View Full Version : Quick Question, from an idiot

09-30-2005, 05:36 PM
Is an Retr Valve better then a classic? and if so, how much better is an x-Valve then a Retro (if any)

Thanks for helping out a mag-incompetant man.

09-30-2005, 06:04 PM
The retro has a faster recharge rate than the classic (more BPS), and is lighter than the classic valve (reg. is made of aluminum.) The retro and the X are the same design and function the same, but the X is made of almost all aluminum and is lighter than the retro.

09-30-2005, 07:57 PM
Thats the only difference? Wowski.

I am new and foolish too and wanted to ask, are all valves made to fit in any mainbody?

Oh, since it fits the topic, I just got me a classic and there is no foamie on the bolt. Ir seems there never was. What type of bolt is in there? Im new and dumb! HELP! :tard:

09-30-2005, 09:23 PM
All valves will fit all bodies except the classic RT valve and body/rail.

The bolt without a foamy is the longnose bolt from AGD.

The retro is better than the classic in the fact that it has a faster recharge rate but it only allows the use of compressed air. Retro valves (x-valve version) is lighter. I find that classic valves are more consistent than the retro valves due to the heated air effect of the retro valves, plus classic valves allow the use of CO2 as a power source.

So, "better" is a subjective term depending on what your planned use is. Both valves have their pros over the other but both are great valves.

10-01-2005, 06:31 AM
Ah ha! I need to do more bolt research! Longnose eh? I dont think Ive seen anything on that but the search is on. Ill post how confused I am later.

10-01-2005, 07:31 AM
X-Valves also come with a Level 10. Retro's didn't I don't think.


10-01-2005, 07:46 AM
If you are keeping your Classic mechanical and not adding electronics, you will never even come close to exceeding the recharge rate of the Classic valve.

Only if you decide to "upgrade" to an electronic frame might you find recharge rates an issue.

10-01-2005, 04:57 PM
I plan on keeping it mechanical. Cheaper and easier as far as I know. That and I dont need to fire that fast. My only real desire is to shrink it down a bit. I plan to make a hopper that dose NOT rely on gravity at all. Completely powerfeed(I hope). Any ideas?

Oh! with the lvl 10. How dose the lvl 10 perform next to older/other bolts? I think Ive read that some people have there own versions. Blah! I dont know....

10-01-2005, 05:06 PM
If you have a properly tuned level ten you will find it nigh on impossible to break a ball. However if you learn how to properly pull a level seven and aren't outshooting your loader you can do just fine with what you have. The only downside to a level ten bolt is you can only really shoot down to about 900lbs on your air tank. Witha level seven you can get down around 675-650. This isn't really an issue if you are shooting at an all day air establishment.

10-01-2005, 05:16 PM
Well Ill see how she does me. Thanks again for the help(speedy too).