View Full Version : Help Please!!!!Prob with my x-valve

09-27-2005, 08:00 PM
Ok I'll make it short.(if i can) Got an x-valve set it up. Every now and then it would act like if the bolt was sticking. Had to hit the back of the valve to get it to reset. Took it apart a million times still did it. Strated trading parts with my RT Pro valve. Started with on/off small o ring. Guns shot fine for like 2 weeks. Now my RT needs to be hit in the back to reset it???Any ideas besides oiling the crap out of it before and after use(i always clean my guns)
Dazed and confuzed,

11 Bravo
09-27-2005, 09:41 PM
do you have a level 10 bolt?

09-28-2005, 03:35 PM
Yes both my guns have level 10 bolts in them. If i reduce the size by 1 carrier the gas leaks bown the barrel and it sputters alot if i try to shoot it. Ive gotten good a changeng them out. All my orings are in good shape. The only thing i every did to give me any indication of the prob was changing the small oring that goes in the valve before you put the on/off assembly in. On my x-valve that oring slides easily over the on/off pin. on my RT it is kinda tight. Does anybody know of a way to shave that oring a bit bigger on the inside to see if it helps????????????

09-28-2005, 04:32 PM
Keep adding shims to the L10. Try one first and see if tha stops the bolt stick. Add another if necessary. If it leaks take one out.

09-28-2005, 09:04 PM
OK so i added 1 shim and it shoots fine now. Question is if it was shooting fine first 3 times i played, What would make it start acting up? Does it need a break in peroid with a new oring in it, or maybe some other underlying prob? Thanks for your help tunaman, its always the easy steps we forget to try first.

09-28-2005, 09:18 PM
It happened to me to on my new x valve, I had to add a shim. AGD told me the valve was just getting broken in. I also had to add an extra shim on my ule on/off. I think that also had to get broke in.

11 Bravo
09-28-2005, 09:18 PM
Yes there is a break in period.

09-28-2005, 09:22 PM
Oh great it will be my luck im getting ready to HAMMER some poor fool on the feild :shooting: and my ule on/off is gonna get me ripped all to h$ll....lol :( Guess ill be waiting for it now :confused:

11 Bravo
09-29-2005, 12:39 AM
It shouldnt stop shooting. You should just notice a little leaking.

09-29-2005, 09:01 AM
Hello again,

Yea i figured that about the leak. thought it would take a bit longer though. Brought my gun to work to shot it. Gassed it up and it had a leak down the barrel again. Now i removed a shim and its not shooting right again. Am i going to have to goto a tighter carrier with a different amount of shims???? Here i thought i knew how to fix this thing :confused:
Please help,

09-29-2005, 10:23 AM
Tell us exactly how you have the lvl 10 set up....... something sounds fishy here.

09-29-2005, 11:12 AM
air crossfire preset about 825psi out
Rt Pro valve
Level 10 has the carrier with 1 hole and 1 ring around the edge. 3 shims(normally 2 shims)
middle weight spring
ule mainbody
ule milled rt pro rail
will be trying to work on it when i get home later tonight.
another question?
Is it possible for my small on/off oring to swell so that the gun wont shoot right? I will be changing that back the way it was and try that to see if it works better or not....

09-29-2005, 12:11 PM
Use the same oring in the 1/2 size smaller level 10 carrier. Use the same # of shims.

09-29-2005, 05:35 PM
hello again,

ok Dayspring i tried your tip. It didnt help me any. I would shoot a couple of times and it would bolt stick again. Had all 5 shims in it didnt help. went back to my old setup still same prob. Question? I have 2 level 10 set ups but only 1 set of carriers. i need to get another 1.5 carrier so i can try that one. Any body know where i can get just the one?Im running out of patience with this gun.

09-29-2005, 05:54 PM
ok i have been reading othe treads of other probs people are havin. I see a couple of different with a prob with a hyperframe? Can that be the answer. Its new to me but i had it on the gun and used it 3 times before any issues????