View Full Version : the search for the space mag

09-29-2005, 03:07 AM
Alright, I've made some progress, but I haven't gotten far enough. Some one out there has to know where the Space Mags are. I'm not talking about pictures, I mean the actual guns themselves.
I'm taking it upon myself to bring these guns back to the here and now. Hell, I'd even make an offer to buy the lot of them if I knew who to ask.
So, ask any old schooler you know who has knowledge of paintball's history and help me locate these things. I will not rest until I find them.

09-29-2005, 01:06 PM
come on guys, you can't all be just 16, some one's old enough to know something!!!
What about you Tom? Did you ever see them in person?

09-29-2005, 01:36 PM
Hey - I'll keep an eye out.

Lot of the newer guys might not know whatcher talking about.


09-29-2005, 02:03 PM
I only think there was one and no idea who owns it. There was someone here on AO that had something very similar to a "space" mag that he built, but I can not remember who it was.

09-29-2005, 02:06 PM
i remember, like muz, a single space mag...but thats all...

no idea where they are now though

09-29-2005, 02:10 PM
For as long as I can remember there being spacemags, nobody has ever known where they are or who has them.

09-29-2005, 02:34 PM
i think i saw a picture of one once the memory is far away

Doc Nickel
09-29-2005, 03:48 PM
The information I know is that the fellow who made the "Space" 'Mags was French machinist, living in, of course, France, and the 'newest' version he'd made was shortly after the RTs first came out, which would have been about '96. There were three, total, near as I can tell- one off custom-built pieces, the fellow made them for himself, not as "production".

I have not seen a new photo since spotting the RT-based one probably in '98, so I strongly suspect the machinist either quit playing, or doesn't speak English and so doesn't visit our same circles online, or perhaps he got hired on to some place like WDP or Eclipse and hasn't even thought about milling a 'Mag in eight years. Don't know, can only guess.

I made a SpaceMag copy about three or four years ago. The "original" style- it was slightly changed over the French fellow's design (among others I flattened the base of the grip to allow a tank or stock to be mounted like usual, and I didn't use the internal air connections) but I tried to recreate it as closely as I could. It was based off a standard 'Mag upper, rail and valve at the time- this was pre-L10.

What pisses me off is that I managed to not get a single photo of it completed, and I haven't seen nor heard of or about it since. I was typically late in finishing it, as can only guess the customer was unhappy with the wait.

However, I have two more rough grip blanks of the correct shape- I had a water-jet shop cut the blanks from plate, which saved me probably eight hours of just rough milling. The bar I had on hand was big enough for three, so I figured what the heck, and thought about making more than one.

However, not having a CNC, the body profiling was largely handwork, using air-tool burrs and body sanders. I thought it came out well, but took a LOT of time and materials. Doing one was a pain, doing three would have been a major undertaking. :D

Now that you got me thinking about it, I have a boxful of old 'Mag parts, including an L10 kit I've never used, a partially-milled Sluggo body, an old Benchmark frame, a rail and a sear... Want me to build you an updated SpaceMag? :D


09-29-2005, 03:58 PM
:wow: .....but wait, when will you have time to update the whiteboard :confused:...... :D

09-29-2005, 04:32 PM
The information I know is that the fellow who made the "Space" 'Mags was French machinist, living in, of course, France, and the 'newest' version he'd made was shortly after the RTs first came out, which would have been about '96. There were three, total, near as I can tell- one off custom-built pieces, the fellow made them for himself, not as "production".

I have not seen a new photo since spotting the RT-based one probably in '98, so I strongly suspect the machinist either quit playing, or doesn't speak English and so doesn't visit our same circles online, or perhaps he got hired on to some place like WDP or Eclipse and hasn't even thought about milling a 'Mag in eight years. Don't know, can only guess.

I made a SpaceMag copy about three or four years ago. The "original" style- it was slightly changed over the French fellow's design (among others I flattened the base of the grip to allow a tank or stock to be mounted like usual, and I didn't use the internal air connections) but I tried to recreate it as closely as I could. It was based off a standard 'Mag upper, rail and valve at the time- this was pre-L10.

