View Full Version : Under Armour

Death of Rats
09-30-2005, 10:02 AM
Ok so I have been seeing this Under Armour stuff in stores for a while now and normally I am a t-shirt only kind of man unless I am wearing a suit but I have finally broke down and bought some of it.

If I understand all the stuff that I have read and heard about it this material is supposed to absorb your sweat and transfer it to a larger region of your body while keeping you dry and cool. Ok concept sounds neat.

However I am not sure if I am supposed to wear it underneath another shirt or just wear it as a straight shirt even though it is a little tight. (Could hurt a little if I get bunkered)(This does not happen often).
I will be wearing a shirt made of this tomorrow for my paintball outing but before I do I would like to hear from anyone who has one of these and see if they like it or if they have any tips for wearing it.

I live in Texas, it gets really hot normally even though today there is a cold front. YAYYYY. :rofl:

09-30-2005, 10:08 AM
I have some also, and I have worn it both ways. If you were a shirt under it the shirt will get soaked in sweat so there is no need for it. It is suppose to be a little snug but not overly tight. Works great though..... :)

09-30-2005, 10:20 AM
They actually make at least two kinds of under armor(that I know of). Heat gear and cold gear. Heat gear is made for warmer areas(like where you are) to do what you mentioned, help keep you cool. Cold gear is made for when its colder, as it helps trap the heat in to keep you warmer. Alot of football player wear it under their uniform. As far as under other clothing or not, its really your chioce. I wear mine under my jersey when its cold(cause I have cold gear) but really its up to you, cause it can go either way. IMO it actually helps to absorb some of the blow from a hit, but not enough to make it bounce or anything. Just lessens the sting a little. The only tip I could give you is bring another shirt along for when your done playing, so you aren't wearing that sweat all day.

09-30-2005, 10:20 AM
I swear by Under Armour short sleeve t-shirts. I wear one underneath my jersey, but I have also played with just the Armour on. They are AWESOME for keeping you cool, or for cooling you off when you are all sweaty. Keep in mind that they are ultra thin, so they dont offer much protection from hits.

Death of Rats
09-30-2005, 10:26 AM
Great I am glad my purchase was not made in vain.

Next question? I bought a dark blue set of it. I know some of my clothing stains when I get paint on it a lot but normally only white clothing. Does this stuff have the same problem or is it worse because of the absorbing stuff or is it better because of how slick it is???

09-30-2005, 10:35 AM
Death of Rats:

Doesn't this coldfront rock! I'm in Dallas and I can appreciate it cooling down a little. I heard saturday is supposed to be back in the nineties, but I don't know if I can play tomorrow anyway :( This would be a great time for it though. From what I understand the UnderArmor provides a "wicking" effect to move moisture from the skin to the surface of the material so it can evaporate more easily. I don't see why you can't wear something over it. If you look at the athletes that use it, they all have jerseys and gear over it.

09-30-2005, 10:47 AM
the idea of UnderArmor is to "wick" the sweat away from your body.. I always wear a shirt/jersey over mine.. I also wear them when I play ice hockey.

09-30-2005, 11:40 AM
The fabric does not absorb or retain liquid, so paint does not stain it. I wear the black and t he blue Armour.

09-30-2005, 03:14 PM
i have found that it really likes being the only layer of clothing in a hotter setting. it only kind of works with a thicker shirt over it.

09-30-2005, 03:20 PM
Dang, this stuff sounds good. I'm going to check some out.


09-30-2005, 03:44 PM
i wear the Nike version of Under Armor...but yes, i love it...

i wear either a short or long sleeve T under my jersey

09-30-2005, 04:27 PM
Go cheapie walmart version of underarmour. Much less expensive!

09-30-2005, 06:32 PM
Wicking clothing of any sort should be snug, so the moisture can transfer to the clothing and then evaporate.

Cotton is bad, holds water and keeps you damp. Try not to wear cotton over top, try for something more breathable. Polyester is actually good, fleece for winter.

I usually wear wicking clothing (shirt, underwear) I had from mountain biking or kayaking.

And thick wool socks. In the middle of summer. Under gore-tex boots (Cabela's Antelope boots). Throughout the week, my feet are always the most comfortable when I play paintball. Oh, and I can walk through water no problem.

09-30-2005, 06:53 PM
get some under armour and none of the knock offs cuz there not as good trust me. Very good investment.