View Full Version : good time to sell?

09-30-2005, 11:40 AM
I'm thinking of selling all my stuff and was wondering if there is a better time to sell than other times. For example, its almost Oct. and the paintball outdoor season is ending soon, would it be better to wait till spring to sell paintball stuff or it doesn't matter.


09-30-2005, 11:59 AM
In my experience, it varies greatly with your location, whether or not you're selling locally as well as on the 'net and whether or not you're using eBay.

eBay will get you the best price, but it's slower and the market fluctuates a lot. It seems the best time to sell is early in the "season" around May. The best time to buy is after Christmas (when all the kiddies flood the market with their old gear) in January and Febuary. eBay also has some disadvantages in that you don't have much flexibility for payment, there's no possibility of trading and, of course, there are those dreaded fees...

If you sell local, you want to hit the early middle of the season where you live. If you're in CA or FL, that time may very well be right now. If you're in a colder climate, it may be wise to wait until spring.

One thing though: If you're dealing with high-quality gear, disregard just about everything. Those who are in the market for anything rare or unique will always be looking in that market, year-round.

Also, if you're willing to wait until spring to sell anyhow, list your gear on the forums now. No listing cost and you get to name your price. If nobody picks it up, no worries - you were going to wait anyhow, right?

Short answer is: Yes, prices on used run-of-the-mill gear do fluctuate with the seasons and holidays.

09-30-2005, 12:12 PM
I would sell now, before world cup comes, the companies release next years "uber agg, super stuff" and people buy new gear, than the market floods with there old gear.

09-30-2005, 12:20 PM
Lohman's right, If you have any sort of recent release equipment sell it as soon as you can. Resale on higher end stuff is already taking a hit just because its kinda sorta getting close to Cup.

Unfortunately I wish I would have sold my stuff earlier, I mean $650 for a dm4 what is the world coming to! :(

09-30-2005, 12:26 PM
In southeast missouri the paintball season is just now starting. People around here would rather play outside in the winter then the summer. If its mag equipment you are selling, id sell now rather then latter. All mag parts have slowly been decreasing in resale value this year.

09-30-2005, 12:31 PM
yes, us Misery paintballers don't care bout no cold! Hell, the cooler the better......to a certain point :p

09-30-2005, 12:36 PM
yes, us Misery paintballers don't care bout no cold! Hell, the cooler the better......to a certain point :p

haha, its so true, if we got more snow down here im sure we would have a blast playing paintball in the snow. Who needs snowball fights?

09-30-2005, 12:52 PM
snow forts!

09-30-2005, 01:15 PM
sell now, before cup, after cup, everyone will be picking up the latest and greatest

09-30-2005, 01:35 PM
I've found that there's a lot of buying and selling going on in the colder months.

I know I tend to buy more durring the winter because I'm not doing as much so I have more cash floating around. I don't really play PB in the winter because I don't like to pay the crazy prices that indoor places charge.

09-30-2005, 03:13 PM
depends on what it is. an older gun it wouldnt hurt to wait on, if its the flavor of the month get it out of your hands as fast as possible. even if the market does fluctuate and will go up, youll take a huge hit as soon as a newer model of your gun hits the market. or even just other similar guns. older guns wouldnt take as much of a hit.

and if youre selling online there wont be much fluctuation in the market. theres always something to even it out. if a lot of people buy before christmas, well then a lot of people who think about that will decide to sell before christmas. some people like to buy during the off season, so people sell during the off season. plus as was mentioned if its the off season where you are it may be the playing season somewhere else.

you should get about the same price any time of year, just as long as you arent stupid and have an auction end at 4 in the morning on easter.