What pisses me off is that I managed to not get a single photo of it completed, and I haven't seen nor heard of or about it since. I was typically late in finishing it, as can only guess the customer was unhappy with the wait.

However, I have two more rough grip blanks of the correct shape- I had a water-jet shop cut the blanks from plate, which saved me probably eight hours of just rough milling. The bar I had on hand was big enough for three, so I figured what the heck, and thought about making more than one.

However, not having a CNC, the body profiling was largely handwork, using air-tool burrs and body sanders. I thought it came out well, but took a LOT of time and materials. Doing one was a pain, doing three would have been a major undertaking. :D

Now that you got me thinking about it, I have a boxful of old 'Mag parts, including an L10 kit I've never used, a partially-milled Sluggo body, an old Benchmark frame, a rail and a sear... Want me to build you an updated SpaceMag? :D

Doc.Wow MagHog! Doc is offering to build you one! I'd take that offer in a minute! Doc...if you need any parts to hook him up just let me know. I have it all here... ;) :D

09-29-2005, 05:36 PM
Though not a space mag I saw an unusual frame on a mag back around 96'ish the guy had handmade a frame that was sort of totally ergonomic like those fancy target handguns you see, it even had a timer built into it. I have no idea who the guy was or where that mag is now, there is a slight possibilty that this guy was indeed french as the series of tournaments did have the Ton Tons taking part, well Ton Ton Flinguers as they were known then. I asked to look at it and it was indeed very comfortable to hold.

09-29-2005, 06:46 PM
Wow MagHog! Doc is offering to build you one! I'd take that offer in a minute!

Oh God! Dan + Doc = Amazing works of art we can all marvel at

09-29-2005, 07:38 PM
Here are the 3 space mags:

I would love to see a modern spacemag and with doc and tuna behind it I can only imagine how nice it would look! Maghog, dont let that offer pass you by!

09-30-2005, 02:43 AM
I have to admit, it's a great offer. It just so happens I'm working on a spacey looking mag myself, and it sounds like the piece you made could fit on there. How 'bout you sell me one of those blanks (or trade for one of my triggers :) )and I'll do the rest? If you could post a picture of it here, that would be great.

On another note Doc, you might want to contribute to the article about unusual guns and artwork that I'm doing research on. Any guns showing off your talent in high resolution photos on clean backgrounds could get you a little free advertising. Think about it.

Now, all the contributions to my search are very much appreciated, but most of the info is stuff I already know. I've got the search going in France as well as over here. It's just hard posting on French forums when you don't speak French. :(
What I'm really after is a name, an address, or a number that I can land contact with.
The search goes on...

Doc Nickel
09-30-2005, 04:31 AM
Well, other than mentioning the same Spacemag was shown in the September '96 PGI being held by some fellow in Advantage or Renegade-style camo (with goggs, so no face to recognize) that's pretty much the sum total of my knowledge. I have or at least had that issue, but I can't find it.

You might try bugging Robbo over at P8nt/PGI. He was both an early-PB Brit and a 'Mag nut back in the day, so maybe he can push you in the right direction.

I have two blanks left, but only enough spare parts to build one complete gun, so if you want the other one, make me an offer. As I recall, it cost me over $100 in material and pump time to get these three waterjetted.

They're rough-profiled, taken directly from the original Spacemag pic. As you can see, I flattened the base of the grip- the original gun had an air nipple there for the remote hose, I drilled and tapped for a standard tank/drop/rail mount. They're 6061 flatbar, 3/4" thick like the usual 45 style grip frames.



09-30-2005, 04:52 AM
Sweet juicy aluminum batman!!! Me wants one! It would have to be completed though, as in slots for the sear, holes for the screws, pin holes for the trigger and such, but that thing would be absolutely perfect on my new mag.
I would only be interested in one piece, without any other mag parts(I've got plenty of those)
I bet you'd find a willing buyer to pick up the other one as a full set up if you wanted.
I am not pressed for time on this,I still have to finish the E-Mag, so do it when you get around to it. Let me know what you're thinking money wise on one completed piece and I can send you a down payment if you like.
Thanks for the tip on Robbo, I hadn't thought of him. Haven't heard from him in ages either. Time to get in touch.

