View Full Version : Anyone play recently at Pevs how are things these days?

09-30-2005, 03:56 PM
Sad to say I haven't actually played for over year now. Last time out with the brother-in-law got shot up some kinda bad playing pickup speed ball with a bunch of kids who were wannabe pros on some local team. They overshot and wiped like they were in the worldcup or something. Anyhow it was a lousy time for him and the end of the rope for me. We retired to woodsball for the day and the cheating only got worse -people cranking up guns, people wiping, people playing on unless they were gogged. Actually the woodsball was even worse - at least in the speedball people tried to play together as a team. At the time I was thinking "Woodsball is officially dead - it's nothing more than a waste of paint - no one even tries to win anymore - it's just an excuse to sling paintballs at one another might as well just stand in the middle of field and do it - it'll be easier." That coupled with crappy reffing (reffs wasting huge time between games, 2 reffs per field with like 60 players) and fields and games that hadn'd changed since Pev's moved to AG finally led to burn out for me. It was so bad I had "free paintball for a year" at Pevs from a contest and only used it once up to that point never used it again. (2 times total for the year)

Anyhow, the weather is now that nice fall "not too cool, not too hot" and I'm thinking about an outing. I want to fire the old Viking up and maybe even the Emag.

Has anyone been to Pev's recently? Any changes from this time last year? What are the rules re. ramping, full-auto, etc? They used to turn a blind eye towards full-auto - which actually started with the stores cash-cow, the tipmanns. People would drop the RTs in their guns and shoot full auto in walk-on games all of the time. About the time I quite cheater boards were getting really big and you were seeing a lot of "bouncing" guns. I'll admit, not one to be out gunned I even started running my Pandora'd Viking in Auto-response - hey when in rome...

Anyhow, I just don't have any desire to go out and waste a $100 on a day of paintball only to get pissed off about things - so I thought I post here to see what's changed for the good, bad or indifferent - before making up my mind to go.



09-30-2005, 04:21 PM
I'd recommend OA if you are near the MD area. Better atmosphere & better refs (plus the prices are pretty good as well). www.oapaintball.com