View Full Version : Just currious...

09-30-2005, 09:45 PM
Does anyone else use a scope or binoculars for spotting the other team when playing in the woods? I’ve used a scope for a long time for this reason, but ive never used a scope to aim with. I have been thinking about getting a set of binoculars that I could carry in my pocket, but wasn’t sure how they would do against my mask. Its convenient to have the scope mounted on the gun to look with, but there is a much better chance for someone to see your entire gun compared to looking thru a pair of binoculars.

So what is your opinion on this?

09-30-2005, 10:32 PM
Thordic is legendary for his sniping skills.

09-30-2005, 11:03 PM
in the woods I used a 5x scope on my old A-5... I don't carry binocs or anything because it's just hard to use them with the gun requiring 2 hands.

my current mag would have nowhere to put a small scope... but it would be nice. Karta + Scope.. haha

10-01-2005, 12:19 AM
I just crouch on my knees and look under the branches and use the 20/20 vision God gave me....

with practice its quite efficient. can spot a moving target around 200-300 feet out, maybe more, in a rather dense forest.

10-01-2005, 09:51 AM
I use a small camo pair of binoculars. It's difficult to look through binocs when You're wearing a paintball mask...and most of the time I get to into the game that I forget I'm even wearing them...and often times they get caught on branches...

...but on a few occasions they've worked to sort of "spot" somone in camo that's difficult to see in brush from a long way off.

On my first gun, a Tiger Shark, I mounted a Taso scope. It actually worked better than binoculars as far as seeing through it with a mask on. But the real advantage to scopes is to impress noobs who for some reason think a scope makes you practically unbeatable. :spit_take

10-02-2005, 11:45 AM
i use a 1.5x red dot, i have found low magnifacation is better, nothing over 3x(at least thats wat i think)

I hav never used binoculars but i bet it would be good for spotting.