09-30-2005, 05:13 AM
Wow, if another spacemag gets out into the public, that would just be so cool seeing it in B/S/T....

09-30-2005, 11:09 AM
Finally some one goes and takes on a retro project.. Bout time...

I always wondered where the space mags went myself. During that 96-97 time frame they were just about in every mag and then gone... no trace none of them ever surfaced again....

The strange part is Ive seen rarer gun pop up forsale not sure if any of you would know this gun... but Danny Loves pre shocktech SFL cocker.. black with yellow stripes down the sides. same time period of the space mags and used in almost every JT add that Aftershock was in. And Then in 2002 or so if popped up forsale...


09-30-2005, 03:24 PM
Well I can assure you that if I get my grinder on one of those grip frames, it won't look anything like a space mag. As beautiful as they are, that's just not my style. All that massive aluminum lends itself to some pretty interesting possibilities, especially since you don't have to watch out for air passages and such.

Anyway, back to the subject. I contacted Robbo, and he never heard of the space mag. I linked him up and he said he'd never seen them before. I then asked for the name of the editor of PGI in the mid 90's. He said it was someone by the name of Tim Tighe, but he doesn't know where the hell he is.
So, anybody know Tim or have an address? I think I have to start going after the old gurus to get some info here soon. I really want to hear if TK ever got to see them or if he knows anything. He remains silent. Is there a hidden mystery to these guns that no one dares to tell?
I ain't quittin' yet,

09-30-2005, 03:32 PM
Get a hold of Bill Mills. He might know something.

09-30-2005, 03:43 PM
There's another name I hadn't thought of, should probably try Jessica too.
Thanks man.

09-30-2005, 03:59 PM
Bill posts on here all the time, I'm sure he'll see the thread eventually, if you can't get in touch wil him.. I think his Screenname is "billmi"

09-30-2005, 08:01 PM
Jerry Braun? That guy knew everyone back in the day didn't he?

09-30-2005, 08:11 PM
Tim Tighe was living in Colchester, same town that PGI is produced from ;) though when I last saw him at his house it was about 8 years ago so he may well have moved and no I can't remember the address.

ShooterJM we have pretty much narrowed down that the Space Mag originated in Europe, Jerry only came over for a couple of Mayhems and that was back when it was held in the woods. Actually strike that he might have been here for either the Campaign Cup or Mayhem again when they were both held within a few weeks of each other and it was the first outing of Sup Air as the fields...GZ was there but I don't recall seeing Jerry.

09-30-2005, 08:26 PM
space mags? nvr heard of em, but i fell to my knees and worshiped them , its like the holy grail of mag greatnessplease some 1 eaither make 1 and bring old ones back, id die to see more piks, like omg a space mag with a predator?, dw body...uuuuuh....uuuuuh, i cant help it, build it, some 1 please, if u build it, it will come, what it is , is glory beyond wildest dreams

09-30-2005, 09:34 PM
Tim Tighe was living in Colchester, same town that PGI is produced from ;) though when I last saw him at his house it was about 8 years ago so he may well have moved and no I can't remember the address.

ShooterJM we have pretty much narrowed down that the Space Mag originated in Europe, Jerry only came over for a couple of Mayhems and that was back when it was held in the woods. Actually strike that he might have been here for either the Campaign Cup or Mayhem again when they were both held within a few weeks of each other and it was the first outing of Sup Air as the fields...GZ was there but I don't recall seeing Jerry.

Yeah, sorry. I just thought that if no one else knew wehre Tim Tighe was at, Jerry might have a few leads. :cheers:

09-30-2005, 10:36 PM
Check these out there carter "space mags" not the same thing but maybe they got inspiration from the originals and might know something about it

http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fs earch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dspace%2Bautomag%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3DFP-tab-img-t%26fl%3D0%26x%3Dwrt&h=1143&w=559&imgcurl=paintballmuseum.org%2Fmuseum%2FEaron%2520C arter%2Fcarter_machine_moves.jpg&imgurl=paintballmuseum.org%2Fmuseum%2FEaron%2520Ca rter%2Fcarter_machine_moves.jpg&size=141.0kB&name=carter_machine_moves.jpg&rcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpaintballmuseum.org%2Fmuseum%2F Earon%2520Carter&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpaintballmuseum.org%2Fmuseum%2FE aron%2520Carter&p=space+automag&type=jpeg&no=8&tt=10&ei=UTF-8

