View Full Version : RT ule custom isnt shooting...

10-01-2005, 09:16 AM
X-valve (L10 of course)
ULE body
RPG ULE rail
logic vert frame

ive never had this problem before, i dont know whats going on. my mag has just been sitting as parts for a few months while i used my freestyle. last night i decided to throw it together. i gassed it up, no leaks. i pulled the trigger. nothing happened. i can feel pressure on the trigger and the sear is forward, so i know the ULT is working fine. i take everything apart, lube it up, etc, put it back together, and the same thing. i try adusting the velocity, all the way up and all the way down, it still doesnt fire. it feels like when the rear grip frame screw isnt tight enough and it will shoot really reactively for a moment (like 3 balls for one pull) and then suddenly it will stop shooting. except when that happens, pushing back on the bolt face fixes it, but in this case it doesnt. tightening or loosening the rear grip frame screw does nothing either. i was afraid the spring could be too heavy (although raising the velocity should fix that) since im using the red spring as the gold one broke a while ago, but even if i take the spring out completely the same thing happens. if i take the valve out and slide just the bolt in, i can see the sear is catching the bolt, and if i pull the trigger the sear will release the bolt and it will slide down closing the breech. i am using a new sear since the last time i fired it, but its new from tunaman, and yes it is the right sear. i tried switching the logic frame for my vert frame, same thing. i tried pushing directly on the sear. same thing. so the frame/trigger rod definately isnt it. it has something to do with the sear/valve/bolt/body, most likely the valve/bolt. can anyone help me? im wondering if i just did something really stupid without noticing it. in any case, any help would be appreciated as i really want to get it working.

Head knight of Ni
10-01-2005, 03:29 PM

10-01-2005, 03:56 PM
68/30 PE tank. same ive used since the first day with the gun.

10-01-2005, 05:52 PM
perhaps too tight of a spacer on the lvl 10? thats all i can think to say at the moment....

10-01-2005, 06:05 PM
perhaps too tight of a spacer on the lvl 10? thats all i can think to say at the moment....
the bolt slides fine, i dont think the spacer is too tight.

10-03-2005, 06:01 PM
im at my friends house now and we're swapping out parts from our two guns. his gun worked okay before. we swapped valves and then both markers shot, although not great. there was a bit of leaking, somtimes the trigger would lock up... both markers sometimes would get a lot of shootdown, to the point where you can hear the shot and a moment before the sear catches the bolt again. with a bit of tweaking either gun could be shooting fairly well... some of the time. we swapped back the valves and his gun shoots okay, mine shot one shot then stopped, same as before. i lubed my valve when it was in his gun (although for some reason it stopped shooting as soon as i dropped a few drops of lube in, but eventually i got it to shoot again)

10-05-2005, 02:40 PM
ok, so if we swap out the valves both guns shoot but not all that great. often my marker will fire one shot if i put it together then not at all after that. same thing if i use his frame. if i put his rail and sear on my gun it will fire (although somewhat mediocre) but if i put his sear in my gun it wont fire. we didnt have time to swap the ULTs.

does anyone think the problem would be solved by using an ordinary on/off? i dont know anyone who has one though unfortunately, so i cant test it...

10-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Add a shim to the ult and maybe your level 10 to. This has happened to me to. The stuff has to get broken in. Hope this helps you.

10-05-2005, 11:59 PM
tighten your FS screw a bit... you should hear it click the bolt back into place, you'll be right as rain.

10-06-2005, 10:02 AM
Sounds like your on-off pin is not opening to allow air into the front chamber. You should add a few ULT shims to your setup to correct this.

10-06-2005, 02:20 PM
Add a shim to the ult and maybe your level 10 to. This has happened to me to. The stuff has to get broken in. Hope this helps you.
i dont have any more shims :(. and considering i used my mag for about a year, im pretty sure it is broken in.

tighten your FS screw a bit... you should hear it click the bolt back into place, you'll be right as rain.
you mean rear grip frame screw? first thing i tried. i know that has a lot to do with ULE mags with the ULT. i tightened it as far as i could, and loosened it to the point where it was almost coming out... no luck.

10-06-2005, 08:00 PM
are you useing the trigger stops ..

if so back them out and try that maybe your not getting enough pull..

also check the brass bushing in the sear make sure it isnt moveing i had a brand new sear one time and it was a doa when i got it

the bushing would slide over and wouldnt let me get a shot off then sometimes it would be fine ..

10-09-2005, 03:46 PM
are you useing the trigger stops ..

if so back them out and try that maybe your not getting enough pull..

also check the brass bushing in the sear make sure it isnt moveing i had a brand new sear one time and it was a doa when i got it

the bushing would slide over and wouldnt let me get a shot off then sometimes it would be fine ..
its a logic frame so it came with trigger stops, i already backed it out. if you pull the trigger as far as you can, there is still space between the trigger stop and the frame.