View Full Version : I started playing (and now posting) again and...

10-01-2005, 06:19 PM
I bought my buddy's impy, with a delrin bolt, a turbo board, evil frame (i think is what he said) and a berzirk barrel with one inset (size unknown). Lat time i played for serious i used my mag, so i dont know much about an imp. Can anybody recomend some stuff i should pick up/ give me a crash-course in imp upgrades. I hear that the tapeworm is important, as is the lpr... thats about it though. I want to up one of my guns and sell the other, which should i keep? My mag is stock, i got a lvl 10 but it is not installed. I left my lvl 10 at home, so it is two states away and i need i nice gun fast (i could have my mom mail my lvl 10 i guess). I am joining my schools club, and they want a team next year i hear. So i have this imp that i know almost zero about.

Hello again all, and thanks in advance

grenaleins :D

10-01-2005, 08:01 PM
How old of an impy? I dont know that its required to swap out the LPR on newer impys. The tape worm helps with the first shot being weak. I'd play a few games with it before I'd look at any upgrades.

10-01-2005, 09:21 PM
Well it sounds like a lot of it is covered...I'd go to the feild, try it, and be really critical on everything you dont like...

10-01-2005, 09:23 PM
How old of an impy? I dont know that its required to swap out the LPR on newer impys. The tape worm helps with the first shot being weak. I'd play a few games with it before I'd look at any upgrades.
It isnt too old, it has a vision ready body too (no eye though). Maybe a 2K2 or 2K3. There is no LPR on it as of now. I have played a couple of games already, the gun is nice, but not outstanding. I just need to know what all i should get for it internal wise, so i can see if it will be cheaper to up my mag or the imp. Both will need money in them to get em where i want em. I just need to get a feel for what the best option is as far as value and quality.

Do i need to up every part or just the hammer or what? Will it greatly outdo my mag if i were to put in say and xvalve?

grenaleins :D

10-01-2005, 09:27 PM
the imp parts should be cheaper to find now that they arent making imps anymore. I would look into New Designz parts since they are the majority of parts that people like best.
If you have a tapeworm you dont relaly need a lpr but it doesnt hurt to get one. ANS Jackhammer II is a nice lpr for imps.

As for the Evil frame? I dont know what you're talking about with that one. PICS? I would get the WAS Equalizer board if you want a fast gun. It is a vision board so you can make your imp with vision and its uncapped which is a plus.

Check out the forum on pbn or look up Wolverine's FAQ website for imps.