O yea someone mentioned there only being a few made and made for personal use, i thought they where sold becasue wasnt the design suppose ti give it back spin or something..thought i read that somewhere a long time ago...maybe im invention memoires or i did read it and it was not true..

hmmm i cant think of any where else to look..tommorrow at the field ill ask around and ill call another field the guy that runs it is a big mag fanatic or sorts..he may know something ill let you know.~~im interested to find out more about them... exact orgin and such.

09-30-2005, 11:20 PM
Wow, all of this talk about space mags really brings me back! I'd love to see a repro done. Good idea!


10-01-2005, 06:29 AM
According to my latest info, they were made by an Englishman. I even found someone who used to own one of them, but that's where the story ends. It looks like they've disappeared into someone's private collection, and like the TLC E-Mag that was stolen from Steve Davidson, they'll never be seen again.
What a shame. I will keep trying, but I'm slowly running out of options.

10-01-2005, 07:56 AM
slowly running out of options.
Are you blind? DOC just offered to MAKE one for you...

10-01-2005, 08:40 AM
Thanks Maggot for opening my eyes. :wow:
I'm perfectly capable of copying those designs myself one way or another, but this isn't about recreating them. It's not about owning them either.
Their existence is a marvel in itself. The guy who made these is a true artist. We have too many people in this sport who take an effort like this for granted.
That's not taking anything away from Doc either, his website is full of original ideas and creations, but he still gets about as much recognition for it as AGD does for creating High Pressure cylinders.
Personally, I think that the space mags are some of the most beautiful looking paintball guns ever made. If you had the chance to see a group of photos that cover them from all angles, would you pass it up?
If I can find them, or the name of the man that made them, I'd be preserving part of the history of our sport.
That's really all I'm after.

Doc Nickel
10-02-2005, 01:26 AM
Now you guys got me interested in the project again. :D

'Couple of things I've realized though; First, I got the proportions slightly wrong when I laid out the drawings for the waterjet. It's not "way" off, but I did notice a few bits here and there that I must have mis-drawn. I'd taken that same photo, blown it up to what I thought was normal size (going by the length of the rail, which was about the only dimension I had to go by) and sketched the outline on a light table.

But I can see now a few places I misinterpreted a line or a fingergroove.

Second, for some reason this is a lot easier now. :) I remember working for hours on that shaping years ago, going slowly and carefully. Today I just had a few minutes to kill waiting on something else, so I got out the air tools and roughed one into shape. Two-plus hours later...


The lines are just marker, to show placement. I haven't drilled any screwholes or anything, it's just been rough-shaped so far.

It's not perfect or "identical" to the original, but it's pretty close. Like Dan, I really wish I had a better or higher-resolution photo of the original.

I'll make a few more tweaks before I call it "finished". It's surprisingly comfortable. I've never been a huge fan of the "palm swell" grip profiles, but this one doesn't seem to get in the way. Just for looks though, I might try reshaping it to a more conventional straight-back .45 style and use some grip panels...

Last: Someone E-mailed me inquiring about the other body. I tried to reply and AOL kicked the message back. If you could try again with a different address, I'd be happy to discuss details.


10-02-2005, 02:42 AM
Doc, I dont mean to second guess you, but for this particular project I think I would shy away from using any style of grips. With the stylized aesthetic the frame has to offer, I think I'd do what I could to leave it as a stand-alone piece. Perhaps incorporate some milling (or lack thereof, and just round everything off) into the grip itself.

just my opinion.

Nigel F

Now you guys got me interested in the project again. :D

'Couple of things I've realized though; First, I got the proportions slightly wrong when I laid out the drawings for the waterjet. It's not "way" off, but I did notice a few bits here and there that I must have mis-drawn. I'd taken that same photo, blown it up to what I thought was normal size (going by the length of the rail, which was about the only dimension I had to go by) and sketched the outline on a light table.

