could have potential to be fun, so I guess you'd sorta "have to be there"

09-27-2005, 06:11 AM
That was a good idea, so here, have some thailand peanuts and a cherry slurpee!