But I can see now a few places I misinterpreted a line or a fingergroove.

Second, for some reason this is a lot easier now. :) I remember working for hours on that shaping years ago, going slowly and carefully. Today I just had a few minutes to kill waiting on something else, so I got out the air tools and roughed one into shape. Two-plus hours later...


The lines are just marker, to show placement. I haven't drilled any screwholes or anything, it's just been rough-shaped so far.

It's not perfect or "identical" to the original, but it's pretty close. Like Dan, I really wish I had a better or higher-resolution photo of the original.

I'll make a few more tweaks before I call it "finished". It's surprisingly comfortable. I've never been a huge fan of the "palm swell" grip profiles, but this one doesn't seem to get in the way. Just for looks though, I might try reshaping it to a more conventional straight-back .45 style and use some grip panels...

Last: Someone E-mailed me inquiring about the other body. I tried to reply and AOL kicked the message back. If you could try again with a different address, I'd be happy to discuss details.


10-02-2005, 03:24 AM
Nice job Doc, that looks really good.
I'm the one who e-mailed you Doc, and I'm still interested in that last blank. Like I mentioned, it would be great if it had slots for sears, trigger pin holes and the rest.
If not, I'll deal.
I only have one email address, don't know why it didn't work. I'll PM it to you with an offer.

10-02-2005, 10:41 AM
Wow, after looking at that picture does anyone else think a space emag would look great? Or at the very least think that a -15* adapter for the emag battery would look incredible?

10-02-2005, 12:00 PM
If I knew where those guns were I would have bought them myself. I would sugest contacting John Sosta he would be the only one I could think of that might have a line on them. I have never talked to anyone that has seen them in person.

Lookin' good Doc!


Doc Nickel
10-02-2005, 03:33 PM
Actually, the bounced 'mail was "Ageespokane". If he, or anyone else, is interested in this frame once it's done, feel free to drop me a line. (doc-at-docsmachine.com) I'd hate to see all this work just sit and gather dust. :D (Um... again...)

Tom- I think of the guy was anywhere in the US, those things would have turned up long before now. But as I said, I suspect he's both in Europe and very likely has gotten out of the sport. I think you're going to have to find an old paintballer in France or England somewhere. You might drop a line to Manike as well. He was a Brit up until just recently.


10-02-2005, 06:20 PM
Sorry Maghog, I didn't mean to sound condescending. I didn't know the real reason as to why you wanted a spacemag in the first place.

Their existence is a marvel in itself. The guy who made these is a true artist. We have too many people in this sport who take an effort like this for granted.
I figured that you wanted it, just to say "hey my mags better than yours..." , It's just that to much of Doc's work goes unseen, and I'd really want him to make one of these, and actually have it out in the public.

So Doc, how much would a spacemag-reincarnated thing cost anyway, wayyy to much for the average paintballer or somewhat affordable?

10-02-2005, 09:27 PM
No offense taken.

I asked John Sosta, and I've posted everywhere I can think of. I can't find them :cry:
Oh well, I tried.
At least we still have Doc.

10-03-2005, 08:32 PM
ya know what would be sweet?
a space mag with an aluminum sleeved Apex!

10-03-2005, 09:17 PM
ya know what would be sweet?
a space mag with an aluminum sleeved Apex!

:ninja: :eek:

Thats great.

That cylinder is there, might as well make it functional for "spacemag, ver 2.0" :p

Doc Nickel
10-03-2005, 10:03 PM
Dan! The guys over at the Tinker's Guild (http://www.network54.com/Forum/message-9013-1128333552-Anyone+know+where+the+SpaceMag+is-) managed to unearth a few bits of information for you.

First, there's this page from the Web Archives (http://web.archive.org/web/19990218085351/www.crusty.demon.co.uk/aih.htm) dating to 1999 referring to the sale of the RT-based Spacemag. An E-mail address is given, but I haven't tried it.

Second, somebody found this (http://www.airgun.com/Gallery/ACustom2.html), this (http://www.airgun.com/Gallery/automag1.html), this (http://www.airgun.com/Gallery/automag2.html) and this (http://www.airgun.com/Gallery/rtspruced1.html) hosted on Airgun.com, attributing them to a fellow by name of Allan Hastie.

Hope that helps you any, and again, please let us know how it pans out.


10-04-2005, 03:22 AM
You're awesome Doc, I was ready to give up, but I'm back on it. I will try hard to contact Allan, but I fear these things have changed hands so many times that he will know little about their whereabouts. Still, it's great to have a name, and I will be honored just to be in contact with him (if I find him)
I cannot believe that someone would go and anodize one of these things, with a splash pattern no less. If there would be a puking smily you could add in to your post, I'd use about five of them!
Thanks again Doc for keeping the search alive!
I'll be sure to post whatever I discover,

10-04-2005, 05:08 AM
That is the one I saw and held, though it wasn't splash anno'ed when I last saw it, remember I said previously about the timer in the grip.


That email link is dead, if you use demon or as it actually links to as denom

Demon as an ISP went some years ago
I have been trying the telephone number for the last little while but whoever is on that number likes to talk as it is engaged.

10-04-2005, 06:03 AM
I tried the number too, but I got some weird answering machine. If you do get through though Mark, let me know.
Like I said, I think these things have had so many different owners that they are either lost between some sofa cushions somewhere or dismantled at the bottom of a mag parts pile.

10-04-2005, 06:12 AM
Ok progress!!!

Ian was not the owner of the Space Mag his brother was, I have his telephone number and will be ringing him once I finish this post.

Information regarding the Mag's themslves,
Totally hand made, no milling machines, the pic above was after it had been sold and then anno'ed at Planet Paintball in Manchester.
Ian was the guy who installed the timer.

More updates when I get them....oh and Ian is now looking for some other pics that he took (all the ones except the splash anno'ed one where his pictures to begin with)

10-04-2005, 06:19 AM
Right fantastic progress!!

I have found the last one that was made and yes it can be for sale!

So Tom or Maghog get in touch with me as I have both the email address and telephone number.

For the record there were 3 only made the splash one was the first (though as I have said this was anno'ed after it was sold on), then the other two...one is still on the MIA list.

They were made from a solid piece of Billet ally on a lathe and drill press they took approx 3 month each as the hand finishing took that long.

The timer was infact a shot counter as I remembered when talking with the maker. Who is now no longer interested in paintball

Doc Nickel
10-04-2005, 06:36 AM
Great! Somebody write this up as a story...

And keep us informed!


10-04-2005, 07:16 AM
So then you found two of them? Am I understanding this correctly? You rock Mark.
Pics are a must!!!
Mark, I will PM you my email and you can give me the info on the owners.
You're right Doc, this is worth writing a story about

10-04-2005, 07:59 AM
If those are hand made :eek:
I bow down to the awesomeness that it is.
I'm really going to have to meet this guy...

10-04-2005, 10:13 AM
So then you found two of them? Am I understanding this correctly? You rock Mark.
Pics are a must!!!
Mark, I will PM you my email and you can give me the info on the owners.
You're right Doc, this is worth writing a story about

No, not two as such just the last one which is RT based and still in the makers possession. As I understood the conversation it is the last pictured Space Mag that is for sale, however it may well be the first one or if it is the other other way around, there is still one to be found well two actually since the location of the Spashed Anno'ed one is currently unknown.
Doc, the anno job was done by Planet NOT owned by Planet.

The Order of Creation is


But was orginally raw not splashed anno


10-04-2005, 10:38 AM
I'm sure that I have an old issue of "Paintball 100%" with the second one in it.

"Paintball 100%" was a French paintball magazine that was available for a short while.

Lots of good articles included Mags. Topless girl on the front cover of one issue if I remember correctly.

I'll look in my boxes of old magazines...

10-04-2005, 10:50 AM
Alright gang, I've struck gold thanks to Mark. After being ready to give up and imagining custom mags as can openers, I've spoken to the creator personally.
Alan was surprised that anyone remembered his work, and it almost seemed as though he forgot about it himself. He still has the last of them, the RT on the bottom that Mark shows in the order of fabrication.
Sadly he does not know where the other two guns are, as it has been near to 15 years since he created them and sold them off. According to him, the RT was the complete version, while the other two were prototypes. Pretty nice prototypes as far as I'm concerned.
This find is simply electrifying for me. I not only found one, but I got in touch with the maker. I want to thank Mark and Doc for helping me so much. Even if I don't find the others, I feel as though I've accomplished more than what I set out to do.
Today was an awesome day for me.

Will Wood
10-04-2005, 10:59 AM
This is the power of AO, people! :dance: :dance:

I'm just suprised it took so long for someone to want to conquer the mystery of the space mags... :p

10-04-2005, 11:23 AM
Nice job Mark and AO!! I will let Maghog have that last one but if you ever find the middle one......


10-04-2005, 02:11 PM
congratulations maghog and mark, you guys did a great job of bringing information about the space mags back to us. I hope that atleast one of them will make it back to the community for good.

10-04-2005, 02:50 PM
Get detective work guys :clap: Now lets try and find all the SFL emags :) It couldn't be as hard as finding the spacemags can it? :D

Will Wood
10-04-2005, 03:11 PM
It's been done :)

Creative Mayhem
10-04-2005, 03:22 PM
Nice jobe Mark!!

Here's my limited contribution...


I have had these for a long time and can't remember where i got em, but i had to dig through my old laptop(P2 200 32megs ram... ugh)

10-04-2005, 03:29 PM
so where is this guy located at?

10-04-2005, 07:04 PM
so where is this guy located at?


Tom, if I can get any info on the other two I will let you know.
The last set of pics posted by Creative Mayhem shows the first version as I remember it when I shot it.

10-05-2005, 12:02 AM
Ya, lets get some info on the creator. I have read alot of stuff in the past few days. About them being functional or not, and him designing them for sci fi movies. Whats the real story?

10-05-2005, 03:10 AM
info is on the way....give me a bit of time to put it together

10-05-2005, 01:04 PM
you know the one thing i find very impressive is the fact that dan almost seems to idolize this guy. I mean they are amazing dont get me wrong....but i still think the works you have created dan far exceed the space guns.

aside from that good detective work mark, doc and dan....looking forward to seeing more info.

Especially dan if you buy the RT. You should see if you can get Allen to right up a history and post it here on AO. It would be wonderful to have him as part of AO.

10-05-2005, 01:38 PM
I'm working on the history now. It'll be a couple of days before I have it all together. I will post it here on AO.
Thanks for the words caveman. I'll leave it to others to compare one piece of work to the other. Our work differs in many ways.
The thing is, Alan is a man with great ideas that I can relate to. That's what makes this so exciting for me.

10-05-2005, 03:27 PM
Those are nice. I saw a picture of one quite a long time ago but never thought anything of it.

Amazing that you found the man who made them :clap:

So are you going to purchase one form him? If so, how many are left?



10-05-2005, 04:06 PM
Those are nice. I saw a picture of one quite a long time ago but never thought anything of it.

Amazing that you found the man who made them :clap:

So are you going to purchase one form him? If so, how many are left?



Well there actually were 3 originals. 2 of them were prototypes and the one mark is getting was the finished verison. Doc is working on a replica of one of them. hell it can be an additon to the collection :p

10-05-2005, 06:57 PM
Well there actually were 3 originals. 2 of them were prototypes and the one mark is getting was the finished verison. Doc is working on a replica of one of them. hell it can be an additon to the collection :p

I am not buying it, I just found it, Dan (Maghog) is the one doing the buying.

Anyhow just to wet your curiosity a little bit with some pics you won't have seen....(individual pics will be coming)


Chris Nearchos
10-05-2005, 07:30 PM
so when is AGD going to start a space mag line?? *drools*

10-05-2005, 09:08 PM
I am not buying it, I just found it, Dan (Maghog) is the one doing the buying.
sorry my bad..got mixed up in the names i ment Maghog :D

Doc Nickel
10-05-2005, 09:11 PM
Ooo, pictures of internal milling.... :D

Can't wait to see the results!

Doc Nickel
10-06-2005, 01:56 AM


A little more work. Kind of slow going, but this one's a "spare time" project- and I have little time to spare. :D Made a small flub that the sharp-eyed can see in the pic, but no biggie; It'll "buff out" so to speak.

The profile isn't 100% consistent with the original, but as I said earlier, I got the original drawing a bit wrong when I had the blanks cut in the first place. Again, no biggie, this isn't meant to be a pure, 100% exact copy, it's just a fun project inspired by a unique marker. :D


10-06-2005, 02:23 AM


A little more work. Kind of slow going, but this one's a "spare time" project- and I have little time to spare. :D Made a small flub that the sharp-eyed can see in the pic, but no biggie; It'll "buff out" so to speak.

The profile isn't 100% consistent with the original, but as I said earlier, I got the original drawing a bit wrong when I had the blanks cut in the first place. Again, no biggie, this isn't meant to be a pure, 100% exact copy, it's just a fun project inspired by a unique marker. :D


From now on, I'm just going to call you 'Daddy'

That's some good milling there, Lou'

/Thanks, Cheif

10-06-2005, 05:38 AM
Still think a space-emag would look cool. Angling the battery like that, and milling it with windows so you can actually see the battery...

10-06-2005, 03:50 PM
Still think a space-emag would look cool. Angling the battery like that, and milling it with windows so you can actually see the battery...

That would be the stuff right there.. :shooting:

Chris Nearchos
10-06-2005, 05:05 PM
maybe if we ask nice enough, we might be able to get tuna or luke to make a small production of some style of angled battery packs for the e/x mags.

10-06-2005, 07:29 PM
How much, if you don't mind me asking, are you paying for the Space-Mag? Whoever is buying it that is.


10-06-2005, 07:49 PM
maybe if we ask nice enough, we might be able to get tuna or luke to make a small production of some style of angled battery packs for the e/x mags.

If that ever did happen id get an emag.

10-18-2006, 03:46 AM
Here is a link I still from when I first found saw them awhile back.

10-18-2006, 06:46 AM
I remember seeing one, a long time ago, don't remember where though, sorry not too much help

10-18-2006, 09:12 AM
Here is a link I still from when I first found saw them awhile back.

best link evar!!!111

10-18-2006, 09:18 AM
best link evar!!!111

fo sho

has doc maid any progress with the one he was building since that last pic?

10-19-2006, 10:56 AM
fo sho

has doc maid any progress with the one he was building since that last pic?


He sold a couple on Ebay that were completed.

I have one of them. I also managed to find a sluggo from back2integrity. Now I need a custom rail from RRFireblade and my sluggo milled, then I will have a "new" spacemag :D

10-19-2006, 01:23 PM
There were two auctions on ebay, one sold and the other never met the reserve. I emailed Doc awhile ago to see if he still had it but never got a response back.

Also SummaryJudgement, cant wait to see pictures of that :D

10-23-2006, 10:59 AM
You'll have to wait unfortunately. All of my side projects are now in "Super Project Mode!!!", meaning they won't be touched for quite some time :(

Between work, possibly moving because of a new job, and other expenses (computer, Xbox360, paintball) I can't send stuff off or dish out the cash right now.

Someday, someday...........

There were two auctions on ebay, one sold and the other never met the reserve. I emailed Doc awhile ago to see if he still had it but never got a response back.

Also SummaryJudgement, cant wait to see pictures of that :D

10-24-2006, 12:36 AM
I'm still waiting on the info about the creator. When is that going to be posted?

I've always loved these guns (well... since about 2002 or so...).

10-24-2006, 12:43 AM
I'm still waiting on the info about the creator. When is that going to be posted?

I've always loved these guns (well... since about 2002 or so...).

some guy in england made the originals, made em all with hand tools, something abt he made em in a bath tub, lol..ever try umm..searching?..

10-24-2006, 10:15 AM
search space-mag

i think doc made 2-3 extrusions, that is it. :sleeping:

10-26-2006, 02:26 AM

hope that works...

10-26-2006, 01:02 PM
Oh, God am I blonde... Sorry guys. Thanks.

12-26-2006, 02:42 AM
Sorry for dredging this up, but those mags are hot!!!